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WHOLESALERS in the drapery and clothing business are, at the time of writing, active in the preparation of parcels for their spring delivery, which, in that trade, takes place during the last week in February.
There is an improvement, too, in the
fur trade. Increased activity is reported in dealings in chemicals for rubber making, such as carbon-tetrachloride. Coal-tar produets are also in demand.
The placing of Admiralty and other shipbuilding orders is improving trade in a good many directions. The demand for iron and 'steel scrap is active.
North-east Coast.
A. new factory has been opened on Tyneside for the manufacture of dry batteries and another for producing aluminium alloys. The warmer weather somewhat diminished the demand for house coal, but the sale of that commodity for industrial purposes remains active. There is considerably more activity amongst engineering concerns at Newcastle-on-Tyne, Gateshead and Walisend.
All shipbuilding centres in the northeast are busier, as a result of recent finders, and more 'work is expected. Ship repairing is also showing signs of improvement.
In the building trade, private enterprise is taking steps to overcome over
crowding. Plans are being prepared, for nearly 3,000 new houses, mainly at Newcastle, Gateshead, Tynemouth, South Shields and Sunderland. Private street works are to be carried out by Ashington U.D.C. Messrs. J. Healey, Newcastle, are building 100 houses in Rothbury Terrace, Newcastle. Stockton Town Council has accepted tenders amounting to over 127,000 for the reconstruction of its gasworks.
Lancashire, Cheshire and Cumberland.
A little extra activity is reported from the timber docks at Liverpool, chiefly the outcome of arrivals of shipments of American hardwoods, A mill at Rawtenstail is being taken over and converted for use as a boot and shoe factory. The Nuera silk factory at St. Helens is to he converted to serve as headquarters and works of the British Cellaphane Co., manufacturing transparent palm/.
Liverpool is to have a new post office to cost £100,000, and Iligge and Hill, Ltd., London, S.W.8, has obtained the contract G. H. Heywood, Ltd., of Whitby, near Chester, is to erect 18 houses about two miles from Chester Cross.
Messrs. Gabriel Wade and English, Aldwych House, London, W.C2, have contracted for the supply of wood paving blocks to Liverpool Corporation.
Plans for two hotels have been approved by Blackpool Town Council, one on the North Shore at an estimated esst of £1,000,000. and another at South Shore costing £750,000.
Factories making sciseors and safetyraeor blades are still busy. A French textile concern is establishing a factory in the Bradford district. Tool fac tories in Sheffield are busy, also those engaged in the manufacture of permanent magnets for loud-speakers. A holiday camp is to be laid out at Cayton Bay, near Scarborough, at an estimated cost of £20,000.
Batley Town Council is to erect 10 houses at PnrIwell Hall Road, Mount Pleasant. Darlington Town Council proposes to erect 54 houses at Efundens Lane. G. and C. Whittle, Ltd., Daybrook Square, Arnold, Notts, is to erect 140 houses on the Wormald Street site, Almondbury, Huddersfield.
The hosiery trade is improving in Nottingham, and in Leicester knitted outerwear is in demand and the lacecurtain trade continues to improve. Orders for bouts and shoes in Northampton are regular, if small. Business in the districts around Northampton itself are even more active. That discarded motor factory at Parksitle, Coventry, which was taken over by the corporation, has now been let to three local concerns, wbiah are making extensions.
Maisars of light castings are still active, whilst there is a better demand for galvanized sheets. A German concern of toy manufacturers is prospecting for a works in Walsall.
The new technical college at Coventry is to be proceeded with at once and Birmingham is to have a new central
fire station. At Kidderminster, Contracts have been placed for the erection of 108 houses. Derby C.C. is to spend over 111,000 on road improvements.
The National Canning Co. is to begin operations at Dundee. Cupar Town Council is to build 24 houses, and Kilsyth Town Council is to erect a further 82 houses on the Bogside site.
The tin-plate trade is a little brisker and the coal trade remains satisfactory.
A swimming bath and sun-bathing terraces are to be Constructed at Rhosma-Sea. Messrs. A. Edwards, of Canbedd, are to erect 40 houses at Gvversylet, for Wrexham Rural District
Council. Messes. P. T. Griffiths, of Llandudno, are to construct 27 houses for that -Urban District Council, whilst Messrs. E. W. Gittins and Sons, Aberderfyn, are to build 22 houses at Rhos.
West Country.
A, big bacon factory is to be erected at Porthury, near Bristol, in connection with the establishment of a pig-breeding centre there. The Cattle Markets, Bridgwater, are to be extended. Devon Public Health Committee is to spend £20,000 on the reconditioning of houses occupied by rural workers.
London and Home Counties.
There are good shipments of American hardwoods arriving at the timber docks and most of them are for immediate delivery. A factory for making plywood is planned for Rochester.
From Bermondsey comes the report that the demand for some classes of leather has slackened, whereas that for the lighter kinds has increased.
The Aahmolean Museum at Oxford University is to be extended at a cost of £20,000. Millpond Wood, Sevenoaks, has been chosed as a site for the new central schools. Middlesex C.C. is to borrow £42,087 for extensions to the Middlesex Colony, Sheehy. A cinema is to be built in Darkes Lane, South llalimms and 123 houses are to be erected on the 2Wyllyettc Manor Estate. A new school is to be built at Mount Pleasant Lane, Watertiell, St. Stephen's, Hefts, and another one at Welwyn Garden City.