Belfast barriers bea LDoY
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• The Portstewart round of the LDoY competition, due to be held tomorrow, Saturday, has been postponed. Security forces in Northern Ireland advised the Portstewart committee that they anticipated many major roads in the province would be barricaded, thus impeding the progress of the road route section.
Earlier, entrants from Londonderry and Belfast had told Mr Alistair Duncan, the Portstewart organizer, that if the barriers were erected again this weekend their vehicles would be unable to leave the cities. These drivers were entered at Portstewart because their own events had been cancelled earlier in the year.
Mr Duncan told CM that there was no question of the round being cancelled: "It has only been postponed", he said "and all of the competitors and marshals are waiting for the new date". Normally all LDoY eliminating rounds have to be completed by the last weekend in July to facilitate arrangements for the Final, but because of the circumstances the national secretary is making special arrangements for the Irish competitors and the possibility is that the Portstewart event will take place on either August 19 or 26 three or two weeks before the Final.
Strong Edinburgh challenge Four of the eight-man Edinburgh team at this year's LDoY Final have been to Bramcote before and their presence on September 10 must put the Scottish capital in with a strong chance for the team prize. Drivers Littlejohn, Briggs, Morrow and Strathdee have returned scores which are among the lowest in the whole country and they aggregated only 507 penalty points. Of the 12 prizes in the artic section, Freightliners Ltd lifted five and also won the team award.
Having axle spacings that comply with the DoE's new regulations, this 32-ton-gross tipping semi-trailer is produced by Neville Industries (Mansfieldl Ltd, Mansfield, Notts, and has a tipping geometry similar to that of the company's Super Ratesaver. It has a capacity of 20 Cu yd and a body length of 22ft, while its unladen weight is 4 tons 4 cwt, a high-tensile steel version being available that weighs about 4 ton 1 cwt. The tipping gear is an Edbro single-ram unit.
Rigid vehicles
Class A: up to 20ft and over 1 ton unladen: 1, I. Colquhoun (Scottish Gas Board) BMC, 193 pts;
2, G. Tully )NCL) Commer, 202; 3, A. Forsyth (GPO) BMC, 210.
Class B: over 20ft to 24ft: 1, K. Ritchie (SGB) Bedford, 266; 2, D. Urquhart (SGB) Bedford, 277;
3, R. Paul (Gulf Oil Co Ltd) Albion, 306.
Class C: over 24ft to 28ft: 1, H. Littlejohn (BOC) BMC, 112; 2, S. Macfarlane (Tennents Caledonian Breweries Ltd) Bedford, 212; 3, A. Knox (Texaco Ltd) Ford, 357.
Class D: over 28ft: 1, J. Briggs (BOC) BMC, 97; 2, T. Galloway (Scottish and Newcastle Breweries Ltd) Foden 138; 3, J. McCruin (DoE) BLMC, 209.
Artics Class E: flat or sided or drop-frame, up to 40ft: 1, T. Morrow (NCL) Karrier, 152; 2, S. Pardue (Scottish and Newcastle Breweries Ltd) Bedford, 408:3, E. Ward (Freightliners Ltd) Guy, 424.
Class F: box or tank to 40ft: 1, G. Johnstone (Freightliners Ltd) Guy, 124; 2, W. Keddie (DoE) BLMC, 180; 3, J. King (NCL) Bedford, 279.
Class G: flat or sided, flat or drop-frame, over 40ft: 1, J. Hewitt (Freightliners Ltd) Guy, 208; 2, A. Knox (Freightliners Ltd) Guy, 336; 3, A. Law I8RS) AEC, 476.
Class H: box or tank over 40ft: 1, E. Strathdee (Shell and BP Ltd) Scammell, 146; 2, R. Cameron (Freightliners Ltd) Guy, 192; 3, J. Murdoch (Russell of Bathgatel Atkinson, 270.
Overall winner: E. Strathdee.
Team award: Freightliners Ltd (G. Johnstone J. Hewitt and C. Savery).
Rigid vehicles
Class A: up to 20ft and over 1 ton unladen: 1, Cpl Tester (RAF St Athan) Karrier, 324 pts; 2, D. E. Murphy (BRSL Bridgend) BMC, 363; no other entrants.
Class B: over 20ft to 24ft: 1, Cpl Creamer (RAF St Athan) Bedford, 262; 2, S. C. Worgan (Beecham Products) Bedford, 386; 3, D. M. Maddocks (BRSL Parcels) Austin, 397.
Class C: over 24ft to 28ft: 1, CpI Leggatt (RAF St Athan) Bedford, 82; 2, C. A. Roderick (BRSL Parcels) Austin, 121; 3, D. Smith (BRSL Pontypool) Bedford, 179.
Class D: over 28ft: 1, P. Hall (BRSL Bridgend) Ford, 364; 2, A. Jones (BRSL Cardiff) Ford, 367; 3, V. Barber (Gulf Oil Co Ltd) AEC, 422
Artics Class E: flat or sided or drop-frame, up to 40ft: 1, J. Green (BRSL Newport) Bedford, 70; 2, D. Williams (BRSL Parcels) Bedford, 87; 3, Cpl Edwards (RAF St Athan) AEC, 95.
Class F: box or tank to 40ft: 1, R. G. Sinden (BRSL Gloucester) Seddon, 169; 2, R. S. Evans (BRSL Parcels) Bedford, 314; 3, R. T. Owen (Bateman and Sons Ltd) Bedford, 327.
Class G: flat or sided, flat or drop-frame, over 40ft: 1, K. P. Street (BRSL Newport) Seddon, 118; 2, B. Finn (BRSL Cardiff) Seddon, 123; 3, Cpl Fennell (RAF St Athan) Ford, 134.
Class H: box or tank over 40ft: 1, C. Warren (BRSL Bridgend) Seddon, 112; 2, D. M. Goddard (Conoco Ltd) ERF, 131; 3, R. Cleaver (Texaco Ltd) AEC, 199.
Overall winner: J. Green.
Team award: BRSL (J. Green, B. Finn and C. Warren). LONDON
Rigid vehicles Class A: up to 20ft and over 1 ton unladen E. Oakley (Rank Film Laboratories) Morris, 34 2, R. Oldham (PO, NW1) Morris, 71; 3, Jackman (PO, W5) Commer, 175.
Class 8: over 20ft to 24ft: 1, M. Tame (Cadb Schweppes Ltd) Bedford, 132; 2, R. Harvie (I NW1) Bedford, 138; 3, M. Headless (PO, NV Bedford, 151.
Class C: over 24ft to 28ft: 1, R. Clarke Sainsbury Ltd) Bedford, 203: 2, R. Phillips IR Xerox Ltd) Ford, 204; 3, D. Crute (Hall Aggregat AEC, 268.
Class D: over 28ft: 1, E. Lough (Rank Xerox L Ford, 244; 2, M. Crook (G. M. Gerrards) Bedft 399:3, M. Parks (G. M. Gerrards) Bedford, 450.
Artics Class E: flat or sided or drop-frame, up to 40 1, W. Crooke (Cadbury Schweppes Ltd) Comrr 102; 2, J. Howard (Cadbury Schweppes I. Atkinson, 144; 3, P. Rickford (Express Dairy) Ft 370.
Class F: box or tank to 40ft: 1, D. Whit( (Harvey, Bradfield and Toyer Ltd) Bedford, 143: E. Rodenburg (Harvey, Bradfield and Toyer L Bedford, 153; 3, J. Pamphlett (J. Sainsbury L Bedford, 187.
Class G: flat or sided, flat or drop-frame, m 40ft: 1, S. Grubb (Osma Plastics Ltd) Ford, 346; A. Betteridge (Nestle Co( AEC, 481; 3, J. Hur (Cadbury Schweppes Ltd) Atkinson, 574.
Class II: box or tank over 40ft: 1, D. Bro (Conoco Ltd) AEC, 134; 2, S. Scauldine (Petrof Ltd) Atkinson, 286; 3, R. Redding (Kodak Ltd) A 297.
Overall winner: E. Oakley.
Team award: PO NW1 (R. Oldham, C. Toppi and R. Harvie).
Rigid vehicles
Class A: up to 20ft and over 1 ton unladen: J. Pagedd (Sketchley) Ford, 430 pts; 2, L. Paber (Sketchley( Ford, 441; 3, A. Aucott (Leicestersh County Council) Ford, 451.
Class B: over 20ft to 24ft: 1, T. Langht (Crowfoot Carriers) BMC, 229; 2, P. Elliott (Pren Concrete) Leyland, 241; 3, M. Measom (Crowft Carriers) Leyland, 248.
Class C: over 24ft to 28ft: 1, D. Ellis (Hoov, Ford, 259; 2, P. Clarke (Hoover) Ford, 267; 3, I Pickering (Ketton Cement) ERF, 274.
Class 0: over 28ft: 1, B. Belsham (British Sh Corporation) Bedford, 87; 2, P. Garlick (Briti Shoe Corporation) Bedford, 179; 3, M. Ca (British Shoe Corporation) Bedford, 205.
Class E flat or sided or drop-frame, up to 401 1, K. Magee (NCL) Karrier, 225; 2 N. Seyrric (BRS) Seddon, 291:3, M. Perry (NCL) Ford, 299. Class F: box or tank to 40ft: 1, T. Crawfc (Conoco Ltd) Leyland, 174; 2, H. Esson (NC Bedford, 237; 3, P. McDonald (Ketton Cemer ERF, 248.
Class G: flat or sided, flat or drop-frame, ov 40ft: 1, R. Edwards (BRS) Guy, 204:2, W. Yout (BRS) Guy, 209; 3, J. Brooks (National Coal Boar Atkinson, 337.
Class H: box or tank over 40ft: 1, N. Pear (Texaco Ltd) AEC, 186; 2, P. Straw (BRS) Gu 235:3, D. Thomas (Freers Ltd) Foden, 397. Overall winner: B. Belsham.
Team award: British Shoe Corporation ( Belsham, P. Hagan and D. Allen).