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Not haymaking but clearing up after an all fire at the works of Larkin Forge (makers of forgings for the motor industry.) which lasted 16 hours. (gee "Busy Week-end.") Touchy Subject By all accounts Parliamen
tary privilege is a very touchy subject these days. But in the heat of the moment let us not forget the elector is entitled to his privileges, too—such as official publications at reasonable prices.
Recently HMSO announced that the "Carriage of Goods by Road Bill—Standing Committee A" was available, In the event it turned out to be a single, folded sheet with tots of wide open spaces, two lists of committee members and an endearing exchange of gratitude between the chairman and the Joint Parliamentary Secretary.
And the price—Is. 3d., if you please! Over to you, Mr. Aubrey Jones!
Sheer Terror It will be interesting to see
whether Midland Red really do carry out their "threat" to use lady drivers. I must say I shall be surprised if " Brummies " take kindly to the suggestion. And from what I hear the gentlemen at present driving the buses aren't —not surprisingly—mad about the suggestion either. One was heard to remark, "This job is 80 per cent boredom, 10 per cent excitement and 10 per cent sheer horror ".
The Nelson Touch The organizers of the.-Ports
mouth LDOY are to be congratulated on a "gap filling" feature they laid on to fill the hiatus whilst the results were totted up. They put on a parade of. veteran commercial vehicles that were all, I think, at least 50 years old.
Four of these had been admirably resuscitated by Sparshatts, the vehicle distributors. They comprised z Vulcan van, about 30 cwt. capacity; a 2-ton Dennis truck in fine Whitbread livery; a Karrier flat, and an Alford with chain-driven rear axle. This last, in WD livery inevitably evoked images of "Old Bill ". I noted tht stowage for spare cans of petrol, oil and w4ter on the off. side of the vehicle, and pondered their vulnerability tc snipers' bullets.
The City of Portsmouth transport department brougtv along a perfectly restored, open-top double-decker (34 seater). This, I am told, was unearthed under a pile ol rubbish at the North End depot. it was cranked up and the engine went first pull after several years of incarcera. tion. Noteworthy were the V-type "cow-catchers" undet the rear wheels. The narrow spiral stairway, too, wa: typical of 1914-18 buses, but the brass handrail sadly needed a little elbow grease.
The driver told me he had driven the bus to Battersea and back three years ago without difficulty. It is licensed and, of course, gets an annual test certificate. Alas, the RF disc was not displayed, but the policeman present, jr true Nelson style, turned a blind eye.
Busy Week-end After the fire at the Larkir
Forge works at Chesham, Bucks, was finally extinguisher last Saturday afternoon, the three joint directors, Peter Alan and Derek Larkin, mobilized twenty of thei! employees living nearby, together with local electricians plumbers, etc., and worked through the night to cleat away several tons of burnt, charred straw from tin machinery and factory floor. They were forced to rig ug temporary water and electrical supplies. Surprisingly production recommenced on Sunday morning and, I understand, all orders scheduled for completion on Monday wen finished in time. The straw shown in my picture was used For cladding in the roof.
Special Dish Drivers who ply the London.
SouthWales route will be familiar with the Jubilee CaU at Northleach I called there the other day and was surprised (perhaps I should have said "alarmed") to see chalked on the menu board under the heading "Special Today "—" six-week-old kitten, free of charge ". Whilst the announcement of a free special course evoked not the slightest interest from the drivers present, 1 wondered what would happen if an RSPCA man happened to call in.