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16th October 1936
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Page 48, 16th October 1936 — TO THE FORE AT
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SPLENDID opportunity for

piroad-transport operators to inspect the full range of Fordson commercial vehicles is afforded at the Ford Motor Exhibition which opened yesterday at the Albert Hall, Kensington, London, W.7, and closes on Saturday, October 24. In addition to the standard range of models, numerous coachbuilding concerns are exhibiting examples of their special bodies for Fordson chassis, whilst various interesting demonstrations of the Ford company's manufacturing and servicing methods are being staged. Fordson tractors, agricultural implements and industrial units are also on view.

A New Model for 25-cwt. Loads.

Amongst the exhibits of special note is the recently introduced 25-cwt. model. This useful light chassis fills an important gap in the concern's range of commercial vehicles and it should make a wide appeal to commercialvehicle operators who require a machine capable of dealing with light and medium-weight loads at the minimum operating costs.

This model was fully described in The Commercial Motor .dated August 14 last, and it is powered by the concern's 2,33-litre V-8 engine. Salient features of the machine include semiforward control—giving a body length of 8 ft. 6 ins, on a chassis having a wheelbase of only 8 ft. 10 ins.—low unladen weight (25 cwt, for 'chassis and cab), light controls and easy rnanceuvrability.

Driver's Comfort Considered.

Shown in lorry form, the vehicle has pleasing lines and a distinctive appearance. Drivers, in particular, will be attracted by the cab, which is roomy and well fitted, giving a degree 'of comfort equal to that obtained in a private car. The machine comes within the 420 taxation class and, although rated fru. 25-cwt, loads, the chassis is guaranteed for an overload of SO per cent. in excess of this figure.


Taking the range of standard models in the order of their pay-load rating the smallest vehicle on view is the 5-cwt, van which has as its basis the Fordson 8 h.p. chassis. The body meets the requirements of many retailers, and the vehicle has an attractive appearance. The effectiveness of . a well-planned and carefully executed display can be judged by the example exhibited, the panels of which have been treated by Multiplex Display, Ltd.

A Popular Fast-delivery Model.

Another van which has a high advertising value is the 15-cwt. model. This machine has a V-8 engine and a distinguished performance, and provides adequate space for the load. The capacity of the body is 120 cubic ft.

Mention should be made of the Ford utility van, which, although it is not, strictly speaking,,, a commercial vehicle, is a valuable adjunct to the economic management of large estates.

In the 2-ton class the popular forward-control lorry is to be seen. A feature of this machine is the generous loading space available—the body length is II ft. 3 ins. The V-8 engine, which develops 80 b.h.p., gives a high powerAo-.weight ratio, and thisbetokens a . first-class performance' with good lasting qualities.; the power unit is, during the major portion of its working life, operating well within its capabilities. This chassis is also to be seen equipped with a neat van body. Introduced last year, the Forxison Tug mechanical-horse unit is designed to deal with loads up to two tons. It is available for inspection in conjunction with a two-wheeled trailer, the latter being a product of County Commercial Cars, Ltd. Points worthyof note on this model are the simplicity of the design—making for easy maintenance—the roomy cab, the generous equipment and the automatic coupling device, A machine which has quickly gained a fine reputation amongst hauliers is the Fordson 3-tonner. and this popular model, which was seen for the first time at last year's Ford Show, is now on view in chassis form, and with a 4-cubic-yd. all-steel body, with Anthony hydraulic end-tipping gear.

An interesting Chassis Exhibit.

The unique features of design, common to many of the Fordson models, may be inspected at close range on the chassis exhibit. We anticipate that the 3-ton chassis will prove a centre of interest for road-transport operators.

Attention should be drawn to the outstanding features of the Anthony all-steel body, which is of special value in the sand and-ballast trades, and to the Anthony tipping gear. The latter is a pipeless gear, thus eliminating leakage and pressure troubles, and it has an automatic shaking device which is particularly effective in dislodging . loads of a glutinous nature.

Anthony Hoists, Ltd., Minerva Road, Park Royal; London, Ti.W.10, is the maker of the all-steel body and the tipping gear, both of which find a place in the standard range of .Fordson vehicles.

Six-wheelers are represented by the Fordson-Sussex chassis; ;which is designed: for a. pay-load of 4 tons. The. power is transmitted, toall four wheels of the bogie.

Wide Range: of Fordson Tractors.

A variety of Fordson tractors' is CM view, and the agricultural' machine is to be seenwith spade Tugs ors one rear wheel and cleats on the other; to. showalternative equipment. The Fordson rand utility tractor is availablefor in spection, and this has-a Firestone prienmatic tyre on one rear. wheel and a Dunlop low-pressure tyre on the other. The tractor exhibits are completedby the industrial model,_ Which is an economical unit suitable, for heavy haulage

in many spheres. of a.ction. .

An ambulance ccatipletes the range of commercial. vehicles exhibited' directly by the. Fotd. concern_ Mounted on a special Ford. V-8ambulance chassis. having'fOrWarel, control,. the body on view isTitted for twO stretcher cases,

one sitting patient and an attendant. Complete equipment is provided and every detail is of high quality. The body is a product of Herbert Lomas, Ltd., 10-32, City Road, Manchester..

Industrial Units Well Displayed.

In the section displaying the wide range of industrial power units manufactured by the Ford Motor Co. Ltd., various engines are shown in sectioned form, illustrating the sturdy construction and. straightforward design.. The Allan Taylor Engineering and. Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 126-128.L. High Street,. Wandsworth, London-, S.W.,. las on view an example of its Super Power tractor model, which Moor-. porates the Fordson fotir-cylindereil Btype power unit..

Several tractors,, powered by Fordson engines, are exhibited by H. Pattieson and Co., Ltd., Stairmore; and this concern is also displaying a 30-ei.vt. roller and the Pattisson-Broake portable centrifugal pump.

Stationary power units for many purposes form the main, exhibits of the Weybuna Engineering. Co., Ltd., Elstead, Surrey, which is also showing the W.E. speed. governor and. magneto conversion set suitable for all. Fordson

models. . The WE. . V-8 model is equipped with tlie' Burns .silent reduction gear, and, this outfit is suited for marine or industrial purposes.

Equipment for Fordson Tractors.

Before .dealing with theexhibits of coachlmilding concerns, mention should be made of' the. wide range of equipment for Fordson tractors that is shown.. Special-purpose conversions of the Fordson tractor are arranged. by Stab/May (Tunbridge Wells), Ltd., 15, Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, and the Row-Crop Fordson conversion exhibited-is specially 'suitable for cultivating work on crops planted in rows. Further exhibits of this concern are implements designed for tractor opera

tion-, and accessories. The Wheeless Cultivator, attached to form a unit with a tractor, is specially suitable for row-crop work.

The Cookshutt sell-lift tractor plough, which attracted special attention at the Cirencester demonstration this autumn, is being shown, by R. A. Lister, and Co., Ltd., Dursley ; various tractor implements with accessories _figure amongst the exhibits of the Midland Implement Co., Ltd., Cawe Street, Evesham, and A. E.. Those, Halberton, Devon.

Advanced Design in a Small Coach.

Turning now to the. numerous exhibits of bodybuilding concerns and Ford dealers and agents,. an outstanding example of small passenger-yet-Ude design is to be seen in the striking 20-seater coach shown by Harold j. Willett,. Ltd., nigh Street, Colchester. The body is finished in an attractive two-colour scheme of crimson lake and cream, with polished-metal external mouldings. Dunlopillo is used for the seat squabs and generous leg400irt is afforded„ the distance. from seat back to' seat back being 31 ins., This concern also has on view, out-.

side .the a 20-seater coach. providing a similar standard of balmy. Both vehicles are eqnipped with a

sliding roof, • , W. Harold Perry,. Ltd., Invieta

Works, North Finchley, London, N.12, is to the fore with a neat laundry van, which has as its basis the new Fordson 25-cwt. chassis. The body is designed to take either full-length doors at the rear, or roller shutters, • and the sides, which are convex, are panelled in metal-faced Plymax.

In addition to showing the trailer for the Fordson Tug, previously mentioned, County Commercial Cars, Ltd., Fleet, Hants, is exhibiting a special three-wheeled van based on a modified Tug chassis. Known as the Devon Distributor, this machine is, as far as the back of the cab, a standard Tug model. The frame has been extended, however, to accommodate a commodious van body having a capacity of 120 cubic ft.

Weighing, unladen, less than a ton,. the vehicle is capable of dealing with loads of 12 cwt. to 15 cwt. and, due to its small turning circle (22 ft.), it possesses special advantages when operating under heavy traffic conditions.

A Commodious 25-cwt. Van.

Another example of a special van body for the Fordson 25-cwt. chassis is featured by Arthur E. Gould, Ltd., Chenits Street, London, W.C.1, and ample room is available for bulky loatls, The inside dimensions of the body are, length 8 ft. 8 ins., width, 5 ft. 3 ins., and height 5 ft. 8 ins., whiist the capacity is 234 cubic ft. This concern also has on view outside the Hall a special oversize Luton van, the capacity of which is approximately 000 cubic ft.

Three other Well-known concerns are also showing, outside the Halt, exampIes of their special bodies. H. E. Nunn and Co., Ltd., 282, Bury New Road, Manchester, has on view a 15cwt. van designed specially for the gown trade. The interior is finished in green baize, with a lino floor and suitable rails and divisions are provided for carrying the dresses.

Wallace Carr and Co., .Ltd., 31-45, Acre Lane, Brixton, London, S.W:2; is B16 showing two examples of the Lawson Overtype Luton body mounted on the Fordson 2-ton forward-control chassis, to which is fitted a middle extension. These vans provide exceptionally large loading space for the transport of light, bulky goods; one machine has a capacity of 1,250 cubic ft. and the other 1,040 cubic ft. This concern's exhibits are completed by the )3aico-Baby—a forward-control 5-cwt. van having a capacity of no less than 100 cubic ft.

The Pulimore Luton van, having as its basis the Fords= 2-ton chassis, is featured by A. Ferraris, Ltd., 200-220, The Broadway, Cricklewood, London, N.W.2. Features of this body are a rear well with a special " " ramp in place of the usual tailboard, and a flap instead of rear doors. When opened, the last-named is supported on iron stays, and it enables loading to be carried out under cover. The body capacity is 1,050 cubic ft. .

The final exhibit outside the Hall is the latest Fordson breakdown truck, as used by the Ford dealer organization. Full equipment is provided to cope with all emergencies and the vehicle is based upon the Fordson 2-ton chassis.

Many Displays of General Interest.

Of Considerable general interest are the exhibits displaying the facilities offered by the Ford . concern, andvisitors may witness demonstrations of sotne of the remarkable measuring in

struments used at the Ford Works, Dagenham. •The laboratory test set, known as the "mechanical doctor," is available for inspection and the instruments incorporated provide a quick -means for testing every condition that can affect engine or electrical-system performance.

The Ford unit-exchange plan is itt evidence, and illustrates the rebuilding process step by step. Service engineers, in particular, will be interested to see two mechanics strip a V-8 engine in Six minutes and reassemble it in but nine minutes.

A range of battery chargers is shown, and their functions illustrated, by the Westinghouse Brake Co., Ltd., York Road, King's Cross, London, N.1, and Multiplex Van Displays, Ltd„ Victoria Road, North Acton, London, N.W.10, is giving interesting demonstrations of the application of art to modern motorvan display.

A novel feature Which is being staged is a demonstration by the boys from the Ford Trade School, who are to be seen opeeating machines brought in from the Dagenham works. These boys are paid during, although none of their work goes into production.

New and interesting films are to be seen in the cinema hall, and the Show, which provides a great deal of interest to commercial-vehicle users, is open from 10 a.M. to 10 p.m. each day. Admission is 1s. 3d.

Whether the visitor to this remarkable one-make Show is a Ford enthusiast. or not, he will find much to hold. his attention. He will undoubtedly be greatly impressed by the wide range of Ford products displayed, also by the many exhibits of concerns whicn specialize in catering for the Ford user.

The many novel features and the brilliant setting make this year's Show as entertaining as it is informative, and many original ideas in the art of displaying the vehicles have been evolved. An all-day musical programme is provided, and special concerts have been arranged each afternoon and evening. Hundreds of free seats are available for the foot-weary. '