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;iding Politicians and Planners

17th November 1961
Page 37
Page 37, 17th November 1961 — ;iding Politicians and Planners
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

LlTICIANS who posed as experts in

ransport, and planners who devised nes which did not give priority to c convenience Were chided at the al dinner of the Merseyside Section, ute of Transport, at Liverpool this . Mr. James Amos, president of the ute said: "You can hardly do any

in these modern times without a

• politician coming to see you, asking dvice and how all is going on. Ten tes later he goes away a transport .t himself. It is not so easy as that." ere were too many boundaries—the ;try was pestered with them—and too p public authorities, he said. Because

were those who believed in the lability of gradualness, solutions of lems were long delayed and the ion, in some instances, might be the

25 years hence. Those who wanted ee a Merseyside Traffic Authority Id themselves go ahead with their arils in finding solutions to traffic lems. This would reflect credit on whole of the area.

OBJECTION WITHDRAWN ■ I objection by British Railways and British Road Services was withdrawn le hearing of applications by a Heyge (Essex) haulage firm before the ern Licensing Authority, Mr. W. P. S. ond, at Chelmsford fast week for itions of A and Blicences to double existing distances permitted. The ications were made by Mr. G. G. man and Mr. W. W. Wiseman. ng as W. Jarvis and ,Son, of bridge.

le variations, which were granted, , for haulage within 150 miles of firms 4aldon and Silver End; within 100 s of another firm at Silver End; a ral radius of 30 miles of base; and nays to and from the Greater London