Three New Licensing Authorities Appointed
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THREE new Licensing Authorities have been appointed and will take up their duties in the next two months. Two are drawn from the legal profession and one from the Civil Service. Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon is to take the place of Mr. S. W. Nelson as Northern Licensing Authority on November 1. Mr. Nelson is to succeed Sir Arnold Musto as Western Licensing Authority. Consequent upon Mr. H. J. Thom, South Wales Licensing Authority, succeeding Mr. Gordon Tucker as South-Eastern Licensing Authority, Mr. C. R. Hodgson has been appointed to fill the post which Mr. Thom vacates. Mr. J. W. Fletcher, East Midland Licensing Authority, retires on December 2 and will be succeeded by Mr. A. G. Curtis.
Mr. Hanlon is 47 years old and rved in the police for 15 years, rising become chief constable of Learnguilt. During the war he was a 3tne Office senior regional officer. ace 1945 he has practised as a rrister in the north-eastern circuit. Taking up office on November 18, r. Hodgson is a solicitor who since 47 has been legal adviser to the irth-western division of the National )al Board. He is 48. During the ir he served abroad on the stall of e Judge Advocate-General.
Mr. Curtis, who is 56, served in the tst Midland and Northern Traffit tea offices before and during the war.
e was chief assistant in the Northern L.affic Area before becoming an sistant secretary at the Ministry of ransport.
Sir Arnold Musto presided over a affic hearing for the last time on ctober I. He received presentations om his colleagues on the Licensing uthority's panel.
CONTRACT worth 171,174 has "k been negotiated with an American lurist agency by Wallace Arnold ours, Ltd., Leeds. American visitors ill spend four days in the south of ngland during a 35-day tour of urope.
Mr. M. Barr, assistant managing irector of the company, said that mericans had to be persuaded to )end time in this country, but he need that it might be possible to range extended tours in England and cotland when the tourists rettirned .om the Continent.
"DO NOT BAN PARKING" -IVER 200 people in Catterick village, --I on the Great North Road, have gned a petition requesting the Ministry f Transport not to confirm no-waiting rders relating to daytime parking. In ddition, more than 2,000 lorry drivers sing one of the transport cafes in the istrict have signed a petition also urgtg that the proposed order should not PPIY.
The proposal to introduce the order an attempt to solve problems aused by indiscriminate parking by rivers using the cafés. A public tquiry is to be held on October 24, :hen the petitions will be presented.
A SHEFFIELD coach operator, Mr.
1-V C. G. Littlewood, applicd to the Yorkshire Licensing Authority last week to run two vehicles to Torquay between Whitsuntide and September. British Railways objected.
The proposed fare for the service was £2 10s.-11 8s. 6d. below the railway
rate. Mr. J. Goss, for the applicant, said that he understood that Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., offered an all-in tour to Torquay at £16 16s. This was higher than could be afforded by the .kind of public for whom the applicants intended to cater—pensioners, war widows and others. Torquay Hotels and Boarding House Association had offered specially low accommodation charges for such people.
It was intended that the coaches, which would have toilet accommodation, would carry three drivers, each working a four-hour shift. When not driving, the men would have seats in the vehicle. Hostesses would serve meals en route.
The hearing was adjourned. LOUGHBOROUGH BUS STATION
PERMISSION has been granted by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government for the purchase of property by Loughborough Borough Council for a central bus station and car park.