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M ANY people including that high priest of quotations, Disraeli —have been prone to remark about "lies, damned lies and...
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THE T.R.T.A. London and Home Counties meeting held this week expressed dismay at reports that London Transport was advocating...
O N Thursday of last week the Corporation of the City of London gave formal approval to its street committee's proposals for...
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R OAD safety will be the main theme of the annual conference of the Road Haulage Association to be held tt Eastbourne from...
are now available of the guide to the vehicle weight and size changes permitted under the Construction and Use (Amendment No....
L'EGURES for the two latest roadside goods-vehicle checks have now become available. At Liverpool, 821 vehicles were examined...
A T a meeting of the Traders Road —1 Transport Association in Manchester, .ttended by members from various trades .nd...
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B.A.O.F.R. MEETING GETS PRACTICAL TIPS INTERNATIONAL transport of goods I under cover of TIR carnets was considered in a paper...
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HE clearest pre-election statement of Socialist aims in the transport held which The Commercial Motor has seen was contained in...
FFIE British Road Services parcels L branch at Carmarthen has now been tended to accommodate twice the umber of vehicles at its...
Licences Scheme Q (VERATOR associations and transport unions met at the Ministry of Transport on Monday to discuss with...
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From our Industrial Correspondent A FTER its manpower troubles, particu larly during the past 12 to 18 months, London...
THE introduction of the winter time1tables on the _central (red) bus services in London, originally planned for October 21, is...
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A NEW product of the Industry of Transport Vehicles (ITV), Belgrade, s the A-I1 inter-urban and tourist coach. t is...
F OLLOWING the successful introduction of the Deansgate Mini Coach conversion of the Morris and Austin .12 van (The Commercial...
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City Council and a former Mayor, has been appointed the new chairman of West Riding Automobile Co. Ltd. He joined the board in...
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F OLLOWING the change in the distribution plans of .H. J. Heinz Ltd., which is taking place all over the country, an...
n ESPITE strong opposition from British Road Services and British Railway and a submission that the facilities sought by an...
THE Metropolitan deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. C. J. Macdonald, on Tuesday granted "with some hesitation" an application by...
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A N appeal by Holbea:ch Plant Hire - I Ltd. against a decision of the Eastern ..icensing Authority, which limited their...
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,A, N application by Norfolk Motor it Services Ltd., of Great Yarmouth, for a backing licence in respect of two new eightand...
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( 'NE of the Leyland/M.C.W. Olympic single-decker buses designed for markets such as Cuba—a furore was caused earlier this...
rOMMENTING on the fact that this coming year would see the 21st birthday of the Institute of Road Transport Engineers, Mr. R....
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- mice would be distorted also. Transort policy must be based on the fundaiental approach of ensuring that each )rm of...
.4 -" IVE outsize E.R.E. vehicles have been put into use on internal transport in le Park Gate Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. lam at...
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'FROM November I the Perkins Group I will no longer charge extra for broken or damaged major components on engines returned...
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irE1-11CLES selected for the transport V of high explosives demand high stanards of safety. A recent order from the linistry of...
L long distance tanker operators k.T.C.) has recently published a booklet iving valuable guidance to drivers on nergericy drill...
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T E Ministry of Transport revealed 1 last week that consideration was being given to making it compulsory to use headlamps on...
T HEMinistry of Transport has asked for comments on proposals to amend the 1964 Special Types Order to permit vehicles fitted...
The Use E of Lamps for Signalling OR many years now heavy vehicle 1 drivers have indicated their various moves to each other...
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and Publications rork-lift and Platform Trucks NEWLY formed British company, Elwell-Parker Ltd., –1 is now manufacturing,...
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10.5-ton-gross four-wheeler , O NE of the most popular goods-vehicle groups in Great Britain lies in the 6/7-ton payload class,...
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Impala) offers aluminium users in Great Britain the benefits of a recently completed programme of modernisation and extension...
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By The Hawk ;raftsmanship Record There is, I am sure, going to m a great demand for the fascinating little book which F. H....
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Double-decker fleet is iighly standardized W HEN a bus undertaking runs a very mixed fleet of some 25 single-deckers side by...
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continued from page 76 available earlier this year, however, and in any case it is powered by the Cummins V-6 engine. Leyland...
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rA A NUMBER of semi-trailer boxvans have been designed and built as a group effort by a number of T.I. (Tube Investments Ltd.)...
A COMPLETELY new unit within the Pax 1IA range produced by Dennis Bros. Ltd. is a lightweight 12-ft.-wheelbase passenger...
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S YlvIPATHY ought to be our natural feeling for the president of the Institute of Transport when the time comes for him to give...
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T HE reliability and standard of a transport service is undoubtedly the best form of publicity because it maintains customers'...
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Bristol Street Gro DRISTOL STREET GROUP announced that the interim dividend in respect of the current financial year is to be...
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Woman's Thoughts on the Large Standee Bus N E are all anxious to see those long, rush-hour queues quickly disappear into large...
The present trading year of H. YOUNG (MOTORS) 5 due to end on November 30 and the results of it are .xpected to be made known...
THE report by F. K. Moses on the Show in your October 2 issue was somewhat inconsistent. On page 136, centre column, he was...