APPT awards to busmen Ronald Cox, president of the Association
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of Public Passenger Transport, last week presented awards to employees of APPT members who came top in the annual Royal Society of Arts Diploma in Road Transport exams. Highest marks were gained by Alan Squires, a driver With Nottingham City Transport, who won the APPT Award, Second place went to Ronald Gamblin, an inspector with Tyne and Wear PTE's Sunderland division, who received the Danum Award.
Prescott W. Gould has joined the board of Giltspur , International Freight Ltd as marketing marketing director. Mr Gould, an American who has lived in Britain for 12 years, has previously held a number of executive and marketing positions with American Express Co, most recently as public, relations director for Europe.
Keith Studer, Lep
Transport branch manager in Birmingham, has been appointed to the board. Mr Studer now heads the newly
created Midland division with offices at Birmingham, Leicester, Nottingham, Northampton and Stoke-onTrent. Mr Studer, an Oxford University graduate, joined the Lep Organisation in 1969; for the past three years he has controlled Lep surface and air-freight activities in the Birmingham area.
W. J. Bennetts has been appointed Dartford branch, manager, BRS Parcels Ltd. He was previously traffic assistant at Muswell Hill.
B. R. Coleman has been appointed to the board of Grey Green Coaches Ltd. He will continue as secretary of the company, and of the parent company, George Ewer & Co Ltd.
Dr Nicholas Lalor, who has been with the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research's Automotive Engineering Department, is to lecture and carry out research at Southampton University on noise and vibration affecting diesel engines. The lectureship is sponsored by Perkins Engines.
Donald W. Grinter has been appointed managing director of the Transmission Division of Borg-Warner Ltd, Letchworth, in succession to Clarence E. Johnson, md since 1970, who has been named president of the Morse Chain Division of Borg-Warner Corporation. The Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers has elected E. R. Gahan (of Watney Mann and Truman Brewers Ltd) president. A. E. Teer (Cadbury Schweppes Ltd) and MA. Newman (Blox Services Ltd) are secretary and treasurer respectively. The other members of the council are F. A. James (Securicor Ltd), H. Kenning (Kenning Motor Group Ltd), D. Milburn (RTITB), H. Shillabeer (BLMC), L. J. Evans (Shell-Mex and BP Ltd) and R. L. J. Simper (Watney Mann and Truman Brewers Ltd).
C. Davison (W. P. Davison & Sons, Hexham, Northumberland) has been elected chairman of the Newcastle upon Tyne area of the Transport Managers' Club. J. T. Sharkey (Monarch Transport (Newcastle) Ltd) is secretary.
Charlie Moss, who joined MAN last June, having pre viously held appointments with Guy Motors, Cummins Engine Company and DAF Trucks GB Ltd, now becomes fleet sales manager of MAN Concessionaires GB Ltd.
Ivor Smith, previously with Hymac Ltd and Clark Equipment, now becomes parts director of Crane Fruehauf Service and Equipment Ltd.
Kenneth Poison, 35, becomes chief engineer of Eastern Counties Omnibus Company on February 1. He is eastern region co-ordinating engineer. J. R. Cullingworth, t manager of Coa Chemical Product Bolsover, Derbyshirt 1960, has retired. Hi ceeded by Frank Tan George E. Solesbt joined Southdown Mc vices as publicity/put tions officer.
Clifford Yates, 35, v been lecturing in vehicle engineeri Riversdale College gineering since 197 teach at the Central port Organization c swana. The appointm been made by the Mir Overseas Developmi behalf of the Governr Botswana. Mr `fate: former transport man Thomas Fosters & Sor Helens.