An Interesting Emergency Vehicle.
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An unusual adaptation of a passenzer-type chassis to goods-carrying requirements has been carried out. in the case of an A.E.C. Regent model, built to the special. requirements of London's Underground engineers. It is to be used for carrying emergency equipment when required for the maintenance of the services.
There is a compartment, which extends the full width of the body, for the crew, provision being made for carrying five men ; the scat can be raised to reach certain of the equipment which is carried in the locker below.
. The use of sliding doors on both sides of the vehicle enables bulky and awkward loads to be dealt with in the minimum time and with the least effort. These doors run on rollers in iron channels, fixed on the outside of the body. A door is also provided at the rear for use 'when side loading is not possible. The vehicle is illustrated on this page.
Personal Pars.
The Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. announces that Mr. W. H. 0. Steer has been appointed regional manager in the south of England. Until recently Mr. Steer was connected with the Goodyear tyre concern.
Mr. R. E. Mennie, who has for a period of 25 years been in the service of the transport department of Aberdeen Town Council, has been appointed traffic assistant to the Road Traffic Commissoner for the northern area of Scotland.
Canada Dominates N.Z. Imports.
Out of 553 complete vans, lorries and buses, valued at £53,721, imported during the II months ended November last into New Zealand, no fewer than 549 (£52,802) are credited to Canada. The vehicles were of the light, lowpriced class. During the same period 2,356 commercial chassis, valued at £407,492, were imported. Of the total, 1,394 of the chassis are credited to Canada, 709 to the United States and 245 to Great Britain.
D22 HALresx Corporation is to buy two further motorbuses.
WALstEn Urban District Council contemplates buying a motor roller.
BURY Corporation's cleansing department is inviting tenders for the supply of a 30-cwt. chassis.
GRAVESEND TOWIL COUDCil requires a refuse-collection vehicle, and tenders for its supply have to be delivered by March 25th.
Tenders are to be obtained by the transport committee of WALSALL Corporation for the supply of four doubledeck buses, the cost being estimated at £7,000.
The fire department of Binmirmalist Corporation is inviting tenders for the supply of two motor pumps with forward driving positions, two motor tenders and a trailer pump. Further particulars can be obtained from the chief officer at the fire brigade headquarters, and tenders have to be delivered not later than April 21st.
The parks committee of ROTHERHAM Corporation has authorized the purchase of a tractor.
The housing committee of WALSALL Corporation is to purchase a lorry at a cost of about £280.
The transport committee of PLYMOUTH Corporation is to ask for quotations for the supply of 10 double-deck buses.
The gas committee of WALSALL Corporation has authorized the purchase of two vans at an estimated cost of £480.
The health committee of BANGOR Corporation has authorized the purchase of an ambulance costing £460.
The gas committee Of PLYMOUTH Corporation has purchased two Mann 6-ton steamers at a cost of £875 each.
The health committee of BIRMINGHAM Corporation has accepted the tender of Birmingham Garages, Ltd., for the supply of a van.
The parks committee of EAST HAM Corporation recommends the purchase from Mr. W. J. Reynolds of a Fprd tractor costing £180.
The cemeteries and allotments committee of PLYMOUTH Corporation is to obtain tenders for the supply of two lorries and a motor mower.
The transport committee of WARuanTori Corporation is in favour of buying three Leyland bus chassis and three Massey 56-seater bodies.
The health committee of LEEDS Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of C. H. Pugh, Ltd., for the supply of a motor mower costing IR.
The tender of Kennings, Ltd., for two Morris vans costing £339 is recommended for acceptance by the transport committee of ROTHERHAM Corporation.
The highways committee of WARRINGTON COTINITatiOn is to consider the purchase of lorries when experience has been obtained by the hiring of motors.
The tender of Ritchies, Ltd., Glasgow, for the supply of two Austin ambulances costing £1,170, is favoured by the health committee of GLASGOW Corporation.
The transport committee of PORTSMOUTH Corporation recommends the purchase from Crossley Motors, Ltd., of six oil-engined double-deck buses at a cost of £1,900 each; The transport committee of Poursmourn Corporation recommends the use of Michelin pneumatic tyres, supplied by the maker, on a mileage basis, at prices ranging from .295d. to .535d. per mile.
The transport committee of PORTSMOUTH Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of the Vacuum Oil Co., Ltd., for the supply of lubricants on a mileage basis at .115d. per mile.
The electricity committee of PORTSMOUTH Corporation recommends acceptance of the tender of Messrs. Portsmouth Commercial Motors for the supply of a Morris-Commercial 1-ton van costing £238, and of Messrs. Sparshatt for the supply of a Dennis 2-ton van at a cost of £421.
The motor omnibus committee of EASTBOURNE Corporation has accepted the tender of the Universe Petroleum Co., Ltd., for the supply of petrol for the 12 months endiag March 31st, 1932, at M. per gallon, and the tender of Shell-Mex, Ltd for the supply of oil during that period at is. 3d, per gallon.
The Chevrolet on Trial.
General MotoM, Ltd., The Hyde, London, N.W.9, recently submitted for trial, under " the general competition rules of the R.A.C., a Chevrolet 30-cwt. lorry, the object being to obtain records of fuel, engine oil and water consumption and of general reliability. The trial was held on the Club's six standard routes, which consist of out-and-home runs from London on the main Cheltenham, Exeter, Peterborough, Stratfordon-Avon, Bath and Coventry roads. The petrol used was purchased in the ordinary way on the road and, with the exception of one stretch of 100 miles, which was heavy owing to snow, the going was good.
The total distance covered was 1.00G1 miles and the average speed maintained, excluding all stops, was 22.6 m.p.h. The fuel return showed that, on an average;qt. gallon. of petrol was used for .18.19 miles of running, this being equivalent to 59.7 ton-miles per gallon. Oil consumption was equivalent to 7,222 m.p.g., whilst the total amount of water put into the radiator to replace that lost was 1i pint.
A New Flexible "Stop" light.
Flexible Lamps, Ltd., of 59, New Oxford Street, London, W.C.1, has put on to the market a new "stop" light, which is intended for use on commercial vehicles. The lamp casing is made of rubber and is about 41 ins, in diameter, the lettering, which is sandblasted on to the glass, also being large. The rubber, of course, prevents vibration from being passed on to the bulb and the glass.
A switch which operates in conjunction with the brake pedal is provided, as well as a spare glass. The lamp has been made to the specification of an important bus undertaking.
A Motor Salvage Corps Register.
Harvey Frost and Co., Ltd., 148-150, Great Portland Street, London, W.1, advises us that it is about to issue a new register of members of the EP. Motor Salvage Corps, which is an organization of service stations and garages possessing the necessary equipment for rendering efficient help after serious road accidents. Membership is not limited to those garages using only HE. equipment, and the company therefore invites those of our readers who are interested and who possess salvage plant to 'write for a form of application.
A Contract for Oils and Greases.
We are informed that Sterne], Ltd., 110, Cannon Street, London, E.04, has been appointed by the Commercial Distributors (Yorkshire), Ltd., as the official supplier of motor oils and greases to members of the Yorkshire settion of the Commercial Motor Users Association. A contract has been arranged under which special grades of oil and grease are available at attractive prices to these members. The Commercial Distributors (Yorkshire), Ltd., is the buying organization for the Yorkshire section of the C.M.U.A.
A Bus Firm Wins an Appeal.
In the matter of the appeal made by Messrs. Rees and Williams, of T3rcroes Warm ), against licensing conditions which Ammanford Urban District Council sought to impose on the firm's bus services, the decision of the Ministry of TiansPort has now been conveyed to the council. The hearing of the appeal was reported in The Commercial Motor.
It may be recalled that the council, in consideration of granting licences to Messrs. RUB and Williams for all other routes, imposed the condition that the firm's buses should not ply for hire on the route to PontarduIais and Swansea, on which they had run for some time.
The Ministry upholds the contention that the condition was unreasonable and orders the council to license the vehicles of Messrs. Rees and Williams on tbia route. In consequence of this decision, Ammanford Council has disbanded its bus-control committee and has repudiated any intention of acting in the interval of the taking over of authority by the area traffic commissioners, as a traffic control and licensing body. This disbandment has been notified to the Ministry and to local authorities in the surrounding district.
A Commercial-vehicle Specialist.
A man who is at present engaged on the distribution side of the commercialvehicle business in London, and who has had 25 years of experience in the motor trade, informs us that in view of likely developments he wishes now to join a well-established manufacturing company, to concern himself. _with the sale of goods and passenger-carrying chassis and vehicles, preferably in the London area where he is well known, Letters ddressed to "Commercial al Sales," cake of the Editor, will be forwarded pr mptly. • In the advertisement of the New London Ruhber Tyre Co., Ltd., of 15, Highs Stre t, Bow Bridge, London, E.15, appearing in our issue dated March 10th, the price for the new disc wheels should ha e been £5 per pair.
London's Latest Single-decker.
On Monday of last week the Londfoi General Omnibus Co., Ltd., put into service on route 111 (Finsbury ParkMuswell Hill) a new type of singledecker, the L.T., seating 35 people. One hundred of these will be constructed and allocated to routes where it is not possible to run double-deckers.
The chassis is, of course, of A.E.C. make and is of the well-known Renown six-wheeled type, having three differentials, a six-cylindered overhead-valve engine, and braking on all six wheels, a vacuum-servo device being employed. The body of the new bus is interesting, being of the front-entrance variety and of smart appearance.
A Paper on Heavy-oil Engines.
A meeting of unusual interest will be held jointly by 11 societies in the hall of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers,Storey's Gate, St. James's
Park, London, on March 31st, at 7.45 p.m., when 'Dr. S. J. Davies and Mr. E. Giffen, M.Sc., of King's College (Engineering Department), will read a paper entitled "Injection, Ignition and Combustion in High-speed Heavy-oil Engines." The chair will be talsen'by Mr. Loughnan Pend red, pastpresident of the Institution of Mechanical ,Engineers.
Willys Price Reductions.
Price reductions have recently been made in connection with certain of the commercial vehicles marketed by Willys Overland Crossley, Ltd. The Willys express van now sells for £155, as against 1178, whilst the 15-40 h.p. Commerce saloon is available at £108 instead of £188.