Municipal Purchases and ProPosali
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Middlesbrough Town Council is buying eight Leyland bus chassis. Rotherham Corporation is buying an .A.E.C. Model 664T trolleybus. Aberdeen County Council has ordered . 12 A.E.C. Monarch goods vehicles. . Nottingham Corporation has indented for 10 A.E.C. Regent double-deck buses. Taunton Electricity Department requires a 5-cat, light vane and tenders for its supply close on December 29. Weymouth Corporation has accepted the tender of the Lee Motor Works for the supply of a Bedford van. Ashton-under-Lyne Corporation has received sanction to borrow £12,149 for the purchase of six trolley-buses. Eastbourne Corporation requires tenders for the supply of five double-deck petrol-engined buses, each seating not fewer than 48. passengers; the cMsing date is December 23 Ashton-under-Lyne Fire Brigade Sub-committee's recommendation that application be made to the Minister of Health for sanction to borrow £.1,500 for the purchase pi two ambulances, has been approved by the town council. Doncaster Rural District Council requires a 10-cubic-yd. rear-loading refuse collector with moving floor, and three 7-cubic-yd. side-loading refuse collectors. It is stipulated that the vehicles must be bacii on Bedford, Dennis, Fordsou, Earner or Morris-Commercial chassis. in addition, the council requires three Karrier Colt three-wheeled refuse collectors. Tenders for all vehicles close on December 28.
lENDERS OF INTEREST TO HAULIERS. MENDERS are invited by the following (latest dates given in parentheses) .— East Rifling C.C. for stone and slag chippings, gravel. Apply to county surveyor. County Hall. Beverley. (Dec. 21.) Lambeth B.C. for sand, ballast, etc., broken granite, Portland cement, grey lime, hire of steam rollers. Apply to Mr. Osmond Cattlin, Town Hall, Brixton Hill, London, B.W.2. 'Dec 22.1 Breoonshire C.C. for road stone. tarred inaced^,m and bituminous macadam during rear ending March 31, 1939. Apply to Mr. J. M Richards, County Offices, Watton, Brecon Dec 214 Erith for sand, ballast, ashes. etc., cement, British granite chippiugs. Kent ragatone and limestone chinnings, tarred slog
_naea.dam, etc. Apply to engineer and sot' savor. Council Offices, Erith. (Dec. 22.1
Camberwell B.C. for (FI coke; 13) sand, bal. ast, granite York paving, tarred materials. .2ernent. bicks, etc.; (K) hire of rollers; IN) lb) remove./ of street refuse. etc. Apply, stating forms desired. to Mr. William Bell, Town Hall, Camberwell, London, S.E.5. IJan. 174 Narrow U.D.C. for (1) granite chippings; (2) tarred slag, granite and limeetone; 13) sand, crushed grit, shingle, gravel, ballast, hoggin,
clinker: (81 coal and coke. Apply, stating schedule for which forms are required, in engineer and surveyor, Council Offices, Uxbridge Road Starmore, Middlesex. (Jan. 8.) MI applications must be accompanied by a stamped, addressed foolscap envelope.
East Ham Corporation is buying a Barford oilenginal road roller.
Swansea Corporation is to purchase a service ran fcr the electricity department.
Caernarvenshire County Council is to purchase an ambulance for Galltysil Hospital.
Cheltenham Corporation is to purchase a 15cwt. van for the electricity department: Dundee Transport Committee Is to purchase 12 single-deck and four double-deck buses. Calashiels Town Council is to purchase a Dennis 90 b.h.p. 700-800 g.p.m. fire-engine. East Pam Cleansing committee is to obtain tenders for the supply of a refuse collector. Chesterfield Corporation iota obtain tenders for the supply of a lorry Mr the highways department.
Carlisle Consolation is to obtain tenders for the supply of a van far the electricity department.
Hornsey Town Council requires an 8-ton oilengined road roller and tenders for its supply close on December 30.
Twickenham -Town Council it to purchase three lorries in connection with the reorganization of the cleansing services.
Poplar Works Committee recommends the purchase of two Thornycroft refuse collectors, with Eagle Compressmore bodies.
South Shields Corporation has accepted the tender of Messrs. Belwood Garages for the supply of an Austin ambulance.
Glasgow Gas Committee has accepted the tender, at £1,230, of Alexander and Co. for the supply of three 2-ton vehicles, West Hartlepool Town Council requires tenders for the supply of a 350-500, trailer pump; the closing date is January C. . Rotherham Transport Committee is to DM:lias,e 12 Bristol petrol-engined chassis and is to obtain tenders for the bus bodies. Huddersfield Corporation invites tenders for the supply of live 2.!4-3-ton and five 3.4-ton end. tipping wagons; the closing date Is January 1, 1938.
East Ham Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of two 3-ton lorries for the works department, and another vehicle for the .electricity .department.
Wolverhampton Electricity Committee has accepted the tenders of Guy Motors, Ltd., for the supply of -a 2-ton lorry and of Messrs. Bradburn and Wade.: for a Morris van. Glasgow Police Committee has accepted the following tenders:—John L Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., for the supply of a chassis, F D. Oowieson Co. for a van body, and A. and D. Fraser, Ltd., for a Morris van.
• Glasgow Transport Committee is to obtain additional borrowing powers to the extent of £1,080,000 for transport purposes, the principal items of expenditure being in respect of additional tramcars and buses (£760,0001. Bury Fire Brigade has taken delivery of e 25 h.'s, Armstrong Siddeley ambulance, with a body built by Wilson and Stockall, Ltd., Rochdale Road, Bury. The equipment includes Clayton Dewandre heating, Novox resuscitating apparatus and McLean gas masks.