Men Worth Knowing.
Page 23

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Mr. J. Meeredy MacLulich.
Mr. James Merredy MacLulich was the originator of twill and triplet tyres, and of the mileage basis for tyre supplies. These departures, were there no other good reasons, give him a claim to inclusion in our gallery of " Men Worth Knowing." He started business with the old Dunlop Tyre Company, three of whose directors are now associated with him in the Sirdar Rubber Company, Limited. A valuable training was acquired, both inside the old works at Dale Street, Coventry, and as the Dunlop Company's expert business representative. Mr. MacLulich went to Australia, in 1892, in order to start the Dunlop business there : he was able to carry all the operations to a successful issue, and to see a very large profit earned before he left for England again after a visit extending over some 18 months. This initiatory work was ace o m plished singlehanded, and the subject of our notice enjoyed a few months' well-earned holiday on his return to the Old Country. He next became head of the Dunlop Company legal and patent department, and its carriage and motor tyre departments. It .will thus be seen that when, in the year 1897, Mr. MacLulich decided to start business on his own account, he had at his finger tips the practical and business sides of the tyre trade, coupled with an extensive acquaintance with the many intricate problems affecting patent law in this branch of the industry. His active brain is still occupied over the introduction of improvements in the manufacture of rubber, as much as in its efficient application to the wheel rim, and Mr. MacLulich is an ardent believer in the value of solid rubber tyres in preference to pneumatics—for the man who is not: indifferent to expense. He holds this opinion in regard to pleasure cars as well as vehicles of commercial types, because he feels satisfied that an enormous number of motorcar owners will be content with moderate speeds.
Mr. MacLulich was born in the Isle of Man, but is a Scotehman by descent; in fact, he is in the, direct line from Lulach, and the Lyon King of Arms has granted him the right to the Royal Macbeth coat of arms. Many people think Mr. MacLulich is an Irishman, but this probably arises from his long association with that country. lie is an old member of the A.C.G.B. and I., a member of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, and an ardent motorist. He looks after his cars himself, and has driven many thousands of miles a year for several years. His recreation is farming, and the pleasant little spot at Barnet where he resides is illustrated herewith, He is only 31.
Mr. John S. Napier.
Mr. John Stewart Napier provides an exception to the ease of the prophet who is not without honour save among his own people and in his own country. The Arroi-Johnston car, notwithstanding the handicap of the name (" Mo-ear "). chosen by the ptoprietors of the original syndicate, has enjoyed a high reputation in Scotland for upwards of nine years. That local appreciation has now been changed into a world-wide respect, by reason of Mr. Napier's success in constructing a new model, and in steering it to victory in the first International Tourist 1 rophy Competition. Mr. Napier belongs to a family of engineers; his great grandfather was Robert Napier, the famous shipbuilder, and one of the great me;) Ito made Glasgow and the Clyde what they are to-day. The line of descent from that date has been respected in many engineering circles, and it may be met,timed, incidentally, that Mr. Montagu S. Napier, of London, belongs to the
--same family of Na
piers. Mr. Napier was born in Glasgow, in the year 1871, and was educated at Ardenlee and Larchfield schools, Helensburgh, front 188o to ISM; after this he had a public schoo! experience of three years at Loretto. His first term of ap
prentic eship was served front July, 188o, to August, 1888, in the works of John Collins, Ltd., Bowling, and a total of six and a half years was made up in the works of Messrs. Robert Napier and Sons, of Glasgow. Tile last eight months of his time were passed in the drawing office, and Mr. Napier continued as a draughtsman from January, ,S94, until May, 1895. The variety nf the experience which he was able to gain may be gathered from the fact that, during his apprenticeship, he was given independent work on the R.M.S. " Ophir," H.M.S. " Gibraltar," and on other steamers, so that when he left Messrs. Robert Napier and Sons, with a view to managing paper mills at Denny, he was well equipped, both mentally and physically, to accept charge of a large commercial undertaking. Small wonder that Mr. Napier was made managing director of John Collins, Ltd., of Denny, in the year 1898; and it was owing to his conspicuous ability that Sir William Arrol picked him out for the position of general manager to the Mo-car Syndicate, Ltd., in November, 1902.
Few men work harder than Mr. Napier, who is at it early and late, yet he has successfully imbued his staff and all the men in the Underwood Works at Paisley with a similar spirit; we must congratulate him upon the excellent esprit de corps which exists in the factory. Still, with his usual modesty, he arrived back at Paisley, after the Tourist Trophy Rae, unannounced and without display—a fact which much grieved the employees who had prepared to give him a rousing welcome. Mr. Napier, who is now managing director of the New Arrol-Johnston Car Co., Ltd,. is a member of the Soeety of Engineers and Shipbuilders in
Scotland, and a member of the Soc. M.M. and T. Ht takes great interest in athletics, having played cr4cket for Stirlingshire, and Rugby football for the West of Scotland.