WHEELS of INDUSTRY "The wheels of wealth will be slowed
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by all difficulties of lranspori at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by thg roughness of the roads over which it rans."—John Beattie CreTier.
Joint Manufacture of C.A.V. and Bosch Equipment.
Just as we go to press the following announcement has been handed to us.
Au arrangement has been entered Into between C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd., and Robert Bosch A.G., the result of which will be the pooling of technical resources and the joint manufacture of C.A.V. and Bosch commercial-vehicle. equipntent at Acton. To enable the scheme to be put into operation, Robert Bosch A.G. will acquire a certain financial interest in C. A. Vandervell and Co., Ltd. The control will remain with the present owners of C.A.V.
The arrangement also comprises a full interchange of technical information and patents between Joseph Lucas, Ltd., and the Robert Bosch A.G., but no financial arrangement is involved or contemplated between these two companies. The products manufactured by Robert Bosch A.G. will be sold by Bosch, Ltd., succeeding the present exelusive agent, J. A. Stevens, Ltd., in the same manner as heretofore.
Coach Owners National Council Formed.
On March 10th, at a meeting held in London, the National Advisory Council of Independent Public Service Vehicle Owners Associations was formed. Delegates were present representing the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association, London; the Mansfield and District Omnibus Owners Association, Nottingham ; the Motor Omnibus Proprietors Association, Argoed, and the Brighton and District Coach Owners Association, Brighton. In addition to these organizations, three others have joined the council, • these being the Medway and District Bus Owners Association, Strood ; the Blackpool and District Motor Coach Owners Association, Blackpool, and the Northern Road Transport Owners Association, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Confirmations from five other associations, as to their intention to join, are shortly expected.
New Dates for the Power Farming Demonstration.
As a result of the land being f rootbound the power farming demonstration arranged for March 10th and 11th at the Harper Adams Agricultural College, Newport, Shropshire, had to be postponed. The event will now tako place on March 19th and 20th.
Ford Profits in 1930 and a Capital Increase Proposal.
Theg.treport of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., which has recently been issued for the year 1930, shows a net, profit of 1978,604, which compares with £1,013,507 shown in the first report, this figure including £104,512 earned by affiliated companies prior to their reorganization. The dividend is maintained at 10 per cent., and, after trans, ferring £188,250 to the reserve for taxation, the carry forward amounts to £506,360, as compared with £258,507 brought in. During the year the reserve account was increased by the sum of £756,209 and now amounts to £899,621. The balance-sheet shows investments in Intl loans to affiliated companies .. at
£5,573,634. . .
At a meeting to be held on March 18th a proposal is to be considered for increasing the capital of the company to £9,000,000 by the issue of 2,000,000 ordinary shares of £1 each.
Appeal Against London Coach-ban Decision.
On Wednesday last all ELPPeal lodged by the Skylark Motor Coach Co. Ltd., against the decision of the King's Bench Divisional Court, made on February 25th, which established the right of. the Minister of Transport, Mr. Herbert Morrision, to make regulations limiting the use of motor couches in Central London. It is understood that the Motor Hirers and Coach Services Association is not actually concerned with this appeal.
This Issue and the Next.
In order to accommodate a number of important articles dealing with different phases of municipal transport activity., we have been compelled to withhold certain of our regular features, these including " Problems of the Haulier and Carrier" and our weekly page giving a, rasurne of recently published .:patent specifications. These and other features will be resumed in our next issue, when we shall also include an article dealing with the clever system of refusecollection employed in Milan which we have found it necessary to hold over.
Piston Rings of All Types.
Those who need to purchase piston rings will be interested to learn of the wide range marketed by the Aero Piston Ring Co., Ltd., St. Peter's Place, York Street, Leeds.
All rings are made to the limits laid down by the British Engineering Standards Association. The types prod duced include plain' stepped scraper, slotted scraper and chamfered scraper, These rings are made from centrifugally east metal conforming to Air Board specifications.
They are made in sizes suitable for all kinds of engine, and by reason of their accurate dimensions require the minimum amount of labour in fitting. The maker issues explicit directions for the installation of rings of all types.
An Unusual Appliance for Roads Work.
Ready Mixed Concrete, Ltd., of Bedfont, Middlesex, employs a fleet of Chevrolet six-wheelers, equipped with agitator plant, for delivering readymixed concrete direct to sites where it is required for road-building or other operations. Two aspects of one of these unusual machines are shown in aceomponying illustrations, and it will be seen that the main part of the equipment consists of a conical container carried on a superstructure built up on the chassis. This revolves slowly while the truck is running on the road, being driven by the standard power take-off from the gearbox.
By adopting this procedure the con-.
crets. is kept in perfect condition. The flow of material from the cylinder to tho trough can be accurately controlled by means of the hand-controlled tipping gear, which is on the off side at the rear.
Steamers for Spraying Roads.
The Sentinel Waggon Works, Ltd., Shrewsbury, has just issued an interesting booklet which deals with the use of Sentinel steam wagons for spraying road surfaces. It is pointed out that, in the treatment of roads with liquid surface dressings, the proper application is of as much importance as the quality of the material itself. It is now generally realized that, in dealing with large areas of surface, the most economical and efficient method is to transport the dressing in bulk and then to spray it from the vehicle which has brought it direct to the scene of operations. • The use of Sentinel steam wagons for such tasks is clearly set out in the booklet, the class of vehicle employed and the nature of its equipment being dearly indicated. The merits of Sentinel tank wagons, equipped with pump and spraying gear, are enumerated for the benefit of municipal engineers and all those who are concerned with road surfacing.
New Road Schemes Approved.
During the month of Febreary schemes for widening, reconstruction and other improvements of classified roads and bridges, and for the construction of new roads and bridges of classification value, involving a total estimated expenditure of £2,148,000, were formally approved by the Ministry of Transport for Road Fund grants. The total value of schemes for the improvement of class!
fied scads and bridges definitely approved for commencement by the present Government is now over £30,000,000, whilst further schemes to the value of £25,000,000 have been approved in principle.
Two of the most important schemes are the widening and reconstruction of a section of the London-Brighton road, from Muddleswood to Hickstead Bridge, and the widening and reconstruction of a new le-mile road to by-pass the village of Thorpe on the Birmingham-Great Yarmouth road, the cost being £150,000.
A Haulier's New Midland Office.
Broad and Montague, Ltd., a haulagecontracting concern, of 121, Charlton Road, London, S.E.3, advises us that it has opened a Midland office at 1, Grosvenor Chambers, Broad Street, Birmingham, and that it is in a position to give transport service to all parts of the country. Leyland Progress and Prospects.
The 12th annual general meeting of Leyland Motors, Ltd., was held a few days ago' when Mr. J. H. Toulmin, J.P., the chairman of the company, presided. We have already dealt with the financial aspect of the company's trading during the year ended September 30th last, details of the accounts being published in our issue dated March 3rd.
Reviewing trading conditions generally, Mr. Toulmin mentioned that the directors continue to attach considerable importance to overseas markets as an outlet for the company' e products and that, whilst the immediate outlook was not very promising so far as those markets were concerned, he thought that the result of the past year's activities was highly satisfactory. He referred to the fact that two of the company's directors have., recently made tours abroad, one to Canada and the other to Australia and New Zealand.
He made passing reference to the new 2-ton model which the company is producing and intimated that the first, models Would, at an early date, be available for delivery.
Dealing with heavy-on engines, Mr. Toulmin said that the company had for several years been carrying out experiments, but that the directors would not put on the market any vehicle until they were fully satisfied that it was entirely The Roadway Goods Transport Guide.
The very comprehensive and valuable Goods Transport Guide, which is about to be published bye Roadway Time Tables, Bookings and Publications, Ltd., Roadway Corner, Warwick Street, London, W.1., . at the price of 25s., should now be ordered by those who desire to receive one of the first few thousand copies to be despatched.
A Sales Manager Available.
A well-known sales manager of long experience with both privete cars and commercial vehicles will shortly be at liberty to accept a similar position. He has extensive knowledge of home and export sales and is an expert in modern methods of publicity and circularization. Any letters addressed to "Sales Manager," care of • the Editor, will be forwarded.
• Trolley-buses for Portsmouth?
The transport committee of Portsmouth Corporation, whilst acquiring six additional buses to replace tramway services, points out that the question of introducing trolley vehicles has not been overlooked. In this connection it has decided to retain some of the present overhead equipment, so that itmay be utilized if and when vehicles of this type are purchased.
Waveney Coachwork.
The Waveney Co., Ltd., Stanley Road, Oulton Broad, Lowestoft has issued a c talogue giving particulars and illustrati ns of three types of body which it b ibis for mounting upon the Chevrolet clnssis. One is an all-weather coach b dy and the others bus bodies of the 0 0-man-operated pattern. In each case
e company's products are reflective of dens design and construction and the fferent types available appear to be p rticularly suitable for use on rural r utes.