News of the Week
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LUNCHEON-CONFERENCE SEATS STRICTLY LIMITED THERE was an almost instant J.' response to the announcement of a definite date (April 28, at the Cc naught Rooms, Great Queen Street, London, W.C.2) for our luncheonconference for the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers.
The maximum accernmodation which we can arrange is 150. By last Tuesday 102 seats had been booked at 10s., and remittances should be made.
We have had an enormous correspondence in connection with this scheme, and we would point out that we are not acknowledging applications either for membership or attendance at the luncheon, hut tickets up to the maximum number will be sent to applicants in due course, S.R. CHAIRMAN COMPARES P.S.V. AND GOODS ROAD TRANSPORT THE chairman of the Southern Rail' way, at the 21st a.g.m. of the company, referred to the system on which the company works in relation to its road interests.
The partner in each company, apart from a number of private shareholders, is Thomas Tilling, Ltd., or the British Electric Traction Co., Ltd. The relationship with these interests, and in particular with Sir Frederick Heaton and Messrs. Howley and Garcke, is most cordial. Each brings a useful contribution to the direction of-the bus business, and the railway's nominees on the boards are concerned to see that the respective undertakings provide the most efficient road-passenger service possible. In addition, there are standing joint committees, to which both the railway and the road companies send representatives, and by which all points affecting the co-ordination of road and rail are thrashed out.
On the goods side, however, no such organization exists, and steps mast be taken to bring about a proper balance between the different forms of transport in their obligations to the public, their rates structures, and so on. It is hoped that the transport industry will achieve a form of organization which will obviate irresponsible competition and will allow room for Vigorous development arid freedom of choice for the . user • to select the transport most efficient for his purpose.
WHEN considering motor taxation, the Treasury looks to the Board of Trade for advice on the manufacturing and export-trade aspects, whilst from the point of view of the vehicle operator, it consults the M.O.W.T. So far, the inquiries made from the trade 'associations have been exploratory and practically informal.
SIR G/I.FRID GORDON CRAIG; D.L., J.P., has been appointed a member of the London Passenger Transport Board for a period of three years from February 21. to fill the vacancy caused by. the death of Colonel Forrester Clayton. Sir Gilfrid is the senior partner of Messrs. Speechly, Mumford and Craig, solicitors, and was chairman of the Middlesex County Council from 1040-. 1943.
MR, FREDERICK H. Simms, Hon. F.S.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., 1VI.I.Ae.E., has presented the Council of the Society of Engineers with a donation of .£500 for the annual award of a Gold Medal for a discovery or outstanding invention, lecture or s paper, by any grade of member of the Society during any one year, in connection —with any branch of civil or mechanical engineering.
FOR the transport of outcrop coal, obtained under the Government scheme for the development of surface workings to supplement coal supplies from the mines, two new co-operative road haulage pools have been formed by operators in Yorkshire. One of the pools, serving South Yorkshire, has been established under the title of Don Valley Hauliers, Ltd., with headquarters at Doncaster, •The ,Other pool, serving mid-Yorkshire, is called the Barnsley and District Transport Co.
AASKED by Billingham-on-Tees Urban Council to extend the Middlesbrough Grosvenor Road service so far as Wolyiston, 'United Automobile Services, Ltd., has replied that this could not be done without extra staff. The council' has, therefore, decided to approach anoiher operator on the subject, if the " United " does not carry out its request.
The council has also complained to the company of the apparent inability of gas-producer buses on the Darlington-West Hartlepool route to keep to the official times.
THE following officers were appointed for the ensuing year at thd annual general meeting of the Torquay, Paignton and Brigham Sub-area of
A O.R. Chairman, Mr. F. W. Harvey (Torquay); vice-chairman, Mr. R. Knight (Paignton); honorary secretary, Mr.' C. Owen (Paignson). The committee consists of Mrs. E. E. Watts, Messrs. N. Elliot, A. Merchant; J. C. Shapley, S. . H: Barely (Thrquay), R. G. Ford, J. H. Ackrell (Paignton), A. H. Martin (Brigham), and W. G. Denning (Dartmouth).
CHANGE 'in procedure for the operation of the Road Haulage Wages Act is suggested in a resolution adopted at a recent meeting of the employers' panel of the Yorkshire Area • Wages Board, in Leeds. In a discussion it was complained that the present• procedure was a waste of time, so far as it concerned area hoards, in that when a national change in haulage wages had been, proposed, they were simply .informed of the' recommendations which the Central Wages Board had already decided to make to the Minister . of Labour and National.. Service. When that stage had been reached, the only opportunity which employers had to make objections on the recommendations wp.s by communicating as individual Operators with the Ministry of Labour. Thmeresolution expressed the view that there should be a reversion to the former procedure whereby area boards were consulted before the Central Wages Board made its recommendations to the Minister,
THE need for using Toad-transport vehicles for the carriage of coal arises from the development of Opencast workings which, unlike coal mines, are not rail-connected. Mechanical excavators swing the coal direct into tipping wagons for dispatch to railheads, stocking sites, and, in some instances, direct to industrial consumers.
At present, a fleet of over 750 vehicles is making transport history in this way, and is moving 100,000 tons a week.
he fleet will eventually total about 4,000, and the tonnage 500,000 per week. Journeys to rail average about five miles, but direct deliveries may be about 50 miles. The tippers drive hp ramps to discharge their loads into railway wagons, or are unloaded into hopperS which are carried upwards on conveyor belts which empty into wagons through sifting screens.
• The responsibility for• the ceaseless How of vehicles in Most areas is the province of the M.O.W.T. Road Haulage organization.
irHE M.O.W.T. has deferred,. for a 1 further period of three, years, Manthester City Council's 1938 scheme for the erection of .a new bus station providing accommodation for 40 buses, hut has expressed the hope that the project will be commenced at the earliest opportunity after the war. The scheme, which includes the partial covering of the river Irwell at a point opposite the Manchester Cathedral, was estimated to cost £90,620.
Manchester's plan to introduce the calming of trolleybuses on certain routes to Wythenshawe and Trafford Park has also been deferred for a similar period, R.H.A. WEST RIDING COMMITTEE GETS BUSY
FYorkshire, steps to implement the Perry scheme for the unification of road-transport Operators' organizations were advanced a further stage when the first meeting took place last week, in Leeds, of the newly constituted West Riding Area Committee of the Road Haulage Association, farming part of the National Road Transport Fede ration.
Councillor Charles Holclsworth, of Halifax, who presided, said that he felt sure the meeting would proveto. be a memorable feature in the development of association activities in Yorkshire. They were making an. important advance towards the goal of unity.
Councillor Holdsworth, who since before the war has been chairman of the C.M.U.A.'s Northeastern Division, was elected chairman of the new committee. • The .following other crffieers were appointed :---Vice-chairmen, Mr. J. A. M. Bright (Selby), who has long .served A.R.O. as a Yorkshire Area officer and as a member of the National Council, and Mr. -Frank Thompson (Leeds), who' for some years. has been .chairman of the Federation of Yorkshire Road Transport Employers; secretary,. Mr. Harry Clark (Leeds), secretary of the Yorkshire Federation since its formation,assistant secretary, Mr. A. E. Whitely, who has acted as secretary of the C.M.LI.A.'s Northeastern Division since Mr. G. H. Brook became a full-time officer in the National Fire Service, It was cleeided that the representatives Who served on the liaison committee during the preliminary negotiations shall comprise the executive committee.
In discussion, stress was laid upon the aim to utilize not Only present subareas to to the full but to establish additional ones so as effectively to cover the whole 'of the area.
The .West Riding Area Committees of the Traders' Road Transport .Association and the • Passenger Vehicle Operators' Association are in process of formation.
THE gross amount of fax received in payment for licences of commercial vehicles in Great Britain during the financial year 1938-39, was £17,477,670. The Chancellor of the Exchequer recently stated that the amount was
divided in the proportion of £13,460,043 for goods vehicles and tractors, and £4,01.1,627 for hackney vehicles.
THE report of the London Passenger Transport Board for 1948 shows that net revenue amonnted. .to .£4,714,126, compared With ;£4,840,705 in the Previous year. A final interest payment of -2 per cent, on the "C " stock makes Si per cent, for the year.
The fitting of buses with gas producers has proceeded during the year, and .modifications of the equipment have been carried out as the resultof constant experiment and research. Approximately :100 gas-producer buses are in operation, mainly in the country area.
The staff strength of the Board -at the end of 1943 was 75,433, which included approximately 17,000 women.
. Capital expenditure -on lause-4, and coaches during the• year amounted to 30,807, and on trolleybuses to £7,131:
THEPotteries -Motor Traction Co., Ltd., proposes to increase its capital from £000,000 to £635,000 by the creation of 35,000 £1 ordinary shares. As was mentioned hi our last week's issue, the company has entered into a provisional agreement for the act/nisitibn of the undertaking of Associated Bus Companies, Ltd., of Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent. One of -the terms is the issue to tha vendor of 90,784 £1 ordinary shares, credited fully paid. The increase of capital is required for this purpose, as the unissued shares total only 58,750,
LAST week the North-western Regional Transport Commissioner, Sir William Chamberlain, announced that, at this juncture, he would not discontinue the Clitheroe-Manchester and Colne-Manchester limited-stop road services operated by Ribble Motor Services, Ltd .
Recently a deputation of representatives of the municipal authorities in the area met the Commissioner and urged that the suspension of the services would lead to increased congestion on local routes.
WITH the object of improving ser vice facilities in the Eastern Counties, Specialloid, Ltd., North Finchley, London, N.12, has estab= lished a depot at 75, Regent Street, Cambridge, where stocks of all types of commercial-vehicle piston, in regutar demand and in standard oversizes are being maintained for immediate delivery. The depot it under the control of Mr. • S. E. Redfearn, the coin-. pa,ny's . eastern area manager and engineer.
MINISTER ASKED TO AVOID SUNDAY WORK I N the, House of Commons, last week,
the attention of Mr. P. J. NoelBaker, Parliamentary Secretary to the M.O.W.T., was drawn to the case of, two G-ton road vehicles which, on February 27, were dispatelled from London to Birmingham.. Being a Sunday, this involved double-time pay.. On the Monday the vehicles were loaded at West Bromwich with empty cordial bottles for London.
CaPtain Strickland, who raised the point, was told by Mr. Nael-Baker that his inquities.were not yet complete.
Captain Strickland asked him to bear in .mind the grave discomfort caused to drivers of Mad-transPort Vehicles -,hy being despatched on. Sundays to places like Birmingham, where there waAlittle
accommodation, " Would he avoid, so far as possible, this double-time payment for Sundays.? " . " I am aware," replied Mr. Noek•Il Baker, " of the discomfort which many transport workers suffer as a result of war tenditions, but we mustuse trans'Port as besf we can for the national riclvautage .". TRANSPORT SPREAD-OVER DUTIES CAUSE TROUBLE
nRASTIC extensions in the spread. Li over duties of the municipal transport employees in Glasgow are causing widespread dissatisfaction. A strike was averted at one depot when the transport management agreed to confer with the unions on proposals for amending the spread-over, which in some cases extends from 7 a.m. until Ii p.m. The agreement between the Transport and General 'Workers' Union. and the management provides that there would be no restrictions of spread-over for the remainder of the war. The Union committee, however, states that it was understood that there would be consultations on amended duties and that the management would take into account reasonable suggestions for a fair amount of leisure. Under the old agreements 80 per cent, of the employees completed the spread-over in 10 hours, 10 per cent. in 11 hours, and 10 per cent, in 12 hours.
YESTERDAYMajor G.. Lloyd George opened, at the Ford showrooms, 88; Regent Street, London, W.1, an exhibition entitled The Story of Coal." It deals with the formation of coal from the primeval forests, features its industrial development and deals with the use of its derivatives, ending with examples of how the public can help the war effort by practising small economies.
THE well-known concern of -motor
factors and engineers' Merchants, Thos P. Headland, Ltd., 164-168, Westminster Bridge Road, London, S.E.1, recently celebrated its comingof-age, when a large. number of employees of long service was entertained at luncheon by the principal. Speeches made clearly revealed the good spirit that exists between the .executive arid all grades of the staff. The following'day, silver rose bowls, suitably inscribed; were presented to the managing director, Mr. Thomas P. Headland, and to his co-directors, Mr. J. E. Sanders and Mr. Percy Sanders, who were associated with him in the founding and development of the business. Mr. F. A. Miller, of the order department, presided;•and the presentation was made by Mr. B. Stubbs, one of the oldest employees. —
THROUGH the courtesy of the
North British Rubber Co., the Dominion Rubber Co. has been able to establish temporary offices and a waieholise. serVice at 204-208, Tottenham Court Road, London, W.I.
REPLYING to Mr. E. Granville, Mr. • Noel-Baker, -Parliamentary Secretary to the M.O.W.-r.,. stated in the House of Commons, last week, that, during the month of January, 1944, there were 312 people killed on the roads during the hours of black-out and 248 in daylight; 1,431 . were seriously injured in accidents in the black-out, and 1,434 in daylight. Slightly injured numbered 3,335 in the black-out and 4,511 in daylight.
We regret to record that -MAJOR J. GEOFFREY APPLEYARD, 'D.5.0., M.0 and bar, M.A., of Appleyard of Leeds, Ltd., the Yorkshire concern of motorvehicle traders, is now officially presumed killed in ,action in July, 1943. He was reported missing from commando operations during the Allies' invasion of Sicily. Elder son of Mr .1. E. Appleyard,. governing director of Appleyard of Leeds, Ltd., be was 26 years of age.
It is with regret that we announce the 'death Of LIEDT.-COL,RIEHARD HOWELL DAVIE,S, Divisional Road Engineer of the M.O.W.T. for -the north-western area. During the 1914-1$ war he saw service with the 19th Welsh Regiment in France and was awarded the D.S.O. Under the late Sir Henry MayburY he was responsible for the upkeep of the roads,behind the .Fifth Army and on -being demobilised he joined the Ministry of War Transport in London. In 1937 he was appointed Divisional Road Engineer for the north-west and transferred to Manchester.
WE have received a letter from A,R,O. stating that the remark by • " Tantalus.;" in .our issue of March 10, that A.R.O: propdsed that the fate ef ex-Servicemen should be left to the decision of R.T.C.s, was misleading. It points out that in the statement of policy issued by the. Hauliers Sec, tional Board it said :.—" The Board will give all the assistance in its-power to sectire the return' of their licen&s • to thOse of its members who may have had to surrender them thrOugh the circumstances, of the war, either through being thernselveS called to the Forces, or through loss of vehicles by impressment or otherwise. It feels confident that, in 'such cases, the Licensing 'Authorities will adopt the Most sympathetic attitude, On the other hand, it will not be prepared to support claims for reinstatement in -.he industry of, or return of licences to, those operators who have sold their vehicles or otherwise disposed of their businesses during the war through circumstances entirely within their own control and as a voluntary decision." .
Vrotri this, A.R.O. claims that it is abundantly clear that it will support those who have legitimate claims. We have brought this matter to the attention. of " Tantalus." His view is that whereas the Second Report of the
R stated that its policy Was to " ensure " rehabilitation of operators with legitimate claims, A.R.O. promised to give all assistance. in its power to secure the return of licences to such members, but appeared to rely, to an extent, upon the sympathy of the Licensing Authorities. We..are glad to be assured by A.R.O. that its words did" notmean exactly what " Tantalus" read into them, but that it also will adopt the strongest possible attitude in this matter.
.THE first woman ...bus driver J. employed by Middlesbrough Corporation transport undertaking -has begun her duties,, is driving a double-decker, andaccording to Mr F. Lythgoe, municipal transport manager, • is working satisfactorily. Other women drivers are being trained. REDCAR TURNS DOWN • MUNICIPAL-BUS PROJECT R"c Corpoiation has decided to
:take no action regarding the introduction of a municipal bus service after the war. The fire brigade cornmittee reported that this subject had been fully investigated before the war, and from advice then obtained it had been decided not to take any action. It was recommended that this decision • be adhered to.
Aid. Spellman criticized the recommendation as vague and unsatisfactory. • He . said that it did not follow that because something was not done a few years ago, it Could not be done now.
Councillor Cruddas, chairman of the committee, said that in view of the possible re-organization of the transport industry after the war, the matter should be deferred.
PAPER FOR THE SECOND FRONT 'THE Second Front, both as regards 1 the preparations for it and the fighting which will occur, requires an enor mous amount of paper. Therefore, . the more we can save the greater the help we can give.
riARLINGTON Corporation is to LI apply to the M.O.W.T. for an extension of the time allowed under its Trolley Vehicles (Additional Routes) Order, 1936, for the introduction of trolleybuSes Q7 another three routes. The time limit expires on June 18. The three routes are from North Road to Great Bunion Road; from Cockerton Bridge to the borough boundary; and from the junction of Park Lane and Parkside to the south-east entrance to the South Park