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Since the provision of so large a proportion of London's motorbus equipment has, in the past, been effected by the purchase of...
London County, four or live years ago. if we may neeept statistic's a Inch have been widely quoted in official circles, had...
We have, on recent occasions, recorded our opinion that the public is surprisingly ignorant as to the End cut of its rights in...
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Mr. T. B. Browne's paper on The Design of Petrol Motor Vans," which was read before the members of the Institution of...
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By H. Howard Humphreys, ACI.Mech.E. (Continued from page 4. , Railway Companies Bridges. Unfortunately, it generally happens...
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(Concluded from Page 6.) Annealing. During the processes of rolling and forging, and its subsequent machining, steel is...
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Berlin's fire-extinguishing plant and arrangements are now reckoned amongst the " sights " of the metropolis, displays being...
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Keighley Town Council is to increase its present fleet of motorbuses. On the first page of this issue, we suggest that Bri...
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nit, Metropolitan Steam Omnibus Co., Ltd.. has recently put into set ice its 23rd Darracq-Serpollet omnibus. This new machine...
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This journal has by far the largest and best circulation—i.e., total of subscribers orders and actual sales through newsagents....
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The Dennis engine owned by the Rowley Regis R.D.C. is to have a new fire station to house it. " The Sydney Aforning Herald "...
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pay a visit to the Acro Exhibition, and I At the Aero just missed Mr. H. Show. G. Burford, who has a magnificent display of...
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News contributions are incited: payment via be made on publication. The Edinburgh licensing authorities are engaged in drawing...
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When in Huddersfield recently. one of our representatives had many opportunities for observing the excellent behaviour, on the...
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Passing New Motorbuses. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MotoR. 1,117] Sir,—One day last week. I noticed a new motorbus passing...
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Our readers will be informed by the Editor on any points connected with the construction or use of commercial motors. Where a...
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Selected Information which is likely to be of Interest to Makers, Owners, and their Buyers. The New "Merchant" Mounting for...
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TEN SHILLINGS WEEKLY for the Best Communication Received, and One Penny a Line of ten words for any thing else published....
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Complete specifications of the following patents will be sent to any address in the United Kingdom upon receipt of eightpence...