BMC Drivers' Club in Ireland
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THE benefits of free membership of the BMC Drivers' Club, available for the past decade for all drivers of Austin and Morris commercial vehicles and Nuffield tractors in the United Kingdom, are now available for drivers of similar vehicles in the Republic of Ireland.
The Irish Club is sponsored by three firms which, for years past, have imported and assembled BMC vehicles at their separate assembly plants in Dublin, They are Brittain (Dublin) Ltd., Booth Poole and Co. Ltd. and Lincoln and Nolan Ltd;
Applications for membership can be made to any of these firms or to the Organizer, The BMC Drivers' Club, PO Box 306, 99 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2.
airfield's Reaction to Offer: After discussing an offer announced by GUM Keen and Nettlefolds Ltd., Birfield Ltd. last week announced that a merger on suitable terms could be advantageous, but takes the view that the consideration offered is inadequate and cannot be recommended to the shareholders.
Included in the Queen's Birthday Honours List announced at the weekend were the following: Baron: Sir William Hunter McFadzean, chairman, British National Export Council.
Knight: H. C. Tett, chairman, Esso Petroleum Co. Ltd.; Mr. A. G. Algeo, chairman, Ulster Transport Authority.
CB: C. P. Scott-Malden, under-secretary, Ministry of Transport.
CBE: K. H. Platt, secretary, Institution of Mechanical Engineers; C. G. F. Pritchett, executive director, Chloride Electrical Storage; R. J. Smeed, former deputy director, traffic and safety division, Road Research Laboratory.
OBE: W. L. C. Honey, chief executive officer, Ministry of Transport; J. L. Roxburgh, chief superintendent engineering, David MacBrayne.
MBE: H. F. Alexander, workers' transport officer, Windscale and Calder Works, Production Op., AEA; J. George, regional ambulance officer, South and Eastern Region, Scotland; C. T. Nightingale, executive officer, Ministry of Transport; S. F. Positing, works manager, Morris Motors, M. E. Newbolt has been appointed maintenance supervisor of East Midlands Gas Board, with effect from July 4. Mr. Newbolt was previously service supervisor at National Garages (Kennings) Sheffield branch.
Sir Donald Stokes, deputy chairman and managing director, Leyland Motor Corporation, has been appointed to succeed Sir Edward Playfair as chairman of the Economic Development Committee for the Electronics Industry.
George Hardy, formerly general manager of Tower Hill Transport Co. Ltd., Boston, Lines, has been appointed managing director of a new London company, Bow Bells Transport Ltd., which has a branch depot in Marsh Lane, Boston. Some time ago a receiver was appointed to deal with the affairs of Tower Hill Transport Co. Ltd., and new companies were formed in separate licensing areas.
R. N. Wheeler has been appointed manager of the Wellingborough branch of BRS Parcels Ltd., with effect from June 20. He was previously traffic assistant, Midland area. Also on June 20 B. W. Lennard will become manager of the Coventry branch. He was formerly traffic assistant (special duties) in the Midland area.
At the a.g.m. of the Lorry Mounted Crane Association recently W. A. Smith (Smith Enterprises (Glamorgan) Ltd.) was elected chairmen, replacing F. Bowmer who retired after completing his period of office. S. Butterworth and L. Nelson retired from the executive committee and were replaced by A. Morton (Thos. W. Ward Ltd.) and W. Young (John Young and Co. (Kelvinhaugh) Ltd.).
J. M. D. Atherton has been appointed engineer of Hebble Motor Services Ltd., with effect from July 1, in succession to D. R. Cane, who retires on June 30. Mr. Atherton joined The Yorkshire Traction Co. Ltd. as an engineering trainee in 1953 and toqk up his present appointment of assistant chief engineer of Eddison Plant Ltd. early in 1965. Aid. Edgar Bower, chairman of Halifax Corporation's transport committee for the past 12 years, has resigned from the town council after 30 years as a member. He is a former chairman of Halifax Joint Omnibus Committee and has also served as a Yorkshire deputy Licensing Authority.
The Minister of Transport has appointed Lord Willis as a member of the National Road Safety Advisory Council in place of Howard Thomas, who has resigned because of pressure of other work. Lord Willis is a playwright, television and film scriptwriter and was created a Life Peer in 1963.
B. R. Gray, branch manager of BRS Parcels Ltd„ Hull, has been elected chairman of the Humberside section of the Institute of Transport.
At a meeting of the Council of the Public Transport Association last week, W. M. Little was unanimously re-elected chairman for a second year. T. W. H. Galley and A. F. R. Carling were re-elected vice-chairmen.
W. 0. Bell has been appointed general manager of the Southern European Group of Black and Decker Ltd., electric power tool manufacturers. In this capacity he will be responsible for the activities of Black and Decker (France) SARL; Star Utensili Elettrici, S.p.A.; and for Black and Decker activities in Spain. Mr. Bell has, therefore, resigned his directorship of the United Kingdom Co. where he was previously deputy managing director.
D. C. Barham has been appointed sales man ager, trailer division, of Commercial Vehicle (Sales and Repairs) Ltd., of Basildon.
As part of a programme to reorganize the engineering division of Teealemit (Engineering) Ltd., the following appointments have been made, all from within the company: R. E. Farnfield, quality engineering manager, with H. V. Southern inspection superintendent responsible to Mr. Farnfield; C. E. Higham, chief product engineer; J. M. Stevens, who was chief designer, plastics, is now chief designer, industrial equipment and plastics, with added responsibilities; P. W. Stripp continues as chief designer, automotive equipment; M. V. Denley, chief designer for all garage and general equipment; T. E. Greenwood, special projects engineer; W. G. L. Peppin, manager, engineering division workshop; and W. R. Chinn, assistant development engineer.
WE regret to record the deaths of E. E. Ben" well, T. W. Langstaff and John Morton.
Mr. Benwell, 60, had been general sales manager of J. Payen Ltd. since 1949.
Mr. IAmigstafT was assistant chief engineer of United Automobile Services Ltd. and had been with the company since 1927.
Mr. Morton, 70, was a former chairman of Morton's (Coventry) Ltd., the Coventry company with interests in road haulage, coal, prepacking and car marshalling and dispatch. He became chairman and managing director of the firm in the 1950s but resigned from the position two years ago because of ill health, although retaining his directorship. From 1941 to 1945 he was divisional road haulage officer for the Midlands and as such controlled 37 haulage firms.