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I ARGER buses do not increase traffic conI gestion. On the contrary, their ability to take up and set down passengers more...
Many Women in TAXI driving amongst Prague are Becoming I women is becoming popii TaXi Drivers . lar in PragOe, the capital of...
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Of a visitor to Brighton wishing for wider bus seats or narrower passengers. That the cure for the complaint is wider buses....
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IT appears that the standing corn' mittee of the House of Commons which is to consider the Transport (Amendment) Bill is to...
r ONCLUSIVE evidence of the rise in the cost of living, brought about by the increase in taxation on road transport, is...
A T a sitting of the Scottish Licensing Authority, last week, the right of the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., to benefit from a...
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F REE hauliers could expect no assistance from the British Transport Commission, said Sir David Maxwell Fyfe, K.C.. M.P., at...
THE Swedish Linjebus company, which runs buses all over Europe, has ordered 100 vehicles from A.C.V. Sales, Ltd. They include...
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"PONTRACT road vehicles are a threat to nationalized services and should not be 'allowed." This was a complaint referred to the...
P RoviNCIAL governments have been authorized by the Government of Pakistan to nationalize road transport. State control will...
Ma. T Bormv, A.M.IMECH.E., has been .appointed chief engineer of Cumberland Motor Services, Ltd. MR. L. A. BYRNE has been...
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S UPPORT for milli hauliers (other than bulk hauliers) in obtaining long-distance permits came from the Milk Marketing Board...
R EPLYING to a petition protesting against the fares increases granted to Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., last _ September, Mr. A....
QTATIST1CS on accidents from transport undertakings are studied by the Road Research Laboratory, and they are to be...
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Big Losses Expected O PERATORS in widely separated parts of the • country last week received permission to introduce higher...
• Aktiebolaget Hans Osterman', Birger Jarlsgatan. 18, Stockholm, has been appointed Thornycroft agent in Sweden. During last...
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['WO years ago, the national council of the Traders' Road Transport ssociation was uncertain whether to mtinue the Devon and...
A STRONG refutation has been made by Lord Hurcomb, chairman of the British Transport Commission, to charges by northern...
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IS Red and White Services, Ltd., a 'State-owned company, entitled to increase fares without permission from the Licensin g...
A NEW ferry service between Granton and Burntisland, across the Firth of Forth, was to start yesterday. 1r is operated by Forth...
S TATING that the appellant should be afforded an opportunity of showing that he could run a business, the Minister of...
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A Special Correspondent W HILST Britain remains Holland's principal supplier of commercial vehicles, German products are...
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The House of Lords Decision in the W. H. Smith Case Arms the Cornmission with a Weapon that Could be Used to Destroy...
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A NOTABLE example of light-alloy construction is afforded by the :ommer water -tender now in service with -the Evesham division...
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A VISIT to an international motor show abroad is always of interest, because where British vehicles are staged in force it...
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C LOSER examination of the debate on the second reading of the Transport (Amendment) Bill shows that, possibly because of...
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Catches On A NCILLARY transport. users are catered for more completely by the pick-up type of vehicle than by any other. The...
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I IKE your contributor Mr. K. N. Russell, who in "your issue dated February 23 suggested a compromise permitting 30 m.p.h. in...
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Our Costs Expert Explains How Charges Should be Calculated, so that Slack Periods may be Tided Over, and Examines the Different...
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THERE are many circumstances in which a tractor-drawn trailer may become so bogged down that the tractor is unable to shift it,...