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16th September 1919
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Page 4, 16th September 1919 — WHEELS OF INDUSTRY.
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all di;pciaties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the roughness of the roads over which it runs."—John Beattie Crosier.

Import Duty Necessary.

An argument which one hears constantly put forward is that, as the American motor manufacturers are so short in their output that they cannot fill home demands, there will be few, if any, American 'Vehicles available fm.• export this year. • The argument fails to take heed of the circumstances in which the export business is conducted. The 'manufacturer is, only in rare instances, directly concerned with the export trade. Ile may have an appreciation of its value to him, but that part of the demand for : his products comes to him from established exporting houses working in conjunction with established importing houses on this side of the Atlantic. Each of these concerns gets busy, develops its 'inarkets, and the New York expert houses become active competitors with other buyers hi their own country getting the goods they require, whether the manufacturer has an export policy or

not. Therefore, the agitation for the imposition of a substantial import duty on commercial vehicles must not diminish in strength.

French Tractor Trials.

The agricultural motor trials which have been organized by the Chambre Syndicale de ra.. Motoculture de France .at Senlis (Oise) from October 1st to the 5th inclusive, have up till now attracted entries from 45 firms re-presenting about 75 machines. Nearly all the best-known French and American manufactures are represented, as are also the British Avery and Austin tractors.

Walsall Corporation Buses.

The 1918-1919 accounts of the Walsall , Corporation motorbus service show an income of, roughly, £28,000, which gives an average of 19d. per car-mile as against 17.979d. for the previous year. Ex. pense.s total £21,748 and average 14.729d. per car-mile as against 12.915d. for the previous year.

Stocks of Non-Ferrous Metals.

The following particulars are published of the stocks (exclusive of old tons ; soft pig lead, 84,057 tons; nickel, 2,374 tons ; antimony regnius, 3,386 toils. It must be noted that a proportion of the above stocks is already sold to the trade for forward delivery. . .

I.A.E. Winter Session.

The Institution of Automobile Engineers will hold its first winter meeting on Wednesday, Octobei'lst, at the Royal Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, W.C. 2, at 8 p.m., when Mr. Thomas Clarkson will deliver:his 'presidential address. •

Mr. John Stilton, Secretary to the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland, and who figured prominently in the Scottish Tractor Trials of 1917, has consented to act as chief steward at the forthcoming Lincoln Tractor Trials.

American Activities.

A company has been established at 1760, Broadway, New York, known as the Overseas Motor Service Corporation, to act as the export offices of leading manufacturers in the States of automobile parts and accessories. The concerns with which the Corporation has established direct factory connection are the New Departure Manufacturing Co. (bearings); Hyatt Roller Bearing Co.; Champion Ignition Co. (sparking plugs); Kellogg Manufacturing Co. (inflators); Moto-Meter Co.; Minature Incandescent Lamp Works (bulbs); Marvel Carburetor Co. (carburetters); Gabriel Manufacturing Co. (snubbers); Jason Rim Co. ; and J. P. Gordon Co. (tyre and seat covers).

Albion Mileage Recorders.

To enable every owner of an Albion .Vehicle to keep a record of the work accomplished by the vehicle, and thus be able to calculate the cost per mile, distance run by the tyres, etc., the Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., have decided in future to include their own design of mileage recorder which isembodied in the design of the chassis us a standard fitment in all further orders for chassis received by them.

school on agricultural motors has been opened at Oucques (Lair. at Cher), and will admit free of charge drivers of agricultural tractors.

The Pvrene Co., Ltd., manufacturers of the Eryrene fire extinguisher, are removing to more extensive premises. Their address is now 9, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W. 1.

The Taxicab and Motor Supply Co., Ltd. has been registered with a capital of £2,50,000 in £1 shares to carry on the business of manufacturers of and dealers in taxicabs, motor vehicles, etc.

The Faraday Society, whose objects , are to promote the study of electrochemistry, electro-metallurgy, chemical physics, metallography, and kindred subjects, have removed to new offices at 10, Essex Street, Strand, W.C. 2.