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Hertz-atkinson Rental Tie-up
• Under an agreement announced at the weekend between Hertz Truck Rental of Norbury, London, SW16 and Atkinson Vehicles (London) Ltd, Atkinson trucks are to be offered on a......
Fta Rates And Costs Service
• Following last week's announcement of the Freight Transport Association's wages monitoring service for members, the FTA has now announced the introduction of its costs and......
'not An Attack On Road Transport'
• "No one in BR has ever claimed that the railways are an alternative to the road haulage industry," Mr Richard Marsh, chairman of the British Railways Board, told members of......
Govt To Buy Lorry Park Sites
• The Government is to locate and buy sites for leasing, and eventual sale, to commercial operators to provide the national network of lorry parks recently recommended by a......
Dutch Reservations On Axle Weight
• Following the meeting of the EEC Council (CM December 10, page 21) at which the Ministers asked for a study of the relative merits of 11, 11.5 and 12 tonnes as a Community......