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Britannia Md Is Bar's New President
• Ted Philp (picture) was installed as the new president of the British Association of Removers at its conference in Harrogate last weekend. He is the managing director of the......
Tdg Manager Chain Rha
• As expected, Flowers Transport chairman Glyn Samuel has been elected national chairman of the Road Haulage Association in succession to Bert Neely who has served for two......
Ridley Streamlines Nbc
• As the National Bus Company continues to prepare for privatisation, Transport Secretary Nicholas Ridley has announced the streamlining of the NBC's hoard with the departure of......
Ex-soldier Runs Technical Affairs For Rha
• Mike Kneen, the Roac Haulage Association's techn manager for the past nine years, is retiring this month Kneen, who joined the RI after 34 years' Army servici agreed to stay......
John Rogers Gets Us Awar
• John Rogers, a former chairman of Britain's Assoc tion of Vehicle Recovery Operators (AVRO) has beer elected international towmat of the year by the Towing a Recovery......