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iEW message to owner-drivers was delivered by Transport and General Workers' Union Elands supremo Alan Law at the-weekend: join...
IEMPTS to ban the export of livestock from Britain have been attacked by Road Haulage ociation national chairman John...
TAXATION of lorries based on laden weight and axle configuration will be brought in, it is hoped, by 1979-80, said John Horam,...
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MORE control of the haulage industry and more licences are needed to give the owner-driv better deal, the British Association...
Compulsory fitting of tachographs would cost about £100 million overall, with recurring annual costs of £40m, Transport...
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ZANSPORT Minister illiam Rodgers has told the eight Transport Association at he will not intervene in e row over the...
LSPBERRIES and other soft fruit could rocket in price and bs are in danger because of EEC drivers' hours rules. Haulage ms in...
TRAILER Systems of Newham has put itself in the hands of the receiver because the company has been too successful in its four...
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A NATIONAL network for training within the road haulage industry has been established and includes the technical backing of the...
KENT County Council hl reserved a 400-acre site ne the Dartford Tunnel for po sible use as a freight transf terminal. Derelict...
BRITISH Institute of Management director general Roy Cl has called for more recognition for managers in the White Pa on...
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NEW commercial ferry ser e has been launched beten Shoreham and Dieppe. A ily service will be operated the Paris-based company...
LAST YEAR was another record one for the Dover Harbour Board, with both freight and passenger traffic increased beyond its...
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ONLY 1,298 transport managers have so far taken the examination for the Certificate of Professional Competence, said Department...
A VITAL part of good industrial relations was to keep good records said Howell Parry, Midlands Advisory, Conciliation and...
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IPANIES operating in the gtock and agricultural . s are often small and have flt training needs as )sed to training opportun,...
JUT 15 per cent of all tock is estimated to be on move at any one time, said Meat and Livestock Com5i011'S senior technical :er...
Mr Denne outlined the Young Driver Training Scheme and the grants available under the scheme, but he warned that young drivers...
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GLOVER Webb and Li v sidge is to introduce a sma version of its 202 refuse lection vehicle at the Insti don of Solid Waste Mana...
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OIL will run out in about 30 years if present rates of consumption are maintained, said Energy Under Secretary Dr John...
A LIQUID road tanker designed and developed by Trailer Developments of Southampton, built in glass reinforced plastics and...
THE BRACKNELL-base transport fleet of the Indus rial Gas Division of Air Pri ducts Ltd is to be equippc with the Aerofiner air...
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EATER Glasgow PTE has ced a £345,000 order for a r-change" fares collection tern. The executiveexpects 425 nex E power-driven...
NDALISM is the greatest eported crime of our day, ahael Robbins, London Lnsport managing director iilways) told a meeting of al...
HOURLY wage rates for some skilled fitters in oil related industries are almost double those for bus fitters in the Aberdeen...
go-ahead LONDON Transport's increased fares effect on Sunday, despite a Price Commission investigation. Designed to increase...
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THE ARTICULATED bus has definite advantages for British use, according to South Yorkshire PTE. South Yorks has just published...
BUS Priority Schemes is the latest report published by the National Bus Company's Marketing and Operational Research Unit based...
GREATER Manches Councy Council is consider disposing of its option purchase a controlling intel in the Blundell coach grout The...
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3ETTER image for public transport, personalised service to ssengers and a reduction in vandalism need a return to...
CRITICAL traffic oonditions on the German autobahn network in the Frankfurt region should ease later this month when a new 59km...
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"MY DEEP throat in the Labour Party has shown me a secret group report on freight," said Maggie's brother Cromwell. ''It makes...
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has t explained the onfusion" about the 1R-CGI consumer arantee project. If ything, he has made it nse! In the first place,...
We are badly in need of an owner-driver association in the West Midlands. I would be prepared to start one here if I could get...
In the course of my business, I do a fair amount of travelling and have noticed the increasing domination of non-British...
Writing about tachographs, P. J. Gray (CM, May 12) seems to forget that a miner or a docker does not have under his direct...
Just a few lines to say "thank you" for the latest edition of the "Guide to British Commercial Vehicles" issue. I think you...
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must go anywhere Military vehicles mean more thai a khaki paint job. In our two-par guide to the market, Grahar Montgomerie...
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new ground... by Bill Brock HIS MONTH at Stonefield's sctory at Cumnock, ,yrshire, Scotland, full prouction will begin of 4x4...
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EVERY YEAR 7,500 members of the Armed Forces are taught to drive at the Army School of Mechanical Transport. The school is...
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NOTHING succeeds like success our recovery conference is the latest proof we have. This year's event at SEM E Bordon was even...
MY addictions include Amsterdam, travel by water and traditional jazz. I was able to indulge all three last weekend by courtesy...
RACING car enthusiasts and there are many alic•u,. .eux readers should be interested in a new publication which becomes...
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THE WORD Juggernaut, or as it should be spelt Jagannatha, was coined by a Daily Mirror journalist some years back as a derisive...
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'HE VARYING and inTeasing needs of both minary and civilian airports for apid intervention vehicles Scammell to reappraise its...
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by John Durant THE MOVEMENT of priority freight deserves priority maintenance: and that is just what the vehicles at RAF...
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HE FODEN medium nobility range of military 'ehicles was designed with wo major objectives in mind to achieve the required...
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LIEN the most hardened Davy haulage contractor ould probably blanch at the vspect of moving fifteen Iparate indivisible loads,...