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Business Of Four Generations Killed
A FTER being in existence for, foal r1generations, a Liverpool haulage firm have been wiped out, as a result of a decision of the North-Western Deputy Licensing Authority. On......
Grocers And Baillie Report
O PPOSING any sectional arrangements between..employers and Workpeople's organizations, and advocating comprehensive statutory legislation for wages, hours and conditions, to......
Not A Case For Contract A Licence
1 E Licensing Authority ought to I have exercised his discretion in favour of the appellant and to have authorized it to use the three vehicles." This was the view of the Appeal......
Manchester Licence Transference.
The North Western Licensing Authority , has authorized Fox's Motors, Lid., of Manchester, to take over the 'haulage business of G. W. Leggett and Son, Ltd. This fact was made......