CM' s 1972
Page 17

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seminar programme
• To help operators with their training plans for the coming year, Commercial Motor has prepared in advance a programme of five training seminars for 1972, each of Which will be repeated throughout the year and will, with one exception, be presented in both London and Manchester or Birmingham.
The programme has been arranged around three seminars for managers, one for managers and finance staff and one for supervisory staff; other courses on specialized topics are likely to be added during the year.
The courses designed specifically for transport managers are as follows:—
Retaining the Operator's Licence
This will be held in London on January 20, July 13 and November 9 and in Manchester on March 16. It is an updated repeat of the well-attended seminars held this year, intended to inform operators of the steps necessary to ensure success with an 0licence renewal application. Speakers lain Sherriff and Terry Goldrick will cover such subjects as record keeping and documentation, legal and administrative requirements for maintenance, preparing and presenting the application, and typical reasons for failure.
This one-day seminar has an inclusive fee of £25.
Budgetary Control in Road Transport
At CM's Fleet Management Conference in September many delegates asked for a deeper study of the fleet financial control system presented by Bob Grimsley, of the University of Aston. This one-day seminar is intended to satisfy that demand and Mr Grimsley will be accompanied by a senior colleague from Aston in explaining the practical application of budgetary control to vehicle fleets and suggesting ways in which individual companies' requirements may
be met. • Subjects to be covered include the expression of budgets in both quantity and money terms; measuring performance; cost and liquidity aspects; using simple ratios to measure efficiency; management involvement; vehicle replacement; preparation and presentation of budgets.
This seminar will be held in London on January 26, June 15 and December 6, and in Manchester on March 23 and October 12. The fee is £25. Haulage Business Exercise
This exercise was devised by the University of Aston in conjunction with British Road Services Ltd and is used successfully by BRSL to develop management skills. In the form which CM presents it, the exercise has been adapted to suit private industry. Essentially, it involves delegates working in small teams in realistic transport management situations and providing decisions on the basis of information presented to them over an imagined 12month period. With the aid of umpires, decisions are analyzed critically.
This exercise occupies one evening and the whole of the following day and the fee is £30. This includes dinner as well as coffee, lunch, tea and documentation. Presentation dates are February 9/10 and November 22/23 in London and May 10/11 in Birmingham.
The costing seminar for managers and finance staff will be held in London on February 23 and 24, July 5 and 6, and November 15 and 16, and in Manchester on May 17 and 18. It is as follows:—
Standard costing of road transport
Although some general financial knowledge is an obvious advantage for delegates on a course of this nature, this is not an essential for those attending this particular seminar. The intention is to show how improved financial control of a transport operation can be achieved by applying effective cost standards. The course material was developed originally to satisfy a specific practical requirement and was found to be applicable in any operation where there are sufficient vehicle movements to support a probability analysis. A combination of lectures and syndicate work is designed to establish simple recording and accountancy procedures which can be set up without increase in clerical staff and which enable close control to be achieved on the basis of standard costs.
The fee for this seminar is £40, as it covers two days.
The supervisory staff seminar is as follows:—
Retaining the Operator's Licence However consciensiously a transport management may attempt to comply with the law there is no guarantee of avoiding trouble unless staffs are fully aware of the implications. This two-day course, for which the fee is £25, is designed to give supervisory staff—including traffic clerks, workshop foremen and foremen drivers — a clear understanding of the administration and control necessary to ensure that Licensing Authorities' requirements are met.
These seminars and exercises are all additional to CM's Fleet Management Conference which will be held next year in London on September 21 and for which the programme will be announced in the New Year.
The whole CM training package for 1972 has been organized by and is being administered by our associate company IPC Business and Industrial Training Ltd, 161-166 Fleet Street, London EC4 (Tel: 01-353 5011).
Details and booking forms may be obtained from IPC BIT in the shape of a Commercial Motor Planner/Guide for 1972 which sets out the details of these courses, has a calendar for 1972 showing other important dates such as commercial vehicle exhibitions, and includes tear-off booking slips for each of the seminars mentioned. A copy of this guide, in the form of a wall chart, will be dispatched free to any reader who completes the form below and sends it to Mr Tony Swain of IPC BIT at the Fleet Street address given above.