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The Tipper Rates Battle Is Hotting Up
A CONTRACT A renewal and three new Contract A bids were refused by the Western Licensing Authority last week. The three new bids were heavily opposed and the LA's decision must......
Quarry Managements' Attitude
IHAVE discussed tipper rates with a number of West Country quarry managers recently and some of them are quite incensed by what they describe as a "ganging up by tipper groups".......
The Mid-southern Tipping Group Appeal
1 -IN June 20 the appeal of the MidNo.." Southern Tipping Group Ltd. against the refusal by the South-Eastern deputy LA, Mr. A. C. Shepherd, to extend the B-licensed radius of......
'alice In Wonderland' Bids
M EANWHILE the bids by a large number of East and West Midland hauliers, mostly tipper operators, seeking to carry tippable materials, England and Wales, as directed by A.......