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R EADERS of The Commercial Motor must forgive a slightly cynical, resigned tone in the following words. Many of them in fact...
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7 .,dward Holmes p RACTICAL training has proved the foundation for many a successful career and, despite the fact that " father...
A TEAM of 10 Vauxhall Motors apprentices are to run (yes RUN) from John o' Groats to Land's End in six days, starting on July...
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T HE ,long-awaited written reasons for their decision in the Merchandise Transport appeal were given last Friday by the...
Merchandise Transport, Ltd., first applied to the Metropolitan Licensing Authority on February 5, 1960, when they asked to vary...
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From our Industrial Correspondent N EARLY 3,000 van drivers employed by British Railways in various parts of the country came...
T HE key to the problem of the future viability of the main-line railway system is the possibility of radical modification of...
T HE Minister of Transport is hoping produce by July the new regulations about the placing of the excess fuel device on...
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General Sir Brian Robertson, until recently chairman of the British Transport Commission, has joined the board of the Dunlop...
T HE Minister of Transport does not expect to decide about compulsor direction indicators on vehicles until he can be guided by...
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FROM A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT IT is understood that a meeting will be held on Thursday, June 22. between the I Ministry of...
A PROTEST meeting organized by the National Chamber of Trade "to bring into the open the fears and apprehensions of all...
From our Industrial Correspondent ONDON TRANSPORT EXECUTIVE I-1 are faced with another heavy claim from its busmen. They are to...
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From our lndmstrial Corres-pondent. QOMETH1NCi is being done at last to *--) stop the series of dock strikes, particularly in...
fiEMBERS of the Road Haula g e AssoIVA elation are being asked to put forward suggestions to help the Rochdale Committee...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE Minister of Transport agreed in the Commons this week that some lorries were so...
Dealing with Mr. Hanlon's revocation of the company's A licence and the entire rejection of Dent's application for a new...
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D ESPITE a plea from an objector that bulk grain carrying vehicles were standing idle, the Western Licensing Authority. Mr. S....
F OR the purpose of discussing common problems a meeting of timber hauliers and representatives of London's port and shipping...
LSTER TRANSPORT AUTHORITY rates and fares are to rise by about 10 per cent. It is exactly a year since the last increase. The...
MORE FOR BRADY: A repeal order for 12 Leyland Super Comet tractors ha.s been placed by T. Brady and Son.s,. Ltd., of...
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From our Parliamentary Correspondent T HE House of Commons was last week presented with a petition calling for the rejection...
A T Liverpool last week, the Kirkdale Haulage Co., Ltd., were granted eight additional A vehicles of 66 tons by the North...
THE R.H.A.-recommended 10 per cent. I increase in rates was given as the main reason why H.M.W. Transport, Ltd., of Stepney,...
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" A NI , resort with an eye to the future will study carefully new motorway plans and use their influence with the authorities...
A T the third annual conference of the National Co operative Traffic Managers' Association, held in Blackpool from June 10 to...
J UDGMENT was reserved at the conelusion of the second day's hearing last week into charges against Road Services (Caledonian),...
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L L over the world, road operators complain that the railways, usually because they are state-controlled, are given...
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THE PROBLEMS )F MAJOR CONTRACTORS SOLVED BY SIR ROBERT McALPINE by A Special Correspondent T HE transport problems of the...
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Experimental Foden Eight wheeler Fitted with Mark IV 210-b.h.p. Diesel Engine Averages 60.5 m.p.h. and 8.9 m.p.g. on Motorway...
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by Malcolm Hodd F EW hauliers are equipped to deal with 640 customers scattered over three eounties whose average consignment...
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A PRECEDENT may have been set by the organizers of the Coventry round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition on Sunday. A...
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L IGHTand medium-weight eniries I— , scored by far the best marks in the Newcastle Lorry Driver of the Year Contest last...
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ass Setting by A. J. P. Wilding W ITH the opening of the International Construction Equipment Exhibition yesterday, Crystal...
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introduced by Joseph Lucas (Batteries), Ltd. It is identical in capacity and design to the existing carsize battery. filler...
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The . Institute of Public Cleansing Conference at Aberdeen Reported O UT of an estimated t45m. spent annually on Britain's...
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Who Pays for What? Though the Basic Principles of Commercial Vehicle Costing Remain the Same, the Proportion of' Expenses...
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LL ATEST development by Dunn's Motors, Ltd., of Taunton and Spencer (M'elksham), Ltd., who combine to produce bodies for bulk...
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Gold Rush Subsided, But Many Decisions Pending F ROM "Applications and Decisions .' to hand this week, it would seem that,...