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T HE past year has been one of steadily extending activities in the motorization of the many branches of municipal work. The...
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filHE Commercial -IMotor Show in November next will reveal a great many interesting things; the latest types of oil engine will...
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That the Road Traffic Act contains 123 sections. That the Orders and Regulations so far made thereunder contain 264...
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by all difficulties of lranspori at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by thg roughness of the roads over which it...
(AN February 9th the Minister of L./Transport made the Public Service Vehicles (Transitory Provisions) Order, 1931, to enable...
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An unusual adaptation of a passenzer-type chassis to goods-carrying requirements has been carried out. in the case of an A.E.C....
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exit for double-saloon vehicles, which is being han led in the area south of a line from Barmouth to Skegness by Messrs. le...
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TROLLEY-BUSES I F, 50 years ago, the roads of this country had been as good as they are to-day and if motorbuses had then...
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Q REAT expense is incurred annually VI - by authorities operating fire pumps, ambulances, etc., in keeping petrol engines...
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EFFICIENT REFUSE COLLECTION Q 'LUTE apart from the design . of dust-trapping covers for refuse . vehicles, which has received...
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MHE 11th dinner of the Institute of Transport, which was held recently at the Connaught Rooms, as usual included a most...
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"NEW ERA" MNOR the past few weeks much in terest has been aroused in commercial-vehicle circles by the preliminary, anonymous...
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Fire and Compression-ignition Oil Engines. The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR. [3354] .Sir,—Major Goddard has indeed given me a...
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T HERE may be few bright spots in the condition of affairs at the moment, but the progress of municipal motorization affords a...
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PASSENGER TRANSPORT M UNICIPAL motorbus services of the present day are the growth of 30 years, although this is, from some...
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Remarkably Efficient AMBULANCE SERVICE T HE London area has a remarkable ambulance service, one that is kept in readiness for...
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in all its aspects p RACTICALLY every town and city in the country makes use to-day of efficient fire-fighting appliances,...
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Biggest Fleet of MUNICIPAL BUSES B IRMINGHAM is a city which has considerably extended its boundaries and developed rapidly...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent Wholesale Prices Unavailable. M AJOR GLYN asked the Secretary of Mines to state...
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for use by Municipal Undertakings L OCAL government authoritie s have not been slow to realize the many advantages of...
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from the Traffic Commissioners T HE Traffic Commissioners for the South-eastern Traffic Area have recently issued a statement...
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A S announced in our issue for last week, the new station built by the Hants and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., close by The...
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CHANGEMENT of PASSENGERS I MPORTANT features of any bus service are its regularity, punctuality and speed. In order that the...
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M UNICIPAL authorities and concerns contracting for the making and repair of roads sometimes experience difficulty in arranging...
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for Municipal Service A MONGST those who have accorded a hearty welcome to the oil engine in its application to the passenger...
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of DISTINCTION W 1THOUT doubt the introduction of the Fluid Flywheel and self-changing gearbox, as a combination, for duty in...
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W E are able exclusively to announce that the Standard Pneumatic Cushion Tyre Co., Ltd., of 110, Fenchurch Street, London,...
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MUNICIPAL BUS SERVICES Our Annual Compilation, Based Upon Official Returns, Provides Evidence of the Increasing Use of...
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A S the result of experience gained during the past year with the restriction of - waiting time in the case of commercial...
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Some Experiences of Municipalities in Connection with Motor-driven Road Sweepers also Combined Road Sweepers and Collectors C...
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Q I.JASGOW'S opinion of motordriven street sweepers, as expressed by Mr. C. H. Macfarlane, the director of cleansing, is...
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of Passenger Transport M UNICIPAL bus services at Walsall are growing apace and, during the past financial year, the...
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Co-ordination. Agreement at Last Made in Connection with Bus Services in the Liverpool F OR some months negotiations have been...
TORE details are now available to 111.The Commercial Motor g regarding the important step reeently taken by Greyhound Motors,...
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Important Financial betails are Explained in the City Treasurer's Report I N connection with the decision of Carlisle...