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Traders Attack Clearways Platt

16th June 1961, Page 37
16th June 1961
Page 37
Page 37, 16th June 1961 — Traders Attack Clearways Platt
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

A PROTEST meeting organized by the National Chamber of Trade "to bring into the open the fears and apprehensions of all concerned with commercial life" was held at the Festival Hall, London, on Wednesday.

Mr. J. W. Stevenson, general secretary, said the methods being adopted for the control and regulation of traffic were causing unnecessary and disproportionate disturbance to the pattern of distribution and transport. The continuance of such methods would disrupt the whole scheme of transport operating and the distribution of goods.

Of what use was it to speed the flow of traffic along a road if, when it reached its destination, it was not allowed to stop because there was no place for it? He accused the Minister of Transport and his advisers of viewing the problem in too restricted a manner.

"As traders we are concerned with the delivery of gpods to us and the delivery

by us of sales to our customers," he said. To think in terms of turning urban thoroughfares into a clearway for part of the day, leaving them to revert to their original usage for the rest of the day was "muddled thinking" and planning at itS worst.

"We look to the Government to produce an overall plan," said Mr. Stevenson, " May we,respectfuIly remind the Minister of Transport that he is the Minister of Transport and not solely the Minister of Traffic."


THE accounts for Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., for the year ending March 31, last, show a net profit of £335,636, against £353,189 for the previous year.

Revenue went up from £5,574,363 to £5,803,805. but operating and maintenance expenses rose from £4,144,815 to £4,332.494.