Motorcab Topics.
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The Edinburgh licensing authorities are engaged in drawing up new regulations with regard to the horse-cab and taxicab traffic of the city.
On Thursday of last week, at Marylebone Police Court, a taxicab driver was fined. 10s. and costs for refusing to carry an intending passenger_ tin the evening of Tuesday last, the first annual dinner and smoking concert of the National Society of Chauffeurs were held at the Chelsea Club, Eldhant Road.
Further Facilities at Harrogate.
Several very-prominent additional stands for taxicabs have been secured by the Provincial Motor Cab Co., Ltd., in Harrogate, for use during the coming season. Cousiderable opposition to the granting of these new facilities was forthcoming from the owners of the local groWlers."
A Tip for Taxicab Users.
A taxicab proprietor, writing in the " Westminster Gazette," is of opinion that the independent attitude of many motoreah-drivers — a subject upon which we have something to say on the first, page of this issue—is due to the fact that many hirers do not rely upon the taximeter sufficiently.
Redemption of General Motor Cab Co.'s Debentures.
A meeting of the debenture holders of the General Motor Cab Co., Ltd., was held, on the 11th inst., at 32, Old Jewry, E.C. The object of the meeting apparently was to sanction the quartetly drawing of debentures, instead oi their payment at a fixed annual date only, although some of the shareholders appeared to doubt that the proposition had no other objective. After full discussion, and after a. poll had been taken, the recommendation of the directors was adopted by 10,918 votes to 744. Sir Frank Crisp, who presided, explained that the " directors did not wish to see the stun of £6G,6R0 necessarily accumulated each year and for which only a low rate of interest would be obtainable.
It was obviously more convenient to pay off, at. the settled premium, in the course of the year, instead of having to wait to the end."
If any readers are not acquainted with our comments upon this company's position as disclosed at the end of November last, we would refer them to our considered review in the issue of THE COMMERCIAL MoToe dated the 16th December, 1909. A New Reg istraticn.
The Yarmouth Universal Garage and Taxi Cab Co., Ltd., with an authorized capital of £3,500, in £1. shares, by Jordan and Sons, Ltd., to acquire the business of garage proprietors, etc., now carried] on by Dr. James Cowing-Middleton and others, at 25, Middle Market. Road, Great Ya rmouth.
'Ilfracombe's Turn Now..)
Thirty of the proprietors cf horsedrawn cabs in Ilfracombe have petitioned the Urban District Council " to postpone granting licences to taxicabs for another 12 months, in order to give them time to consider the ecst of such conveyances and to dispose of their carriages." The matter is to be reeonsidered at a special meeting which has been arranged to take place in a iveek's time.
Cabby Must Be Watchful.
An interesting decision was made by Mr. Plowden last week, at the termination of a ease in which Mr. Percy W. Northey. who is yell known on the pleasure-car side of the motoring world, summoned a taxicab driver for driving in a dangerous manner. Mr. Northey was driving past a (.8.h-rank. when the defendant drew out right in front of him, without giving any warning. The taxi-driver was bound over litt 5, Mr. Plowden stating that in these days when the London streets were literally seething with danger, the rules of the road, whether expressed nr ifllpliedl. must be upheld. Extensions.
The Building Committee of the L.C.C. has consented to the completion of various important structural alterations to the buildings at the Motor Cab Co.'s King's Cross depert, in Pancras Road.
Irish Cabs for the Irish.
In view of tho retrogressive attitude of the Dublin Corporation with regard to the employment of taxicabs in that city, it is of interest to hear that, realizing that these machines cannot much longer be prevented from being brought into competition with the native side-car, a proposal has been made that a company shall be formed Li manufacture taxicabs in Dublin, and that only Irishmen should be employed as drivers, etc. The proposer quaintly adds: " This course would give Ireland protection, even as against England."
:A Thirst for Knowledge.
Capt. Cooper, the Unionist M.P. for Dublin County, South—where, by the way, the taxicab and its meter are totally unknowns-in the House of Commons, one day last week, wanted to know how often taximeters were tested, and if these instruments were to be fitted to horse-dram n hackney carriages. The Under-Secretary (or the Home Office, in reply, outlined the nature of the tests to which taximeters are subjected. "At present," he added, " The Secretary of State feels unable to require their use on horsedrawn cabs, as the owners and drivers are divided in opinion on the subject."