The inside information
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by Les Oldridge, TEng PARAGRAPH 8 of • Schedule 1 of the Trandilt of Animals (Road and Rail) Order 1975, requires that there must be a means of inspecting vehicle Interiors at each floor level from outside. Doors, other than those through which the animals are loaded, svill satisfy this requimemerit. Sufficient tying points must he provided.
Iriberiors must be free from any sharp edges or projedtionss likely to cause injury or unnecessary suffering. Wheel arches projecting into the interior must be covered with a permanently fitted shield designed and construdted to prevent injury. All electrical fittings and wining must be protected so as to prevent contact with animals.
New vehicles must have rigid sides and suitable overhead protection. Old vehicles will comply with this requirement if they can be so adapted to enable suitable covering to be fitted to the Sides and top to protect animals.
Part II of Schedule 1 deals with rail vehicles, Which I do not propose to discuss, and Part Ill with receptacles in which animals are canned. These must be of substantial design, and so constructed and maintained as to withstand the action ci the weather and the weig'ht of any animal which may be thrown against one. They must be so designed and constructed and be of sufficient size and height to ensure that: animals can be prop+ erly accommodated Without be ing caused unnecessary suffer ing; they can be fed and watered without removal from the reoep. taole; each animal can stand in its natural position; adequate and suitable ventilation is provided; suitably placed apertures are available to enable the in ,terior to be readily inspected easy access to the interior be obtained; eadh animal is protected from exposure to the weather; the interior does not contain any sharp edges likely to cause injury or unnecessary suffering; and that the ramptacle can be adequately Cleansed and disinfected. The receptacle mu& not 'allow leakage of liquid matter from it or waste feeding Stuffs or animal droppings to escape from lt. The floor must have suitable foot battens or a El), MIMI, AMIRTE suitable anti-slip surface. it must be capable of being properly and effectively secured to the vehicle .which it is tarried.
• Schedule 2 concerns the separation of animals during carriage. The following animals .musIt not be 'carried in the same undivided vehicle, receptacle or pen as any other animal: a cow when acoompanied by a calf or calves which lit is suckling; a bull over 10 months of age, which ,stiall be secured by the head or neck; a sow when accompanied by unweaned piglets; a boar over six months; a mare with a foal at toot; or a Stallion.
The following animals may be carried together in the same undivided vehicle but must be carried separately from any other animal: homed cattle; cattle wirtihtnnt horns; calves; ewes when accompanied by unweaned lambs; rams over six months; weaned lambs under three months; other sheep; weaned piglets under three months; other swine; nanny goats when accompanied by unweaned kids; billy goats over Six months; weaned kids under three months; other goats; broken horses, other than ,asses, mules and hinnies; asses;, mules and hinnies; foals of any description under nine months.
No unsecured animal must be carried in the same undivided, vehicle as an animal whicih secured other than unwetanetL young which are being carried With a female animal which is. suckling them.
No horse must be carried in the same vehiidle as swine; a horse registered under the Rules of Racing may be accompanied 'by its stable companion; horned, cattle and cattle without horns: may be carried together if they are tied; and bulls over 10 months old may be carried in certain special circumstances.