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Gas Drivers Lose Jobs
by Miles Brignall • British Gas has made the first move towards contracting out some of its inhouse transport. This will entail cutting drivers' jobs as part of a company-wide......
£5,000 Reward For Chip Hi-jack
• A 15,000 reward is on offer to catch thieves who threatened a driver and hijacked his trailer containing £250,000 worth of scrap microchips. Essex-based Lee Jones was......
Lift Regs Revised
• Operators of commercial vehicles fitted with lifting equipment will have to comply to stricter safety legislation From 1 January next year. The Supply of Machinery (Safety)......
Driver Faces Longer # 1 •7 7 0c
sentence for deaths 'I • A drunk driver who killed two lorry drivers on the M6 is this week facing a quadrupled prison sentence from the Criminal Appeal Court in London.......
Boc Adding Air
• BOC Distribution Services has bought two firms to give it a stronger foothold in the air cargo and European haulage markets. Hounslow-based London Cargo Group hauls for 25......