haulage fact&
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• Logistics on the Move series of free seminars on computer software in the transport industry: 22 October: The Livingston Hilton Hotel, Scotland.
24 October: Four Seasons I Tote!. Manchester.
29 October: Hilton National Hotel, Leeds Garforth.
30 October: Chesford Grange Hotel, Warwick.
31 October: Forte Post House, Alveston. Bristol.
12 November: Heathrow IIilton Hotel, London.
13 November: Marriott Tudor Park. N.laidstone. Contact: 0121 585 6633.
• 23-24 October: Third European Congress on Lubricants Re-refining, Lyon, France.
Contact: 01782 819977.
• 29-31 October: Tyrexpo Asia '96. the Asian tyre manufacturing and marketing show, World Trade Conference Centre, Singapore. Contact: 0181 313 3535.
Come together
• The IRTE and SMMT look set to organise a joint
exhibition in 1998 at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham running in parallel with the 1RTE's Conference.
Contact: 0171 630 1111.
Tipeon move
• The Road Haulage Association's Tipcon event is to move from its current location at the Harrogate International Centre to the GMex Centre, Manchester in April 1998. In order to familiarise exhibitors with G-Mex, the Tipcon Exhibitors' meeting. at which the space allocations for 1997 in Harrogate will be announced, will be held in the Seminar Centre at G-Mex on 28 January 1997. Contact: 01932 841515.
Happy 100
• The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders has published The Motor Industry of Great Britain Centenary Book 1896-1996. Cost: E6 (inc p&p).
Contact: 0171 235 7000.
Where's the smell?
• Ganibk., the trade association for the instrumenta tion, control and automation industry, has published a new environmental monitoring and pollution control guide to members' products. The guide lists more than 211 environmental factors and the 65 member companies who supply products and services to suit.
Cost: Free.
Contact: 0171 793 3050.
EGGA off!
• EGGA, European General Galvanizers Association, has moved to: Croudace House, Godstone Road, Caterham, Surrey CR3 6RE.
Contact: 01883 331277.
New alliance
• European Engine Alliance (EEA), the joint venture company formed to develop a new range of diesel engines for on and off-road use, has opened its new headquarters at Kingsmead Business Park, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1JU.
Contact: 01494 556000.
Bright future
• The National Automotive Technician Awards were held last week at the Centrex Training Conference, Telford. Winners of the Heavy Vehicle Repair Section were: Gold: Christopher Irvine, The Shire, Bedfordshire. Silver: David Whitfield, RG Bassett & Sons, Stoke-onTrent.
Bronze: Bruce Moffat, Scottish Borders Council, Melrose.
Contact: 01952 777777.
Ahead from behind?
• Blackheath-based reversing hazard firm Brigade Electronics has introduced a new Backalarm reversing bleeper for on-road vehicles. The BA-319 I3ackalarm meets new EMC regulations that came in from January 1996. Brigade's range of reversing bleepers also includes light, medium and heavy-duty models.
Cost: £17.14 Contact: 0181 &52 3261.