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dispute by CM reporter HOPES of an early end to the II-week-old dispute at the Birmingham Containerbase (CM, October 3), rose...
by CM reporter ATTEMPTS by Mr Michael Foot, Secretary of State for Employment, to widen the powers of pickets—and in particular...
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Mecca objects to new rival MOVES to set up an international co-operative for road hauliers serving the Middle East were...
DAF is developing a version of the unique Variomatic infinitely variable transmission system for trucks, the company confirmed...
ALTHOUGH the manager of Tait's Transport, Leamington, Newcastle upon Tyne, was an undischarged bankrupt, he was applying for...
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clear the decks THIS week's meeting of the Common Market Council of Ministers in Luxembourg (CM last week) was expected to...
1EDFORD confirmed this week hat it is considering taking Iver 'the Marshall midibus oroject. A spokesman told CM: " Bedord is...
DRIVERS on Humberside have negotiated a £6 a week increase. They have also negotiated a further £1 increase in the existing £4...
The eight-wheeled tippers assessed in this week's CM are symptomatic of the "good" which an ill wind proverbially blows—and...
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upheld NEWPORT (Gwent) magistrates were wrong to dismiss a careless driving case against a driver who reversed his lorry into...
'HE freight forwarding and ransportation group, AIltransK)rt International, has aniounced " excellent " results n the financial...
A CUMBRIAN haulier said tO have concealed the fact that his lorry was under suspension in order to obtain an operator's licence...
THE liquidator acting in the case of Vanguard Interstop, which originally operated the lorry park at Kingstown, Carlisle, has...
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THREE specialists in road transport marketing spoke at a Coventry seminar last week to a high-level audience mainly...
A MOBILE breakdown service, backed up by base service centres in six countries, has been set up on the Middle East run by...
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IT IS not often possible to try three strikingly different coaches aimed at the British market within three days of each other,...
A QUICK RUN in the Bedford YMT demonstrator with Plaxton Supreme body during the Arlington coach show in Bristol showed the new...
A SPEED limit on motorways of not less than 110km/h (70mph) should be applied to coaches, the International Road Transport...
A CHANCE to try out an AEC Reliance llrn coach fitted with the optional Self Changing Gears five-speed semi-automatic gearbox...
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PASSENGER continued from page 17 12-litre engine produces 165bhp in its derated coach form and is undoubtedly noisy —but to my...
THE FIRST Eagle coach ordered by a British operator is now nearly finished at the Bus and Car Company factory at Bruges,...
A NEW traffic scheme for th Victoria coach station area London came into force at th weekend with the aim of improl ing bus...
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NEW bodywork for their range of Europa TIR trailers has been announced by York with the Middle East run in mind. For it has...
NEW INSULATED body .ange with cooling equipment capable of meeting current ind future legislation has been ntroduced by Hawson...
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A NEW PROCESS for lining the interiors of road tankers which carry acid waste has been developed by an Essex chemical company,...
A SCHEME to take training courses to the customer has • been launched by Fleetlease Management Training. Not only can the...
Because of a printing error in an advertisement in CM, September 26, Gasboy equipment prices were incorrectly stated. Prices...
NO DIVIDEND is to be paid by Oliver Rix Ltd, the transport operator and motor distributor. This follows a £300,265 loss in the...
CURIOUSLY worded like much EEC near-English, the phrase "admission to the occupation of road haulage operator" does...
which it envisaged. An essential ingredient is the so-called "organisation of the transport market," which brings in the...
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FEAR of the power of the Transport and General Workers Union in Birmingham seems to be a key factor in the lengthy dispute at...
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by Johnny Johnson FEARS about the future for road hauliers and an appeal to own-account operators honestly to appraise the...
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Elected deputy president of the Institute of Traffic Administration at its annual conference, in Hull, last weekend, was Jack...
It was now being recognised that distribution had a much more significant role to play in the corporate plan. The distribution...
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Clocked out Joe Moore, chairman of the Metropolitan and South Eastern area of the RHA, and managing director of Stockley...
Both LTE and London Country Buses have been taking some stick from passengers in the suburbs and Home Counties recently, and...
Several of the Home Counties newspapers have been making great play with the travel situation around London in recent weeks,...
NBC chairman Freddie Wood, on the same occasion, was right to urge local authorities to put their heads together with the bus...
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THE eight-wheeler from the new Seddon Atkinson series owes a lot to the old Atkinson version, which has been given a new lease...
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with special skills by John Darker IN THE southern half of the country there can be few professional distribution companies...
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continued from page 36 Because deliveries to pubs, etc, would not fit in well with Greenwoods' normal distribution activity,...
order to obtain maximum economy, I have changed the original tyres and used these on an operational vehicle. When my yard...
height of vehicles or loads in the United Kingdom, it is possible to be prosecuted if a high load causes damage to overhead...
driving licence tells me that he is allowed to drive artic units on the road providing they are not drawing trailers. Is this...
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AILSA TRUCKS first introduced the Volvo 30-ton eightwheeler nearly three years ago, but it has taken until now for them to...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng PARAGRAPH 8 of • Schedule 1 of the Trandilt of Animals (Road and Rail) Order 1975, requires that there...
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by John Darker, AMBIM Stretching vehicle life can dry up necessary supply of veterans spares become unobtainable. PROVOKING...
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Two brake-assembly cleaners, one for light, the other for heavy, trucks, have been introduced by Nilfisk. The cleaners are...
A sleeper cab extension for the Leyland Ergomatic cab has been announced 'by Jennings Coachwork Ltd. The top half of the back...
We were extremely interested in Dr John Gilbert's comment at the recent CM Fleet Management Conference, advocating an...
I WOULD LIKE to refer to your report of the Fleet Management Conference (CM, Sept 26) in which I was reported. I appreciate the...
I just thought you might like to mention in your very good magazine the very bad signposting of a 2i-ton limit in the Highgate...
We have just had the frustrating experience of not being able to move a vehicle because it would not start and the air brakes...
Fire screens for all Ford D-series and Mercedes commercials are now available from Barking Garage and Engineering. Both...