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Colours revealed

17th November 1994
Page 25
Page 25, 17th November 1994 — Colours revealed
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Which of the following most accurately describes the problem?

T am appalled, but not really isurprised, at the attitude of the Department of Transport towards the smaller operator on the proposed fees for continuous 0-licences (CM November 10-16).

This Government has often trumpeted its enthusiasm for the enterprise culture in the form of new small businesses. But ministers are now revealed in their true colours—that of yes-men to big business.

Your article reveals a second betrayal: of their stated policy of cutting red tape for all businesses large and small. Surely this new scale of fees, with the larger number of different charges for renewing 0-licences, will just confuse operators already weighed down with the burden of legislation.

If you are a large fleet operator, you are more likely to be able to afford advice on keeping within the law.

But as an owner-driver struggling to keep up repayments on my truck, the thought of poring over yet more paperwork in my "spare time" because a bright spark in London thought it was a good idea to deregulate transport just fills me with dismay.

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