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Representatives of the Motor Van and Wagon Users' Association are to appear before the Royal Commission on the Motor Car Acts...
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An important announcement b) business department appears on page 176 of this issue. We firmly believe that the day is past and...
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The Mersey Railway Company's motor omnibuses are being fitted with Royal Sirdar Buffer tyres. The business of White's Carriage...
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Specially written for "The Commercial Motor" by H. Howard Humphreys, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Mech.E., Consulting Engineer on Roads...
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How Trouble may be Avoided. Attention has been drawn more than once in the pagrs " THE COM Si SIKCIAL MOTOR within the last...
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What to See—What Must Not be Missed. By the Editor. 7- 10-m4m - row (Friday) will witntee, the .opening of the fourth Annual...
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Introduction of the Motor Vehicle Confers Inestimable Advantages on the Island. 11e were able to quoted above, after make an...
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Mr. J. Meeredy MacLulich. Mr. James Merredy MacLulich was the originator of twill and triplet tyres, and of the mileage basis...
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SIXTH ARTICLE. We give a further section in continuation of the series which has been published at intervals since our issue...
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Motor Fire Plant. The Editor, " THE COMMERCIAL Moron." Sir :—In your account of the new motor fire apparatus for the...
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(Concluded from page 152.) The effect of the combination of the two constituents in a steel designed to resist torsion is...
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At the last meeting of the Society , of Engineers, held at the Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall, on Monday evening,...
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Important Discussions in Committee. A meeting of the committee of the Motor Van and Wagon Users' Association was held at 119,...
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Nu. 2ti,eos, catecl December 6th, tec.4—Friction clutch.—Arbey.— The clutch member (G) is fast on the driving shaft (H). The...