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Charge Dropped
II A charge of using a dangerous vehicle, brought against Carnforth-basecl Alan Thompson Haulage, was dropped before Penrith magistrates because of a legal technicality. The......
Appeals Lodged
• Appeals have been lodged against the revocation of the licence held by Lewis Land Services, of Stornoway, and the indefinite disqualification of both the company and managing......
Licence Cut
• Paperwork forms a very important part of road safety, said West Midland TC John Mervyn Pugh, when he cut the licence held by Andrew Taff, of Lichfield, from 10 vehicles and......
Neighbour Complaint
• Opposition from a neighbouring resident resulted in Claro Construction's licence being increased from - five to six vehicles, and not the seven applied for, with environmental......
Five Years Between Reviews
• Once an operating centre has been reviewed under the environmental provisions in the continuous licensing provisions, a further review cannot not take place for five years.......
Tacho Case Goes To Crown
by Michael Jewell ▪ Penrith magis trates have decided that charges alleging the falsification of tachograph records are so serious that they should be dealt with at Carlisle......