Many Fares Increased with Few Modifications :
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Big Losses Expected OPERATORS in widely separated parts of the • country last week received permission to introduce higher charges on their services. The Potteries Motor Traction Co., Lid., has been granted its blanket fares application almost as applied for, and smaller concerns operating in the P.M.T. area have been allowed. to vary their fare accordingly.
The following operators are affected: Milton Bus Services, Ltd., Stoke-onTrent Motors, Ltd.. Thomas tilstone and Sons, Ltd., Wells Motor Services, Ltd.. Baxter (Hanley), Ltd., Messrs, T. Becket, Messrs. H. and J. Davies, Messrs. C. M. Dawson, Messrs. MainWaring Bros., Messrs. Proctor and Son, Messrs. Rowley and Son, Staniers, Ltd., W. Stonier and Sons. Ltd., and Sutton Motors (Stoke-on-Trent), Ltd. All the concerns are based on Stoke-on-Trent.
WORKMEN"S HALF FARES Variations granted include a lid: minimum rate, 20-percent. increases on scholars' contract tickets, the abolition of adult contracts, and of ordinary and workmen's return fares below Is. 3d. Concession fares will in future be available before 8.30 a.m. at half the adult single rate, with a minimum of lid. Certain single fares are to be increased.
Trent Motor Traction Co., Ltd., introduced newly authorized workmen's return and express-service fares last Sunday. Day return fares on express services are unchanged, but single and period returns are increased by 7 1/7 per cent. Workmen's rates are raised by amounts varying from Id. to 5d. Scout Motor Services, Ltd., and W. C. Sta nde rwick, Ltd., operating express carriages between Blackpool, Colne. Fleetwood and London. have also been granted higher charges.
Fares of David MacBrayne and Co., Ltd., are to be brought into line with those charged by other units of the Scottish Omnibuses group. Granting the variations applied for, the Scottish Licensing Authority has permitted increases of almost 20 per cent. on all fares.
3$. 6d. RATE FOR BUSES A rate of 3s. 6d. in the pound was levied by liedwas and Machen Urban District Council last year to meet a deficit at March 31, 1950, of £4,500 on the corporation transport department. This year the loss Will be £3,787—a 3s. rate—but increases applied for and granted last week will increase revenue by £5,000 a year. The fares of the undertaking will go up by ld. on single and return journeys.
Operating in the area between Monmouth and Aberystwyth, the Western Welsh Omnibus Co., Ltd., making its first general application for increased fares since 1929; when the company was formed, was last week granted an additional id. on Id. and 4id. tickets, ld, on tickets between 5d, and 11d., and 2d. on tickets between 11d. and 2s. In all, 147 services are affected, but routes to collieries in the Rhondda area and to B2 Neath, Lianelly. Ninmanford and Port Talbot are not concerned, higher fares having already been granted.
Bedlington and District Luxury Coaches, Ltd., Ashington, and E. Marshall and Co., Ltd., Newcastle-onTyne, applying for increased fares on nine joint services, were told by the Northern Licensing Authority that he could not consider a profit of £484 on 20 buses as reasonable. The new fares were granted.
Rates charged by the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Traction Co. on trolleybus services were the subject of an inquiry at Nottingham. An estimated loss of 2d. pet mile was expected this year, and the concern proposed to add id. to single tickets up to 4d., Id. to tickets above 5d., Id. to workmen's fares between 3d. and 5d., and 2d. to those .above 6d. Agreement had been reached with Nottingham Corporation concerning rates on services in the corporation area.
Running costs in 1938 were, it was stated, 11.77d. per mile, producing a profit' of 2d. a ,mile. In 1948, running costs had become 22.23d. per mile and profit 0.62d. per mile. Estimated 'minim, costs for this year were 23.05d. per mile, resulting in a loss of 2.06d. per mile. Estimated receipts for this year were21.16d. per mile, compared with 23d. per mile in 1948. In 1951, the deficit would amount to £10,943.
Nine other operators on the routes covered by Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Traction Co. would seek variations of fares if the application were granted, it was stated, and the Licensing Authority said that they might ask for dispensation if it were authorized. Charges on bus services operated for the company by Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd., were also considered. 11 was proposed that these be raised by id. up to 4W. and Id. thereafter. Decisions were reserved.
During the hearing by the Yorkshire Licensing Authority of Leeds Corporation's application for. fares amendments, it was stated that the proposed new charges were within the statutory maximum rates laid down by the Leeds Corporation Act of 187L If granted in full, the application would produce an additional £390,702 a year. Shortened stages, revised . children's fares, withdrawal of 2W. tram tickets and 2id. and 31d. bus tickets were suggested.
By the end of this month, the undertaking would have incurred a deficit, this year, of £157,313, accumulating to £438,753 next year on present fares.
New applications for blanket increases have been lodged in the Yorkshire Traffic Area by the following operators: East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd. Hull (children's fares): Yorkshire Traction Co„ Ltd. (160 services); West Yorkshire Road Car Co., Ltd., and York Corporation, operating jointly: East Midland Motor Services, Ltd.; Todmorden Corporation, and' Yorkshire Pool Services, operating co-ordinated express services to London, Liverpool. Newcastle and Middlesbrough.
It is believed that permission will shortly be granted to Southend Corporation to raise the minimum trolleybus fare to lid. South Shields Corporation has now filed its application for revised charges.