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The judicial hand that grasped the nettle of the container dispute has been sharply stung. The unions are understandably...
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London dockers bottle up Leyton container depot in bitter struggle between TGWU factions by John Darker • A dramatic...
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• Work is well in hand at British Leyland on the design of a "much advanced" doubledeck bus, Mr Marcus T. Smith, director and...
NOT LIABLE FOR SHOP STEWARDS' ACTIONS • The Transport and General Workers Union was absolved from liability by the Appeal...
• Owner driver Mr P. H. Ward, from Leicester, is the first truck operator to run a Ford 28-ton rigid eight-wheeler. He wanted...
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from our Parliamentary correspondent • Mr John Peyton, the Minister for Transport Industries, was closely questioned in the...
• 4 The Government last week resisted further demands for legislation compelling heavy goods vehicles to keep a certain...
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birthday • As part of a "massive effort" in the Transport and General Workers' Union to avert a national docks strike —...
• The influx of one-man haulier businesses to Sutherland became a major factor in the shut-down last week of one of the...
• Livingston RTTI'B Motec, at Deans Industrial Estate, Hardie Road, Livingston, West Lothian, was officially opened last week...
• First private employer within the enclosed London docks to be approved as an Inland Clearance Depot — loading and unloading...
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John Peyton tells Europe's Transport Ministers at London meeting • The communique issued at the close of the 35th session of...
continued from page 13 the appeal. This means that each side pays its own share of the £50,000 costs. Giving judgment, Lord...
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• Britain intends to take a tough line in talks with the EEC on plans to increase axle loading limits for Continental lorries....
The European Conference of Ministers of Transport was formed in 1953 to co-ordinate and promote the activities of the...
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• The Portstewart round of the LDoY competition, due to be held tomorrow, Saturday, has been postponed. Security forces in...
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• A surplus of £1,564.000 achieved by the Merseyside Passenger Transport Executive for the year ended December 31, 1971, was...
• Bee-Line Roadways, Middlesbrough, have appealed against the decision of the Northern area Traffic Commissioners giving United...
• Discussions between the DOE and representatives of local authorities' associations began last week about a possible new...
• The chairman of the National Bus Company, Mr F.A.S. Wood, and his executive board, are, says the NBC, "to explore every...
• Local authorities in most rural parts of Scotland now recognized the valuable role they could play in supporting uneconomic...
• Advanced courses on urban transport systems and land use are to be provided for senior local government officers at a new...
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• The West Midlands Passenger Transport Executive completed the year ended December 31 1971 with a credit balance on the year's...
• Crosville Motor Company is to introduce new and faster coach services between Merseyside and London. Opening of the Midlands...
• Following CM forecasts regarding the introduction of a double-deck version of the Anglo-Swedish Metro-Scania bus, and...
• A report on the feasibility of giving buses priority at traffic junctions published this week shows that worthwhile time...
• A "first" claimed by E.G. Wilder and Son Ltd, Feltharn, Middlesex, is the delivery of a Seddon Pennine 12-metre coach fitted...
• More than 5000 pensioners in Paisley have now obtained passes for the free bus service run for them by the Western SMT Co at...
• The Spanish firm of Pegaso, in which British Leyland has a 25 per cent share, is to supply the Transimport, the Cuban state...
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from our political correspondent • London Transport bus service managers were condemned on Wednesday as "a blMkered...
• Belfast Corporation's transport corn-. mittee is to get a £750,000 shot in the arm from the Ministry of Development. Last...
D. E. A. Pettit, chairman of the National Freight Corporation and president of the Chartered Institute of Transport; is to be...
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• The South-Eastern LA decided to curtail two vehicles from the licence of Family Laundries Ltd, of Bartholomew Street,...
• It did not appear to be generally known to magistrates that under Section 7 of the Road Traffic (Amendment) Act 1967 persons...
• Labour disputes at Hull docks and the changeover from carriers' to operators' licences, followed by fierce competition and...
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• A vehicle operated by Birmingham Corporation salvage department was overloaded to such an extent that when its driver, Mr P....
• Fines and costs totalling £641.50 were imposed on West Midland haulier F. and D. Burton Ltd and 13 of its drivers when they...
• The owner of a Lincolnshire haulage firm which had been summoned on three occasions for overloading was warned at a Section...
• Reporting restrictions were imposed at Bootle magistrates court this week when one TGWU official and two shop stewards were...
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• A Mercedes 309D coach fitted with a 21-seat Charterway Cocker Courier body has recently entered service with Hanworth Acorn...
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by Paul Brockington, MIMechE A new strength and high thermal efficiency is achieved in bodybuilding when a non-absorbent...
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view by the Hawk • Hilton at home It was a disappointed Ralph Hilton who stood on the Albert Embankment last Saturday and...
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Scandinavian truck cabs are often held up as shining examples. Here is one report which casts some doubts. by a special...
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In view of the many complaints and strong criticisms received regarding the performance of British commercial vehicles and the...
Compulsion, Legislation and the Road Transport Industry Training Board: You may well ask what these three have in common, and...
Congratulations on your excellent article entitled "1972: Britain phases out last trolleys" {CM: April 7 1972). In this...
I am 171 and have been interested in commercial vehicles — particularly psv — for over four years, and I am now employed by a...
More miles, less cost • Operating costs can be divided several ways — confusingly so for the newcomer to commercial vehicle...
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Richard Teager • Boosting National Carriers Ltd from the inheritor of a £20m annual loss to a profitable trading company in...
The official weigh LT the scale do turn But in the estimation of a hair, Thou diest and all thy goods are confiscate LORRY...
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workshop by Handyman Understanding metrics (1) SOON we must face up to a complete metric future where all our well-known...
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Temperature Control than meets the eye By Paul Brockington M.I.Mech E Good engine cooling may depend on a variety of...
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D ism issal without notice • An employer retains the right to dismiss a man without notice. This needs saying in present-day...
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answered a question regarding towing articulated vehicles and referred to the restriction on such towing if the combination of...
plan my programme of vehicle purchases over the next year or two. Could you assure me that the recommendations apply to my type...
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The owner-driver set-up has not inhibited RMC's approach to a ticklish question BECAUSE of the fragmented nature of the...
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by Les Oldridge, AMIRTE, MIMI Disposal of Poisonous Waste Act, 1972 (1) MANY Acts of Parliament which forbid anti-social...
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MY VISIT to Hendon convinced me that the police are as concerned as the industry about the enormously confusing array of...