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Union veto not on, say angry bosses

16th June 1978, Page 16
16th June 1978
Page 16
Page 16, 16th June 1978 — Union veto not on, say angry bosses
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

BRITISH Institute of Management director general Roy Cl has called for more recognition for managers in the White Pa on employee participation.

Speaking in Glasgow last week, he said: "The government has totally ignored our pleas that participation should not be based on legislation.

"But even worse, they have put up proposals which give trade unions an effective veto over allowing managers into the proposed joint representation committees. BIM finds this situation totally unac ceptable."

He added that BIM h written to the Prime Minis and was writing to Tra Secretary Edmund Dell stati its detailed objections.

BIM feels also that its do4 ment, Employee Participat, – The Way Ahead, show: better path towards industi democracy than does t White Paper.