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£2,000 fines for lamb transporters

17th May 1986, Page 13
17th May 1986
Page 13
Page 13, 17th May 1986 — £2,000 fines for lamb transporters
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

• Drivers' hours and tachograph offences have cost Welsh Quality Lambs (Craven Arms) PLC and five of the company's drivers a total of £2,240 in fines and costs.

Ludlow magistrates fined the company £1,190 with £150 costs after it admitted nine offences of permitting drivers to fail to take the required amount of daily rest, nine of failing to produce tachograph records, and one of failing to use a tachograph correctly.

The drivers were Nigel Watkin of Newtown (fined £175 for making a false entry in a tachograph chart, failing to use a tachograph correctly and failing to take sufficient rest); Stephen Griffiths of Craven Arms (fined £225 for making a false entry and three offences of failing to take sufficient rest); Maurice Powell of Craven Arms (fined £150 on two offences of making false entries); Graham Roberts (fined 2100 on one offence for failing to use a tachograph correctly and one offence for taking insufficient rest); and Gabriel Seaborne of Ludlow (fined £200 on four offences of taking insufficient rest).

Each driver must also pay £10 towards the cost of the prosecution.

Prosecuting for the West Midland Licensing Authority, Patrick McKnight said the drivers had already had two reduced daily rest periods in the week concerned last August, as permitted by the regulations.