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Recognized in Business Circles as the Leading Journal. The Authority on all form; of Motor Transport. Largest Circulation....
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Of war-worn ambulances used as game carriers. That there is room for char-h-bancs developments in Glasgow. That there seems...
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"The wheel of wealth will be slowed by all di;pciaties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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For the first time since the outbreak of the war the Braemar Gathering took place last week amid scenes of much gaiety. It was...
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In order to disseminate the facts in oonnectimi with the forthcoming Tractor Trials in Lincolnshire, the Agricultural Machinery...
The Cornwall County Commit have applied under the provisions of Section 8 of the Motor Car Act of 1903 to the Local Government...
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In. view ot the coal .eituation at the present time and the dependency of our industries for expansion on an incieased output,...
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Details of the Steel Barrel System. I N OUR PREVIOUS . article on the storage of petrol, .we described the Bowser system. In...
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By "The N OTHING, St) FAR as'I can learn, appears to have been announced as to the Government's intention with regard to...
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Nurserymen Employ Motor Vehicles to Convey Tomatoes and Cucumbers to Market. A S A RESULT of persistent ventilation on the...
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The Importance of Placing the Agricultural Significance First I NTEREST ON the part of the agriculturist in the forthcoming...
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The Operation of an Atherton Company's Large Fleet. D LIKING the past few months users of the road will most certainly have...
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Main Features of the Clayton, Oinnitractor, Glasgow and Mann Models. • ONE OF ma s -THE MOST interesting chine which will be...
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work is 34 tons, and the overall .dimensions are: length 12 ft. 9 ins, and width 6 ft. 6 ins. The engine is designed to work on...
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How it is dealt with by Manchester's Motor Transport clearing house. D URING THE WAR 'many men became enamoured of motor...
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Some Notes on Steering and Its Problems. r f HE STEERING of a vehicle is one of those things which are too often taken for...
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Some Topical Notes and Comments. The Stoppage of Airship Building. T UE SUDDEN cessation of the construction of airships by...
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By R. T. Nicholson (Author of "The Book of the Ford"). N 0 - „, MIS is a true story, though I might opt have believed it if...
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A PRIZE OF TEN ShILLINGS is awarded each week to the sender of the best letter which we :pubtish an this page ; allothers are...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. The Olson unit for converting the Ford car into a commercial motor...