Useful Advice
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from the Traffic Commissioners
THE Traffic Commissioners for the South-eastern Traffic Area have recently issued a statement which gives valuable advice to local authorities, the police, owners and operators of publicservice vehicles, and all persons interested in road passenger transport. Some of the information naturally concerns the particular area to which reference has been made, but much is of general value.
The South-eastern Traffic Area consists of the administrative counties of East Sussex and West Sussex, and those of Surrey and Kent lying outside the Metropolitan Police District, also the county boroughs of Brighton, Hastings Eastbourne and Canterbury.
The Act provides for the issuing of certificates of fitness by the certifying officers of the area and the issuing by the Commissioners of public-service vehicle licences, road-service licences, road-service licence backings, and drivers' and conductors' licences. These , are additional to ordinary motor licences and drivers' licences.
Passenger-vehicle Licences.
. The position in regard to certificates of fitness and licences for motor vehicles is as follows :—
(1) If a vehicle be adapted to carry fewer than eight passengers, is always hired as a whole and not at separate fares, no certificate of fitness or any licence from the Commissioners is required.
(2) If a person desires to use or allow to be used without reward for carrying eight or more persons as passengers any vehicle ordinarily used for agriculture, trade or business, then, except where persons so carried are workpeople in the course of, or to and from, their employment, a certificate of fitness and a public-service vehicle licence are. required.
(3) A vehicle built to carry fewer D44 than eight passengers and used at any time to carry passengers at separate fares, requires (except for race meetings, public gatherings and other special occasions) a public-service vehicle licence and a road-service licence or , licences.
(4) A vehicle for eight or more passengers and always hired as a whole needs a certificate of fitness and a public-service vehicle licence.
(5) If it be used at any time to carry passengers at separate fares, a certificate of fitness, a public-service vehicle licence and a road-service licence or licences are necessary.
(6) A road-service licence granted by Commissioners of one area is not valid in any other traffic area, and application must be made to the Traffic Commissioners of the other area or areas for the road-service licence to be "backed."
In the event of persons being in doubt as to what forms are required, or be in difficulty as to filling them up, they should write to or call at the Commissioners' offices.
Hearing of Applications.
Under the Act, applications for roadservice licences or backings must be heard by the Commissioners at a public sitting, and the Commissioners of the South-eastern Area have decided to hold, as and when necessary, such sittings at the chief cities and towns. The Commissioners will then publish a " statement " containing :— (1) Summarized particulars of each application which has been made.
(2) Particulars of their public sittings, giving place, date and time, with a list of applications to be heard.
(3) Particulars of decisions made.
Copies of this " statement " can be seen, free of charge, at the offices of the Commissioners, and will be sent to any person on payment of per copy.
Until further notice, such "state.. ents will be issued weekly on Prida s, and the first issue will be made inane iately. It is to be the only notice g' en of applications.
Applications as made to the Commissioners, and containing more details than notices in the " statement " can be inspected until they havi been granted or refused. This appl es, for instance, in the case of propose fares.
Objections to Licences.
Objections to, or representat one in respect of applications, stati g the grounds on which they are base , must be made in writing. If a pe on intends to ask the Commissioners to attach conditions to any licence o backing, he must set out in the obje ion or representation a summary of e proposed conditions. These are quired in triplicate and not later than 4 days after notice has appeared in the statement." A copy must he sent to the applicant at the same time as it 's sent to the Commissioners.
Each applicant will receive a notice of the place, date and time w en his application will be heard ; also a notice of the decision.
Similar notices will be sent t those persons who object to, or make representations in respect of, an appl cation.
The Commissioners point o t particularly that applications for r ad-service licencea and backings will not be granted as a matter of course, e en for existing services. In the case f both unopposed and opposed appli ations, applicants must either personall or by an accredited representative, att nd the public sittings at which their Wientions will be heard. Where they are unopposed, applicants must provide evidence to justify applications, and where they are opposed, applicants and oppcinents must kubrnit to the Cointhissioners such evidence as they think fit.