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E. H. Hunt (Transport) Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.:.
E. H. Hunt. 277 Uxbridge Road, Mill Road. Rickrnansworth, Hems; B. H. Hunt, 121 Highfield Way. Rickmansworth. Herts: I. Hunt. M. 3. Hunt. D. Ansell and P. T. McAteer, Sec.: E H. Hunt. Reg. office: 277 Uxbridge Road. Mill Road. Rickman.sworth. Herts.
Herbert Cotten (Lwow) Ltd. Cap. £100. Objects: To carry on the business of general carriers etc. Dirs.: A. Watkins and Mrs. F. Watkins, The Bridge House. ingrow Bridge, Keighley. See.; F. Watkins. Reg. office: The Bridge House. Ingrow Bridge. Kcighley.
C.N.C. Services Ltd. Can. (TOO. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage and transport contractors, etc. Dirs.: R. W. Norris. Sandieway: Mill Lane. Bardsey. nr. Leeds; A. Chadwick, lel North Park Road. Leeds 8. Sec.: A. Chadwick. Reg. office: Sandieway. Mill Lane. Barclsey, nr. Leeds A. J. Brush (Transport) Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: A. J. Brush and M. S. Brush. Woodharn Mortimer Place. Woodham Mortimer. Maldon. Essex. Sec.: M. S. Brush. Reg. office: Fullbridae Wharf, Ma Idon. Essex.
W. Shaw (Ettilngshall) Lid. Cap. £2.000. Objects: To carry on the business of haulage and transport contractors. etc. Dire.: W. Shaw and M. Shaw. 9 Fitingshall Road, Wolverhampton. Sec.: M. Shaw. Reg. office: 9 Ettingshall Road, Wolverhampton.
Hoyle and Cstimwood Transport Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: I). F. Grimwoml. 49 Apsley Road, London SE25: A. W. Hoyle. 96 Chatham Street. London SF.I7. Sec.: F. E. Grimwood. Reg. office: 49 Ansley Road. London SE25.
Mr:urinous:les Candies Ltd. Cap. f1.000.
F. S. Watmough and J. Dennison, 8 Vestry Street. Waketield Road. Bradford. Sec : M. Wannough. Rea. office: 8 eore' Sweet. Wakclield Road, Bradford.
G. W. Lowe Illaulatel Ltd. Cap. (1.000. Dirs.: G. W. Lowe and Mrs. L. M, Lowe, 37 Hatesowesi Road. Halcsowen, Birmingham. Sees L. M. Lowe. Reg. office: 37 Halcsowcn Road. lIalesowen, Birmingham,
Frederick A. Kilburn Ltd. Can. £100Objects: To carry On the business of haulage contractors. etc. Dirs.: F. A. Kilborn and Mrs. J. Kilburn. 36 Park Avenue. Denby Dale Road, Wakefield. Sec.: S. Hari. Reg. office: 16 and 17 East Parade, Leeds 1.
G. W. Jones araneport) Ltd, CaP. £100. Dirs.: F. Jones and G. W. Jones, 96 Bushbury Lane. Wolverhampton. Sec.: F. M. Chilton. Reg. office: 96 Bushbury I ane. Wolverhampton.
Bandon Haulage Ltd. Can. £100. Stubs.: L. H. Lewis and F. A. Dean. 6 Surrey Street. London WC2. Sec.: F. A Dean. Reg office: 6 Surrey Street. London WC2.
Capeseai Haulage Ltd. Cap. £100. Other details are similar to Bandon Haulage Ltd.
WOlinni Conway and .S_ons (Transport) Ltd. CRP. £1,000. Subs.: I. Herbert and T. A. Herbert. 156 Strand. London WC2, Sec.: T. A. Herbert.
Harris (Holmes Chanel) Ltd. Can. £100. ohiects: To carry on the business of haulage contractors, etc. Sidles a M. Graeme and P. G. Grneme. 61 Fairview Avenue. Gillingham. Kent. Sec.: D. M. Gramm.
G. E. Mycock and Sous (Boston) Lid. Cap. £1.0110. Ohiecis: To carry on the business of haulage cortwactor; and carriers. etc. Dirs.: G. E. ?Aycock, 50 St. Peters Road. Fluxion. Derbys: f). W. Mycock. 162 Victoria Park Road. Ruston: H E. Mycock and K. G. Mycock. Sec.: H. E. Mycock. Reg. office: 50 St. Peters Road. Buxton. Derbss.
C. S. Ellis (Haulage) Ltd. Cap. £15,000. Dirs.: C. S. Ellis. Bridge Pit Farm. Luffenham Road. Kelton. nr. Stamford. Lincs. Sec.: F, E. Flinch. Reg. office: &merest. Luffenhain Road. Kelton. nr. Stamford. Lincs.
FEL Contractors. CO. Ltd. Cap. 1:100. Objects: To carry on the hosiness of haulage contractors. etc. .Dirs.: E. C. Lewis and F. E. Lewis. 30 Birkbeck Road, 1: nndon, W3. Sec.: F. C. Lewis. Reg. office: 30 Birkbeck Read. W3.
J. T. Ward Ltd. Can. £100. Objects: To carry on the business of general carriers, etc. Subs.: A. F. Ward and F. F.. Ward, 174 Orrell Road. (Wren Post. nr. Wigan. A. E. Ward signs as director. Reg. office: 174 Farrell Road. Orrell Post. nr. Wigan. Pershore Transport Ltd. Cap. £1.000. Dirs.: D. C. Ricketts and Mrs. J. H. Ricketts. Norconside, Eckington, Pershore. Wores: T. S. Jones and M. Jones. Oases Hill Farm. Powick, Worcs. Sec.: J. H. Rickeas. Reg. office: Nortonside, Eckington, Pershore. Worcs.
WIIS:am A. Jay and SOUS (Haulage) Ltd. Cap, £1,0110. Dirs.: E. Jay and I, Jay. 11 Lovers Lane. Atherton, nr. Manchester. Sec.: J. Jay. Reg. office: Colonial Mills. Bolton Old Road, Atherton. nr. Manchester.
Fordham and IS:strict Coaches Lid. Can. £1.000. Subs,: E. G. Palmer, 16 Mill Road, Fordham, C'ambe: R F. Palmer. 29 Mill Road, Fordham, Cambs. Reg. office; The Garage, Occupation Road, Cambridge, Northern Road Services (Vehicles) Ltd. Carl. £1011. Objects: To carry on the business of motot haulage contractors, etc. Subs.: J. P. Davisson, 65a Fenchurch Street, London. EC3; P. I. Charles, 25 Nursery Close, Shirley, Croydon. Surrey. Sec.: I. P. Davisson..
C. F. D. Chadwick (Haulage) Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: C. F. D. Chadwick, Tudor Rose, BVISCOte 1.ane, Newbold S'erdon. Leies: F. W. Chadwick, 16 Brsscote Lane. Newbold Verdon. Sec.: R, G. Sharman. Reg. office: Allen House. Newark Street. Leicester.
Burgess Haukure (Rayleigh) Ltd. Cap. £100. Dirs.: R. Williams. 16 Grange Gardens. Rayleigh. Essex: S. Burgess. 10 Lawson Road, Enfield, Middx, Sec.: R Williams. Reg, office: 16 Grange Gardens, Rayleigh.
Kelvin' Taylor Ltd. Can. f100. ()Mem: Tr: earn oLi the business of carCers and haulage contractors, etc. Dim: El. Taylor, 2 Stafford Road. Sr. Helens Lams: K. :Taylor, 162 Boundary Road. St. Helens lance: B. Taylor and J. A. Percival.
Cheadle Avenue Transport Ltd. Cap. €100.
Dirs:: W. E. Kearns, Helmsdale ". Kingsley, Cues: H. W. Kearns. 46 Harthin Road, Liverpool 18, Sec : H. W. Kearns. Reg. office: 10 Dale Street. Liverpool 2: • South Fimsall Transport Co. Ltd. Can, COO. Dirs.: R. Askew and Mrs. B. Askew, Victoria Bungalow, Common Lane, Upton, 'pr. Pontefract. Sec.: B. AskeW Reg. office: Victoria Bungalow, Common Lane, Upton. nr. Pontefract.