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T HE managing director of a company running a nationwide C-licensed transport service who, as reported recently, said he wished...
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Frede] Fiam Davies I T is usually with a sense of gloomy foreboding this writer anticipates an interview with a business...
T HE best laid schemes o' mice and men. . . . The motor industry is as liable to things "ganging aft a-gley " as anyone—if not...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT P RACTICALLY all Britain's bus workers—some 216,000 men and women in all—have now joined the...
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• £94 153 420 Earned in Nine Months the eve of the Scottish Show, the represent, an export performance that is ociety of Motor...
LlTICIANS who posed as experts in ransport, and planners who devised nes which did not give priority to c convenience Were...
FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT TH E Minister of Powers Trunk Pipelines Bill is now expected at the end of this year, or...
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Mr. A. E. Maiden has been appointed chief engineer of Laystall Cromard, Ltd., in succession to the late Mr. S. Hedgecock. Mr....
GUY ORDER A.E.C.: Guy Motors (Europe), Ltd., the newly formed company which has taken over the business previously carried on...
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slOR amendments to procedure in arying road service licences were this week by The Public Service les (Licences and...
A CALL for more discussion and co-ordination between everyone using this country's docks was made in London on Monday by...
rA A CHORLEY (Lanes) company lost their claim for £178 18s. 9d, for the hire of a lorry at Charley County Court last week. Mr....
O Tuesday the London County ‘—. 1 Council approved the proposal of its Roads Committee that work on a Strand underpass should...
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R EPRESENTATIVES of several nationally known companies gave evidence in support of an application before the Western Licensing...
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t Our Industrial Correspondent BLINGS of trouble to come in road-haulage industry. But no !ruptions. was the confused picture...
output of commercial vehicles ring August was considerably 3 by the holiday period in the with a fall to 21,430 units from...
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F INES totalling £25, with £9 2s. 9d. costs, were imposed on Baker's Transport, Ltd, of New Road, Southampton, when they...
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ONSTRATIONS were given in ndori recently of the Foco lically operated, vehicle-mounted tow marketed in the U.K. by TeleLtd.,...
appeal by Harold Jefferies, of ishey Ground, Minster Lovell, 'shire, against his conviction and :e by Cirencester magistrates...
Better Western Approaches THIS week marks a big improvement in travel for traffic entering and leaving London on the west....
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JOHN RUSSELL (GRANGEMOUTH), J LTD., were successful in an application for an A licence for two articulated units of 8 tons and...
A SHORTAGE of tippers to w I -1 . the new M6 motorway in the West existed, it was stated at Bla last week, when an application...
DOOMING business in the building LP industry was referred to at Bristol last week when the Licensing Authority, Mr. S. W....
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EAR ago the North Western Road ir Co., Ltd. were granted permis) operate express carriage services fl Manchester and...
to serve domestic ners with small bulk deliveries of ainly for use in flued space heaters. :lick was operated successfully on...
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Factory Equipment ; Engineering Mate and Design; and Maintenance Feat] at London Exhibitions This Week 'TN this past week...
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want with a licensing inquiry? By W. HIGHAM REID ; November 3 issue The Commercial Motor reported endid, outspoken attack...
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PROMISING VARIETY By P. A. C. Brockington, More Scope for P.S.V. Bodybuil Detailed Improvements in Goods Bc L ISTING the...
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IE surprising thing about the new Transport Bill is S size. With 91 clauses and 11 schedules, it is already ot far short of the...
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hould Armoured Vans be Exempted? --a Narrow Attitude EADERS of the technical press and subscribers to "Applications and...
CEVERAL, weeks ago in our regular 1.-) weekly feature "Expansion Treads in Haulage" I mentioned that in future the Northern...
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'', OAD-RAIL Negotiating CommitteeS fulfil a very useful function in our haulage licensing set-up, and they are in operation in...
S EVERAL coach operators from the. Blackburn area applied recently to the North Western. Traffic Commissioners for permission...
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CTRONIC equipment to warn the driver of a vehicle of ke possibility of ice on the road has been developed by ty Irvine, Ltd.,...
now iced by Wipac Group Sales, Ltd., ngham. It is suitable for front, )1 . side mounting on the vehicle. Signicator has a...
TER a limited release to the trade le surface coatings division of Burt, on and Haywood, Ltd., Belvedere, are now marketing...
now made by Rawlings Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 106108 Bedford Hill, Balham, London. S.W.12. This is designed for 36-ft. long...
INDUSTRIAL uses of polyester/glass as I a material of construction are illustrated in a new 24-page booklet entitled "The...
Storage Unit is now available from Powell and Co., -Burry Port, Carrnarthenshire. This enables standard 40/50-gallon drums to...
the range of Fablonite decorativelaminate sheet made by Fablon, Ltd., Berkeley Square, London, W.I. The standard range has been...
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Large S.E. Tipper Request B y far the largest application appears in the South Eastern issue of "As and Ds." A Chatham firm,...
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Standardized Methods *reed accurate assessment of laden Axle Lights for passenger vehicles is of :anee . in deciding tyre...
F OLLOWING the recent announcement that Bussing Automobilwerke AG, the Brunswick (West Germany) commercial vehicle producer, is...
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Costing Small Buses The Initial Outlay and Subsequent Expenditure Incurred When Operating a 14-seater 600 Miles a Week are...
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Widely Varying Topics of Transport Interest FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT SECURITY OF VEHICLES THE great risks which...
P OINTS which have arisen since its original preparation in December. 1959, were included in the paper" Unusual Types of...