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More and Even Better
DESPITE a steady downpour -until about 2 p.m., a record number of contestants in the Stoke-upon-Trent round (more than 140 drivers entered) put up an excellent performance, the overall standard of driving being even better than last year, Rain-drenched driVing mirrors and steamed-up cab windows did not deter
the contestants from scoring " an average lower penalty than last year. Lowest score was that of driver S. A. Wyatt with a total of 57 penalty pointslast year he was third in his class with 204 points, when' the lowest score was 67.
The same was also true of the team
award. which went to a team from Fisher and Ludlow Ltd. whose total was 339, compared with last year's team award total of 628. A local award, that presented by the TGWU to the best city team, went to a National Coal Board (Stoke) team, whose total was 495. Individual,marks for this team were: P. Andrews, 200;L. G. Brereton, 120. and A. Bagnall, 175.
Scores in the articulated classes were also good. the best marks for each of classes FM. F(2), G and H being (with last year's figures in parentheses, respectively: 110 (164): .130 (275): 162 (197);
and I 18 (408). Derek Most* RESULTS STOKE
Class A-up to 16 ft. and from 205 ewl.: 1, S. A. Wyatt (John Joule and Sons Ltd.), Austin. 57 penalty points: 2, A. G. Halifax (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris. 116; 3, K. Barr (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.). Morris, 123.
Class 11-16 ft. to 19 ft.: 1. A. Thompson (Seddon (Stoke) Ltd.). Ford. 132: 2. W. H. Harper (GPO Telephones, Stoke). Seddon. 151; 3. F. Brickley (Stoke-upon-Trent Cleansing Dept.). SD, 158.
Class C-19 ft. to 22 ft.: I., G. Bentley (Seddon (Stoke) Ltd.). Ford, 106; 2. A. J. Mots (Stokeupon-Trent Cleansing Dept.), Dennis. 106: 3. L. G. Brereton (National Coal Board, Stoke), Commer, 120, (Note; tint and second places decided on road test.)
Class 0-22 ft. to 25 ft.: I. A. Hunt (Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.), Morris. 113; 2, R. Edmonds (BRS (Parcels) Ltd.), Austin, 137; 3. W. Reeves (Lewis' Ltd.), Dennis, 141.
Class Eat-over 25 ft. two axles: 1. A. R. Mudd (Ftayling Bros. (Stoke) Ltd.), Ford. 66; 2, H. Ilott (Evade Ltd.). Austin. 129; 3. R. Thompson (British Oxygen Co. Ltd.). Bedford, 140.
Class E121-over 25 Ft., more than two axles: 1, T. R. Griffiths (Petrofina (GB) Ltd.), AEC. 160: 2.N Whitehouse (BRS. Tonsta11). Leyland. 159:
3. K. Harrison (Ind. Canoe Ltd.), ERF, 206, cLis, 1,1.1) ark tractive units under .1 tons. In Or sided seml-trader up to 38 ft.: 1. R. Hewitt (Fisher and I tallow Ltd.). Morris, HO; 2, J. Speakman (Arrhor Hughes and Sons (Haulage) Ltd.). Bedford, I211; 3. (Ti. Hewitt (Ind. Comae Ltd.). Leyland. In.
Class Fal-artle tractive units under 4 Ions. box Or tanker semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: I. S. Evans (BRS (Parcels) Ltd.). Leyland. 130: 2. C. Lowe (Sanolcs Fl.ctric Ca. )ad.). Ford. (63; 3. E. Nirkisson. (Sin:pies Electric Co. Ltd.). Ford. 235. Class C. -attic tractive units over 4 ions, flat or sided semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: I, B, Dunn MRS, TnnslaB). Bristol. 162: 2, D. Barlow ()IRS Tunstall). Bristol I.34; 3, J. Givnan (Eric Ben:rose Ltd.). AEC. Ti),'.
Class H ties or tanker semi-trailer with tractive u nit 4005 or over: I. J. Wood (BRS, Stoke), Bristol. 1.18; 2. G. Haute. (BRS. Tomtit). Bristol. 170, 3. I). Frearson (Michelin Tyre Co. Ltd.). L.:stand), 2a1 Team Award: Fisher and Ludlow Ltd.. (A. (3. Halifax. A lint. R. Hewitt).
Cuts Team Award (Scatcher Trophy awarded by TGWU to hest Stokc-upon-Trent team): NCB,
(p. Andr,,,. Brercton. A. Bagnall).
Favourite Disqualified INTERMITTENT heavy rain did not deter the drivers entering in this round from putting up excellent performances to carry off what can only be described as a wonderful collection of silverware. It was a had day indeed for B. A. Absolom, who has been a consistent class winner since 1958. In his class this year he was leading yet again, only to be disqualified for not having his 'driving licence at the start of the contest.
The overall winner. D. Buffer)+, gave a very polished performance with his AEC artic on all three tests. showing remarkable consistency of judgment of
distance. Another very good effort was that of D. Halton (Morris Motors Ltd., Cowley). who with his Morris incurred onl. 45; penalty points.
Drivers of the host company, S. Smith and Sons (England) Ltd.. Witney, walked off with two of the major trophies for winning Class B (J. Goff. 1171 points) and (lass F(1) (R. Pitts. 1241. The standard of vehicle maintenance was
e trcmcly hieh..the award for he best maintained vehicle (not C licence) going to W. Monk I HRS. Oxford) with his i 1 year-ohl Leyland. Ron Cater
Class A-up to 16 ft. and 201 cwt.: 1, R. T. Hillier (Petrofina (GB) Lid.). Bedford. 88+ penalty points; 2, T. F. Knight (Morris Motors Ltd.). Morris. 139l; 3, G. Harris (S. Smith and Sons (England) Ltd.). Austin. 92.
Class R -16 ft. to 19 ft.: I. J. Goff (S. Smith and Sons (England) Ltd.). Austin, 1171; 2. B. Smart Tuckwell and Sons Ltd.). Morris, 217+ points; only two entrants.
Class C--19 ft. to 22 ft.: 1. W. Watts (Becchams Toiletry). Bedford. 67: 2. D. Spencer (Schweppes (Home) Ltd.). Bedford. 791; 3, 3. Howard (Schweppes (Home) Ltd.), Bedford, 991.
Class D--22 ft. to 25 ft.: 1. D. Hatton (Morris Motors Ltd.). Morris. 45+; 2, F. G. Townsend (Shell-Men and BP Ltd.), Leyland, 674; 3, H. Stringer IS. Smith and Sons (England) Ltd.), Austin. 72. Class loll-over 25-ft. over two axles: I, R. F. Hanks (Church and Co. (Fittings) Ltd,), Ford. 175:
2, L. Cmsettari (Morris Motors Ltd.), Morris, 11371; 3. R. Johnson (139.5 Ltd.). Guy. 1951.
Class E(2) -over 25 ft. more than two axles: 1, A. Recvc.s (Shell-Men and RP Ltd.). Albion, 1111: 2. R. Stratton MRS Ltd.). Bristol. 1464: 3. R. E. Watts (Reed transport Ltd.). Foden, 1641 Class MI) attic tractive units under four tons. fiat or sided semi-trailer up to Mt ft.: I. It. Pitts (S. Smith and Son. (England) Ltd.). Austin. 124:
!fewer 2. R. (S. Smith and Sons (England) Ltd.). Austin. It"! 3, R. Price (1. Curtis and Sons Ltd.). Austin. !Sit.
Class El 2) 'attic tractive unit under four Ions, hot or tanker semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: 1. L. McCarthy (Recent Oil Co. Ltd.). Bedford, 123: 2. M. Eraman (Morris Motors Ltd.). Mortis. 1501).
3. NavIor (S. Smith and Sons tEngland) Ltd.). Anst:n. 1591.
Class Carlic Indite units over four Ions, flat or sided semi-trailer up to 3$ ft.: I. E. Nei-snip outs / Mi. AEC. 2051: 2, W. 17.. H. Parry (Reed transport Ltd.), Fodcn, 251-11: 3. K. Bcckford (Sonthf.rn Gas Board). Morris..,l05
Class If -hot or tanker send-trailer with Poetise u nit four tons or over: I. D. BuiTcry (Petrofina (GB) Lal.). AEC, 172; 2, R. Martin:ore (Shell-Mes „and HP Ltd.). AEC. 181: 3. f. Taylor (Shell-Hex and F1P Ltd.). AEC. 245.
'Overall Winner: l). Buttery tPetrotina (GB) Ltd.), after run-01T. 1771.
Team Award: Morris Motors Ltd. (D. Halton. T. F. Knieht. L. CassciLlril.
Plain Sailing
THE Portsmouth contest this year did not quite match up to the first-class organization and the superb facilities provided by the Royal' Marines Barracks' at Eastney. Nine of the 74 entries were from the Services, but more of these entries, particularly from the RAF and RN, will be sought next year.
Clerk of the course. Mr. A. E. Symonds, told me that. the performance standards of the lighter vehicles were down a little f,rom last year, hut the heavies were * as good as ever ". But one or two drivers of eight-wheeled, highsided vehicles, were most inexpert, despite power-assisted steering, "They call themselves drivers" was one caustic comment.
Noteworthy performances were put up by J. Baker (Southern Gas Board), winner of Class E(l) with 65; penalty points, and overall winner of the competition, L. T. Phesse (00 Telephones), Class R winner with 113 points. and J. Haskett, also of Southern Gas Board.
The organizing secretary. Sgt. B. L. .Hale, of the Portsmouth City Police, and his helpers deserve congratulations for a slickly-organized contest. Sgt. Hale, too, at the " mike" demonstrated professional aplomb, not least when he chided John Heaver Ltd., Chichester, for failing to return a cup won last year. Fortunately. R. Burrows, of Beavers, was again runner-up (with 1711 points) and. the' PAPC cup may rest undisturbed for another year. John Darker
Class A-up to 16 ft. and 201 mi.: I. A. J. Kcmn (Head PO. Portsmouth). Bedford. 1111 penalty points; 2. P. Bristow (Southern Gas Board). Morris, 1331; 3..E. Horning (Southern Gas Board), Morris. 1421.
Class B-16 ft. to 19 rt.: I. L. T. ',nesse WO Telephones), Morris. 11.3; 2, D. K. Douglas Ono. (7road Ltd.). Morris. 1891: 3, C. W. lock
Lida. Commer. 299.
Class C -19 ft. to 22 ft.: I. A. R. Tynan (Schweppes (Home) Ltd.). Bedford. 116; 2, 1-1. A. Hawkins (Schweppes (Horne) Ltd.). Bedford, 1411.; 3. R. R. Denham (Chivers Hartley ltd.), Bedford. 152. Class 1/-22 ft. to 25 ft.: I. 1. Williams (Batley Flour Milling Co. Ltd.), Albion. 109; 2, C. Fletcher (Corral's Ltd.). Austin, 1151: 3, J. Boyce. (Express Dairy Co. Ltd.). Morris. 117.
Class E(1)-over 25 ft.. two axles: I. J. Raker (Southern Gas Board), Ford, 651): 2. A. Lanning (Brickwoods Ltd.), Austin, 219; 3, P. Cotnplon (Brickwoods lid.). Austin. 232. Class Ea) over 25 ft., more than two isles: I. Haskett (Southern Gas Hoard). Soden. Ha); 2, R. Burrows (John Heaver Ltd.)., AEC. 1711); 3. E. Scott (Shell-Men and BP Ltd.), AEC. 1781.
Class F(11attic tractive units under four tons. flat or sided semi-trailer op to 38 ft.: I, W. Bartlett Ono. Croad Ltd.). Morris. 269; 2. D. Fisher (G. Cohen 60)) Group Ltd.). Commer. 302. Only two entries.
Cass P12)-artist tractive under four tons. bus or tanker semi-trailer up to 38 ft.: I. K. Pankhurst (Shell-Mex and BP lid.). Redford, 215; 2. K. E. Tobutt (P. Kecvil and Sons). Bedford. 301. Only MO entries.
Cass 0--urile tractive units over four tons. Bat or sided seml-traller up to 38 ft.: No entry.
Class 11-Iwtx or tanker semi-tralZer with traetise unit four tons or over I. C. W. Dibdiu (Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd.), Scammeli, MI. Only one • entry. Oserall Winner: J. Baker (Southern Gas Board). 65 points.
Team Trophy: Southern Gas Board (F. Horning. P. Bristow. D. Seaborn).