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U1VE or six short years ago commercial vehicle ferries were almost in the "rarity " class, except for the established ones...
SEPTEMBER 12 Lorry Driver of the Year Competition Final, 16-26 Frankfurt Motor Show. 20-24 Municipal Passenger Transport...
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IRU Press for TIR Extension in UK A T the recent meeting of the TIR committee of the 1RU considerable concern was expressed at...
N ATIONAL wage negotiations could profitably be amended by a narrowing of the gap between national rates and actual earnin g s....
FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT INCREASING concern is being I expressed in Road Haulage Association circles at the marked...
T the first meeting of the National Negotiating Committee for the Road Haulage Industry (Hire or Reward). in London on Tuesday,...
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THREE judges in the Court of Appeal I last week ruled that the Transport Tribunal was right in refusing to grant A licences for...
THE revised 49th edition of "The Commercial Motor" Tables of Operating Costs is now available through newsagents, price 5s., or...
QTEPS are being taken by Mersey Docks and Harbour Board to solve the problem of finding parking space at Birkenhead docks for...
,t – NN Monday the new Felixstowe-Rotterdam 1, -.1 roll-on ferry service of Atlantic Steam Navigation's Transport Ferry Service...
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MUMEROUS forms taken by road 1 I vehicles used for the purpose of through sea crossings were demonstrated this week by Coast...
T HE Swiss authorities have announced that the Customs post at Les Verrieres is again operating for TIR traffic as a Customs...
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THE Road Haulage Association and CAV Ltd. are co-operating in a scheme due to come into operation on Monday, July 26, and...
Association are being asked to pass information to area secretaries of shortages of spare parts and replacement units and of...
R OAD hauliers are seeking, and in many cases obtaining, increases in rates ranging from 34 to 6 per cent. This was stated by...
A NEW commercial service department to deal with policy, co-ordination and development of the main transport and associated...
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by the movement of long loads, members of the heavy haulage and machinery carriers' group of the Road Haulage Association are...
ra A NEW deal for the ever-increasing number of British road haulage workers who drive on the Continent was proposed in London...
the -Iofficial opening of Leyland Motors' new hall of residence for student engineers at Leyland. The ceremony will be at 3...
THE secretary of the Yorkshire tipping -I• group, Mr. J. A. Dewar, is visiting Stockton next week to discuss with the Teesside...
last week, whether the regulations to which the Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry referred in his answer on June 15...
I plain " No " when he was asked in the Commons last week to issue a general direction to the Traffic Commissioners to refrain...
growing in importance and in volume and the time had now come for us to accede to the Convention on the Contract for the...
was asked .the Commons last week to reconsider his decision to operate liner trains from open terminals. The suggestion came...
small goods vehicles towing trailers and showmen's vehicles forecast in The Commercial Motor of July 2 were approved by the...
From our Political Correspondent T HE Severn Bridge Tolls Bill, which provides for the levying of charges on transport using...
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TT has been announced by Duple Motor Bodies (Northern) Ltd. that all dealers and operators in the northern area should. until...
Newcastle upon. Tyne Corporation transport department that men trained as bus drivers were not adhering to their contract to...
QPEAKING at the annual general meet ing of the Western Welsh Omnibus Co. Ltd. on Tuesday, the chairman, Mr. A. F. R. Carling,...
'THE Greater London Council will shortly -Iopen discussions with the London Transport Board on the possibility of relating...
O RDERS received by Marshall of Cambridge (Engineering) Ltd. in the past few weeks include 75 30 ft. 6 in. bodies and 60 36 ft....
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TH E appeal of Machin's Transport (Surfleet) Ltd. and others against the grant of an additional A-licensed vehicle to G. W....
the first licences for articulated vehicles for use in connection with the new Hull-Rotterdam ferry service which is scheduled...
" VOU sold your soul ", said the West 1 Midland LA, Mr. John Else, when he adjourned an application by a Fenton haulier for a...
INCREASES to single. fares of United I Counties Omnibus Co. Ltd. were granted on Wednesday. The Eastern and East Midland...
L'OLLOWING the modified grant of I higher fares to Trent Motor Traction Co. Ltd, and Barton Transport Ltd., reported last week...
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D OUBTS as to the legal sanction for • Aand B-licence grants for less than the normal span perplexed the Transport Tribunal on...
of Eddison Plant Ltd:, the national plant hire organizatibn. • He Succeeds Mr. E. L. Taylor; who has retired from business....
Tkir. A. R. DUNBAR, a rnember of il f rthe British Railways Board, has been elected the next president of the Institute • of...
Ltd: Capt. G. C. Blundell has been appointed a director of the company, with main responsibility for personnel matters. Mr. W....
join the Isle of Man Railway Co. Ltd. next' Month as general manager of the company and its" subsidiary. Isle of Man Road...
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r E licensing system has begotten so ' much complicated procedure in its history that effective A-licence applications today...
I WAS not surprised when the Metro' politan Traffic Commissioner (Mr. D. 1. R. Muir) refused Parkinson's Coaches (Welwyn) Ltd....
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Requests in Six Areas NORTH ERN APPLICATIONS (July 7. 19651 Jamas Haulage, Thornaby, new A lie., I vat. (310. G.p.. within...
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STEELS BUY BRISTOL DEPOT THE Albion depot of Leyland Motors Ltd. in Whitehouse Street, Bedminster. Bristol, has been acquired...
L500,060 Order for Land-Rovers: An order for 700 Land-Rovers worth Om. has been received by The Rover Co. Ltd. from the Jordan...
-1-V-L the 1965 Fork Truck Driver of the Year Competition. The competition will incorporate a small exhibition of ancillary...
LL IVERPOOL Corporation passenger transport committee has recommended the purchase of a further 130 Leyland Atlantean...
B ASICALLY designed for an overseas market by ERF Ltd., this 66CU220 sixwheeled tractive unit (above) has gone into service,...
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THE new bodybuilding works of Wadhams (Coachbuilders) Ltd., opened last year at Waterlooville, Hants, is now in full production...
Accident Investigation Fact Finding F OLLOWING any major vehicle accident, with injury and damage, obtaining the facts and...
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and Publications Liquid Petroleum Gas Pump A LIGHTWEIGHT, compact, liquid-petroleum-gas pump. r - lcalled the Viking...
a leading N- 1 Japanese manufacturer are now obtainable in this country from Gray and Campling Ltd., sole cOncessionnaires in...
Vane Electrical Instruments Ltd. is claimed to be one of the most easily operated models now on the market. Vane technicians,...
in this country. Called Motorstor, it is made by the Nox-Rust division of the Daubert Chemical Co. of Chicago and is to be...
General .1 - 1 , Engineering" is now available free of charge from Alcan Industries Ltd. This 44-page publication is divided...
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(what the technical journals said of the Austin FJ) "I have seldom been as pleased with any vehicle in this weight category"...
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More and Even Better D ESPITE a steady downpour - until about 2 p.m., a record number of contestants in the Stoke-upon-Trent...
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ADVENT OF MOTORWAYS WILL BRING NEW MODELS BY ALAN HAVARD, M inst T I N some respects Japan is in the general vicinity of...
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Not haymaking but clearing up after an all fire at the works of Larkin Forge (makers of forgings for the motor industry . )...
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S ECTION 43 (3) of the Transport Act 1962, with something of 10 a flourish, finally gave the railways their freedom to charge...
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T'HE advent a the roll-on/off ferry era has I brought with it a demand for door-to-door deliveries to destinations beyond our...
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BY DEREK MOSES A semi-diagrammatic map illustrating the proposed central zone into which existing central " red" bus routes...
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aaaaalla s• • • 1111• 0 000 0 • • • s By S. Buckley, Assoc Inst T New. Cost Tables qE,LOOM in the annual revision of The...
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Insurance Lesson Learned THE threat of further and sharper rises in the cost of A motor insurance must alarm all private...
THE NEWLY-FORMED Road Haulage Enthusiasts' Club has been founded to enable people interested in that form of transport to meet...
YOUR journal seems to be read by practically everyone 1 in road transport, so I presume it is also read by our dispatch clerks....
Williams Hudson's Good Results A S had been anticipated by the market, the results for .t - % the year ended on March 31 last...
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By George Wilmot Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of Londor. THE TRANSPORT EXAMINER'S NOTEBOOK An Upsurge of...
E. H. Hunt (Transport) Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.:. E. H. Hunt. 277 Uxbridge Road, Mill Road. Rickrnansworth, Hems; B. H. Hunt, 121...