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D URING the storm'y passage through Parliament of the Transport Act, )53, the Minister of Transport aid tribute to the work...
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F EW bus undertakings are now in a position to place aesthetics before profit, yet some municipalities still refuse to accept...
Traffic on the Continent R ETURNING from a recent trip to Germany, Holland and Belgium, Mr. G. W. Hayter, 0.B.E., general...
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That the small retailer who takes little care of his light van makes a big mistake. That reading the " C.M." should help him...
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COMPANY with a fleet of ov 100 ancillary vehicles are to appe before the Metropolitan Licensit Authority on November 11 to gi...
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T HREE new Licensing Authorities have been appointed and will take up their duties in the next two months. Two are drawn from...
U NLESS more favourable decisions are forthcoming, it seems unlikely that the network of international coach services in 1954...
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A SMALL injection pump of the distributor type is being considered for production by Simms Motor Units, Ltd., following the...
T HE new company, Leyland-Albi (Africa) Ltd., has been officia registered and has taken over Leyla and Albion interests in the...
E XPRESS1NG the view that there was no justification for a daily service to the West of England and Wales, a Ministry of...
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• ATES for hiring vehicles to the Post Office for the Christmas season have en agreed by the Metropolitan Area the National...
-r-EN vehicles now do the work I previously necessitating 14, labour demands are lower, and workers can earn more pay as the...
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I N his 1952 report, the Metropolitan Police Commissioner welcomes the efforts of road-safety organizations jointly to combat...
TWENTY-TWO road-safety experts from 15 countries met in London on Monday for two weeks study of road traffic and safety...
QTEEL box bodies for Austin 2-b and 5-ton chassis are now beii produced in quantity by Marshi Motor Bodies, Ltd., Airport Won;...
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, STANDING conference of I European Ministers of Transport is founded in Brussels on Tuesday. 'ansport experts from 17...
T HE British Road Federation have specified six road schemes demanding immediate action by the Ministry of Transport. "As time...
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A N appeal by West Bridgford Urban District Council and Nottingham Corporation against a decision of the East Midland Licensing...
PPLYING to the North Weste . 1-1 . Licensing Authority last week f permission to increase certain fan Ashton-under-Lyne...
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CLOSER watch by the police on infringements of C-licence condits is likely to be the outcome of :esentatiorts made to chief...
Ltd., Newcastle upon Tyne, against convictions by Newcastle justices on April 17 on charges of exceeding the 25-mile limit was...
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Use of Pallets by British Canners, Ltd. Yields "Enormous" Saving in Labour and Space : Articulated Outfits Run Shuttle Service...
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D ELEGATES to the 1953 National Safety Congress last week accepted a proposal calling for a nation-wide investigation into the...
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Would Operators Agree to the Installation of Larger Tanks at their Premises, and Would Objections by Fire Authorities Be...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. A LTHOUGH the suggestion of State-administered . brake tests is relatively new to Britain,...
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Saving Time at the Bench: Under-chassis Examination at Ground Level: Towing Device for I.F.S. Vehicles: A Powered Folding...
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By Antony Glasier S PEED with safety is the idea conveyed by the winged triangle, the trade mark of the Lewis coaching company...
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Transport Turmoil of Leeds VOU have repeatedly drawn attention to the danger of, and the evils which result from, making...
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No —a revolution! FOOLPROOF EFFICIENCY—NO ELEMENTS TO REPLACE Until now, to users of road vehicles and stationary engines, an...
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Double Dealers By JANUS HE possibility has for a long time been recognized that traders would be able to buy transport units...
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The Difficulty of Assessing Charges Based Only on Mileage: Computing Costs and Earnings Based on an Increase of Profit with a...
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A N induction-pipe arrangement forms the subject of patent No. 696,549, which comes from .1 Jameson, Brockhamhurst, Betchworth,...