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17th January 1975
17th January 1975
Page 1
Page 1, 17th January 1975

Page 17

achograph rule may cut anger-load carriers

:M reporter LIT-BACK in the :r of hauliers preto handle small eonmts of dangerous may result from traph legislation due 'me...

!TIJ men want d to tad° deals

lohn Darker REA committee of the I Road Transport this week indicated wants union branches have concluded agreewhich allow...

Thos: a joint approach

I MULLEY, Minister -ansport, this week sympathetic hear, a joint approach to y representatives of sides of the transindustry....

Volvo truck production up 25 per cent

THE intention of Volvo to increase production by 25 per cent during 1975 means that the company is planning to buy more truck...

SBG—PTE co-ordination talks soon

TALKS are expected to begin soon — probably early next month — between the Greater Glasgow PTE, the Scottish Bus Group and the...

Page 18

RHA — AHA to meet on

Hull 'stickers' SINCE the introduction of the badge identity system at Hull two weeks ago (CM last week) no vehicles have been...

Refuse drivers strike for haulage pay

THREE-HUNDRED and fifty lorry drivers earning a basic £33 for a 40 hr week working for Glasgow cleansing department struck on...

As a matter of Fact...

BRITAIN had more vehicles on the road during 1973-72 a mile — than any other EEC country. Other figures include: Netherlands,...

Package deal

DISTRIBUTION 75 — the London Packaging, Handling and Storage Exhibition — is to be held from September 8 to 12 this year at...

Blue Dart expands

A FIFTY per cent intere Hughes Haulage (Llanell has been acquired by Dart Transport Ltd company in the British Group. Hughes...

Page 19

Ier 21 scheme y start in unin

eporter :T may be made in mn on a scheme to rsons under 21 to avy goods vehicles. y to reports elseLO firm date has yet for the...

ixing trucks to standstill

.3liberate policy of ion — or other .ures — to achieve a ceiling on the )er of trucks in use, o limit or reverse the 'th in...


Room for one more? Either by accident or design, more hauliers . . . each year are diversifying into warehousing. This is...

Page 20

Beckham tells Government to put efficiency first

A PLEA to the Govern ment to put the interests of efficiency first when considering transport was made on Wednesday by Mr Bob...

Kwikasoir acquires Fast Forwarding

THE UK-BASED international road haulage and freight forwarding subsidiary of the Thomas Nationwide Transport Group, Kwikasair...

How to reduce hgv use in urban areas

A PILOT transhipment scheme aimed at reducing the number of heavy goods vehicles operated in urban areas may be carried out by...

Tor-Line moves in R otterdam

TOR LINE has move Rotterdam terminal c tion to an exclusive-us( on roll-off berth at the dispatch terminal, Johan Friso Haven....

loTA in October

THE annual conference 1 Institute of TN Administration will be ir from October 10 to 12 year, and not in May as s previously in...

Page 21

nit lorry numbers vic Trust tells DoE

CIVIC TRUST has c Department of the nment that a ceiling be placed on the r of lorries permitted rate in Britain. its response...

Page 22

Improving labour relation!

in road transport THE RECENT industrial problems in Scotland illustrated very clearly the power that road transport now held,...

Page 23

Meals pinch the limelight

Istitute of Fuel/Institute of Sound and Vibration Research ymposium reported by Paul Brockington Promising results in...

Page 24

Right-hand driving

FOLLOWING the tenth agm of the Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers in London last week, the members discussed a DoE...

Page 25

PPT-Confed )gotiations go on

M reporter UBJECT of possible rship of the Conion of British Road ger Transport by the ition of Public PasTransport was raised...

inchester seeks PC increase

SSION is to be sought Greater Manchester mger Transport ive to increase its bus )y an average 20 per PTE's application will rd...

UK booking for Continental Clipper services

CONTINENTAL Clipper direct coach services can now be booked through National Travel (South East) Ltd, and passengers can travel...

UITP Congress in Nice

THE International Congress of the International Union of Public Transport (UITP) is to be held in Nice on the Cote d'Azur on...

United Counties want 30pc

NORTHAMPTON BASED' United Counties are seeking approval from the Traffic Commissioners for a 30 per cent increase in fares....

Operation symposium

THE THEME of the sixth annual public transport symposium to be held by the University of Newcastle this year is "Operating...

Page 26

One-man buses can we abandon the conductor?

PRESENT UK one-man buses have average stoptimes varying from 10 to 20 seconds as against times of as low as seven seconds for...

Transits for Indonesia

EIGHTY-TWO Transit nineseater buses recently left Hull docks for Indonesia. The order was placed by UNICEF for the Government...

Page 27

affic Commissioners quest bus stop

INLS by the Northern Dmmissioners, pubin Notices and ings, for estabnew request bus r Ryhope, Durham, subject of a public st...

iingham — Kettering mess grant

3st Midland Traffic ;loners granted a press service beD igbeth Coach Birmingham and Bus Station, to Travel (Midlands) Iingham....

sidles call in S. Yorks

PLICATION for a 31 cash subsidy the operation of unative bus services en made by the '-based NBC suborkshire Traction Co he...

sville seeks increases

LLE Motor Services ;k the Traffic Corners to approve an tion to increase from bus fares by cent. Crosville's last fares 3 in...

South Yorks PIE E6million short

THE Yorkshire Traffic Cornrnissioners have granted an application by the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive to...

Page 28

APPT awards to busmen Ronald Cox, president of the Association

of Public Passenger Transport, last week presented awards to employees of APPT members who came top in the annual Royal Society...

Obituaries We record with reg deaths of Dudley Ali and

Ernest T. J. Tapp Mr Bott, 74, was to years commercial manager of Croydon mobile Company & GI Mr Tapp, 83, with his founded...

Dates for your diary

MONDAY Jan 20. CIT [Humberside) "Roll-on/roll-off ferries on the North Sea — today and tomorrow by I. M. Churcher (director,...

Page 29

Now it's Volvo's turn

by Graham Montgomerie OF FOUR !ements are coming id fast these days, I onday seeing the innouncement of the nay. Consisting of...

Page 31

Iderbody demountable tipper

;ION of demountcly tipping vehicle, underbody tipping s been developed by nith Demountables if Maxey, Peter first five Bedford...

'hour service guide additions

following is a list of additions for the Commercial Motor 24-hour and Emergency Guide of which we have been notified since the...

Page 32

Warehousii a saver

luld be Operators with space to spa might turn it into revenue earning warehouse or storage accommodation THIS YEAR will...

Page 49

Good Prospects

HOW does the industry's Association see the future for warehousing? When we spoke to Mr S. G. Burgess, the secretary of the...

Page 50

The transport warehouse link

by Bruce Whitehall, Editor, Mechanical Handling International NO efficient manufacturing can nowadays afford warehousing and...

Page 53

1 bird and the boot

labour relations legislation years, from both major has undoubtedly given s greater security, in many g overdue. But it has...

P.W ill this week from the transTerintendent of Harlow Council,

Mr Isles, who cornhat it was nice of the DoE to half-page advertisement in . eial Motor (January 10) to - ators that new...

Page 54

Curtain raiser at Brussels

International sparkle amid the economic gloom by the Technical Editor DESPITE rocketing fuel price: vehicle demand and der...

Page 61

A Jap in the Midlands

Sampling the Hino HE335E 26-tonne rigid by Trevor Longcroft Stretch Getting into and out from the cab is a bit of a stretch,...

Page 63

ip in the lands

ed from page 60 lino pulled away comfortably it in 3rd gear and maximum the unladen chassis cab on the ; just over 80 km/ h...

No magic number

ANY GIRL whose vital statistics do not come within the prescribed limits is wasting her time trying to become Miss Mile End...

Page 64

Clubbing together for Europe

IN RECENT weeks the light range from the Club of Fou sortium has been receiving a grt of publicity. DAF and Savier already...

Page 66

Investigating van rental

As a vehicle examiner I found the article "CM investigates van rental" (CM January 3) interesting reading, but in no way...

Lorries and the environment

Janus does not lack daring. In a recent Topic he suggested that "fresh illustrations of the harm caused by lorries may not be...

Manchester bus gearboxes

I write to point out two errors in a recent article — "Transmissions: a period of change" (CM December 6). First, the Allison...

0-licence responsibility

Your survey of van rental (CM 3) is valuable because compz ing vehicles need the maxim' ligence they can get if the choose...

Radio-co ntrolled assistance

I would like to comment on item in Commercial Motor J 1975, (Midlands BRS). We ) operating a fleet of 17 vehicles, 5cwt to...

Page 67

I would like my sons aged 20 and 18 to

obtain hgv driving licences and 1 understand that they can now obtain these , e ore they are 21 years of age. Is this so?...

fy articulated unit, which !eludes a refrigerated trailer, at £661.50

with an unladen f 13 tons 12cwt. I would like vinue the use of the trailer nd to run only with . flats. 'ax the unit alone, and...

Q Could a lorry . fitted with a 2-ton Hiah crane

be taxed as a mobile crane at an annual rate of £5 and use rebated diesel as long as it never carries goods on a road? Does a...

Page 68

The new law on industrial relations

11: Conclusion by John Darker AMBIM LABOUR RELATIONS is a constantly evolving subject and no short series of articles can hope...

Page 69

Public service vehicles 8

by Les Oldndge TEng (CEI) MIMI AMIRTE REGULATION 36 of the Public Service Vehicle (Condition of Fitness, Equipment and Use)...

Page 70

Tyre change

The Super R68 automatic tyre changer from Repco is capable of dealing with most light commercial vehicle wheels of 9 in to 18...

Whale kit

Remote control pneumatic cylinders for opening and closing rear discharge valves on Whale sludge tankers are now available as...

Safety gun

Psimat has introduced a high-pressure gun which is as standard equipment with of pressure cleaners. The gun automatically shuts...

Keep tab on wage

The new wages and sala from Guildhall is designe , for the new regulations w mence ,on April 6 1975. duced in two sizes, up to...

Piped0W11 INTERTRUCK has re, prices of brass fittings for pression and brake pipes I as 27 per cent.

Made by: Intertruck Ltd Road, Dartford, Kent.