Plant Hire Firm's Appeal Dismissed
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A N appeal by Holbea:ch Plant Hire -I Ltd. against a decision of the Eastern ..icensing Authority, which limited their .pplication to operate a low loader and sticulated tractor within 25 miles of -Iolbeach (Lines) to a 10-mile radius, vas dismissed by the Transport Tribunal n London last week. A cross-appeal by -.orttractors (Peterborough) Ltd., to emove the existing 10-mile radius of iperation was also dismissed.
Mr. M. H. Jackson-Lipkin, for the .ppella.nts„ said the application to the
; icensing Authority was for a new B icence for one articulated tractor and ine low loader with very limited condiions, restricting the vehicle to civil :ngineering, building and agricultural olent within 25 miles of Holbeach, The Licensing Authority's decision, :iven in writing a week after the hearing in March 13, granted something which vas not applied for, he said.
In his decision, the Licensing Authority aid: " This is a somewhat special case n so far as the use of low loaders is con:erned. We are dealing with highly culti
aled area with many drains evolving engineering work, We make a imited grant, bearing in mind the appliants will be using the vehicle partly or their own work."
A grant was made for civil engineering, ouilding and agricultural plant within 10 niles of Holbeach, and plant for C. B. 3ettinson Ltd. to King's Lynn docks.
Mr. Jackson-Lipkin said there were ertain special requirements in the area, uch as at flood times and during hat..esting. The appellants had received upporting letters from the chief engineer if the Welland River Board who, with lye other internal boards, were users of Iraglines and other earth-moving equipcent.
Holland County Council also wanted a [wally-based low loader as equipment iften had to be moved by the Council n the Holbeach and Long Sutton areas. Mr. R. M. Yorke, for the respondents, 'ransport Holding Co. (Piekfords Ltd.) .nd Contractors (Peterborough) Ltd., said le was surprised that such responsible .uthorities as the Boards had not all sent vitnesses to the hearing: All theseBoards verc satisfied customers of the firm, and .ny availability which might arise from he increased radius was not in demand .t the moment.
"There is no evidence of any work vhatsoever needing to be done ", he said.