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transport was held this week by the Road Haulage Association. It was a reception and luncheon, which was attended by 150...
TT was rather surprising to find at the Motor -I-Show in Berlin that, although it is called "International," there are but few...
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O N the first Thursday in March, 1907, a series of interesting questions was asked in the House of Lords on the possible...
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That an Irish Republic would mean a lot of removal business on both sides of the Irish Sea. That this may bring a new note...
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"'The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever paint, arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Offences Under Animal • Transit Order. Some of the possible offences under the Transit of Animals (Amendment) Order, 1931, are...
WOLVERHAMPTON Corporation is purchasing a Dennis trailer pump costing £320. Swiisnost Corporation is buying a Leyland...
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A NUMBER of winches for mounting on Leyland six-wheeled lorries intended for War Department purposes has just been produced by...
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150 Members of Parliament and Two Ex-Ministers of Transport Attend a Luncheon to Hear Proposals on the Rail and Road Problem...
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Grimsby Corporation is to construct a subway at the Weelsby Road levelcrossing at a cost of £20,000. Lowestoft borough...
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at the B.I.F. D URING the period of the British Industries Fair, which opens at Castle Bromwich next. Monday, Februafy 20, a...
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Home-produced Fuel Supplies an Urgent National Need. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MoTox. [3980] Sir,—I was greatly interested...
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for Oil Fuel A N apparatus, the installation of which demands no 21.alterations to the engine or carburetter, and which is...
"LI OLLOWING an informal dinner on Tuesday, Feb ruary 14, at the Holborn Restaurant, London, organized by the Institute of the...
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COB IN A NEW I N its new form, just anflounced by Karrier Motors, Ltd., Ruddersheld, the Earlier Cob Major tractor-trailer...
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T HE stresses set up in any machine part by the forces and loads to which it is subjected under conditions of normal usage are...
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THE BER A CLOSE survey of the International Motor Show in Berlin reveals much of interest in connection with the development of...
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IN PARLIAMENT By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent The Salter Recommendations. S IR ARTHUR SALTER, addressing the...
O N the report stage of the London Passenger Transport Bill a few amendments were made without inter fering with the main...
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of the HAULIER and CARRIER Showing that a Van with Trailer Makes an Expensive Outfit for Long-distance Furniture Removals A...
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HEARING OF APPLICATION AGAINST M. OF T. COMMENCED T BE Lord Chief Justice and Justices Avery and Talbot, sitting as a King's...
ANOTHER RULE NISI AGAINST M. OF T. UPMINSTER SERVICES. ON Monday last, a King's Bench Divisional Court granted a rule nisi...
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T HE following are the times and places announced by Area Traffic Commissioners for their forthcoming public sittings. In each...
A NEW semi-trailer is shortly to be produced by Biflex Trailers and Tractors, Ltd., 1, Shortlands Road, Kingston-on-Thames. Its...
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NEW AUSTIN LIGHT VAN I N many cases the chassis of light delivery vans differ scarcely at all from the chassis used by the...
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for heavy-duty vehicles Interesting German Design that Eliminates Studs and Nuts to Retain the Rim A' wheel for all types of...
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W HOLESALERS in the drapery and clothing business are, at the time of writing, active in the preparation of parcels for their...
MENDERS are invited by the follow in g (latest dates given in parentheses) : Sutton and °henna U.D.C. for road materials (Form...
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T EE form of body described in patent No. 385,744, by Marriott Brentnall and Co., Ltd., 10, Macklin Street, Derby, is one that...