Thornycroft Omnibuses in Malta.
Page 22

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Introduction of the Motor Vehicle Confers Inestimable Advantages on the Island.
11e were able to quoted above, after
make an exclusive announcement, in kair issue of April _hilt (page 79), Fe: specting the sale of "r_ hornvcrott motor vehicles to a syndicate whose members intended to exploit a service oL in road transport, both tor passem;ers and .goods, in the Island of Malta. The illustie a ion given at that -date may be regarded as the startingpoint for a scheme which promises to be repeated in many localities where any -other form of transport is practically inadmissible on the score of the undue .cOst of installation.• A service of motor bu ,es built by John 1. Thornycroft and -Company-, Limited, at the Basingstoke works, was successfully inaugurated -on October 2nd, and it is confidently anticipated by the promoters of the enterprise that it will prove of great benefit to the Maltese public. The scheme was originally conceived by Mr. Edward T. _Agius, a Maltese gentleman, who has been residing in Englaa I for many years, and is well known in the City as the head of a large coal exporting business. Mr. Agius, when on a visit to Malta early this year, decided that his native Island ought not to stand behind the times in modern methods of lowomction and transport, so he forthwith made arrangements with his brother-in-law, Major Muscat, K.O..M.R., and -various other parties, to I ono the syndicate, which is shortiv to be registered in England under the Companies Acts. The undertaking has conferred on Malta the inestimable advan. tag-es of a motor bus and transport service. The vehicles .commenced running at .1 o'clock in the afternoon of the day Thornycroft omnibuses in the garage at a predminary beriediction had been pronounced at the setrage by Monsignor Muscat. This rel,gious ceremony, in connection with a new development, is quite in accordance with Maltese sentiment.
There are five vehicles on the road at oresent : one single. deck 20h.p. bus accommodating t6 inside passengers, four 3 6-seated double-deck 24h.p. omnibuses, and one 5-ton lorry. All are doing good work. The starting point is Porta Reale, immediately outside the town of Valetta, whence the route proceeds via Floriana and Pieta Cre,(k, and, skirting the quarantine harbour, continues to the pretty suburb of Slietna, a favourite summer resort of the wealthier Maltese. Thence the road winds round the coast of St. Julian 's Bay, and, ultimately, to Pembroke Camp, which is the terminus.
The fares have been fixed, tentatively, at id., 2d., 3d_, an1 4d., according to distance, the total journey from Valetta to Pembroke Camp being about seven miles. No expense has been spared by those concerned to make the venture a success, and a large and commodious garage, fitted with the requisite repairing shops, electric light, motor pits, etc., etc., has been erected at Misida, about midway on the route. NVe may add that if the venture meets with the anticipated success, it is intended gradually to extend the service through other parts of the Island ; but, of course, before this can be done, a considerably larger number of omnibuses will have to be provided.