• WHEELS of INDUSTRY " The wheels of wealth will be
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slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by 'he roughness of the roads over which it rans."—John Beattie Crosier.
A. £200,000 Order for Albions.
The Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., advises us that it has remixed probably one of the largest orders which have recently been given out at one time for commercial-motor vehicles. This order emanates from the Government of India and is for 223 special Albion sixwheeled machines of the forward-control type, this model being suitable for carrying loads of 3 tons on ordinary roads or over rough country.
The total order has a value of over £200,000 and is of substantial importance to local industry in Glasgow, as delivery of the unichines will take place during the next six months.
Vickers Abandons Bodybuilding.
Tickers (Crayford), Ltd., of Crayford, Kent, announces that, in view of the increasing attention which it is obliged to give to other departments of its extensive business, the company has decided not to undertake any longer the building of bodies for motor vehicles.
A First-class Sales Organizer Required.
A very well-known maker of commercial vehicles with a complete range of models, requires a first-class man with an intimate knowledge of municipalities, city corporations and transport people right up and down the country. The position is an important one and the prospects for the right man are excellent.
Any applications for this post should be addressed to "Sales Organizer," care of the Editor of this journal.
Sleeper Concerns Wound Up.
A meeting of the creditors of Albatross Roadways, Ltd., 9 and 10, Pancras Lane, London, E.C.4, will be held on September 19th. Many of our readers will remember that this cornpally was responsible for the first sleeper-coach service in Great Britain, this running between London and Liverpool.
It was also announced in the "Lostdoss Gazette" one day last week that, at a meeting of Road Sleepers (Leeds), Ltd., a resolution was passed to wind up the company voluntarily.
Demonstrating the Capabilities of the Chevrolet.
Realizing that there is nothing like an actual test to prove to prospective purchasers what are the real capabilities of a modern commercial chassis, Southern Traction, Ltd., Criterion Garage, 47, Millbrook Road, Southampton, in conjunction with Simmins Garages, Ltd., Jewry Street, Winchester, recently organized a striking demonstration to show the hill-climbing capacity of the Chevrolet 30-cwt. sixcylinder chassis.
On September 5th two of these vehicles, one a brand-new machine laden with 30 cwt., the other having seen a certain amount of service and carrying 31 cwt., made the ascent of a difficult gradient at Compton House Farm on the main Southampton-Win B12
ehester road. One of the chief troubles is that, from a practically flat surface, the initial rise is in the order of 1 in 3, followed by 1 in 4+, 1 in 41, 1 in 3+, 1 in 4, 1 in ft. 1 in 6+, and easing off finally to a slope of 1 in 101. Both vehicles ran on ordinary commercial petrol, and made very satisfactory ascents.
Southern Railway's Road Interests.
A report of the omnibus committee of the Poole Borough Council reveals the fact that the Southern Railway Co. has acquired a financial interest in Hants and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., which maintains a comprehensive network of bus services in Hampshire, 'Wiltshire and Dorsetshire.
Licensing Problems at Stockton.
The action of the Stockton Corporation in imposing restrictions upon motorbuses working over routes served by the municipal tramways system, is being resented by certain undertakings working in the area, and it is understood that the United Automobile Services, Ltd., and the Redwine.' Safety Services are likely, to appeal to the Ministry of Transport. The existing licences held by the companies expired on June 30th.
The Morris-Commercial Combined Ambulance and Disinfecting Vehicle.
We have been asked by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Foundry Lane Works, Soho, Birmingham, to point out that a combined ambulance and disinfectant body has been produced by the company for some three years, so that the one with which we dealt in our issue for last week was not the first of this type.
The body incorporates an isolated zinc-lined compartment for the conveyance of bedding, there is seating accommodation for two or three patients, a loose spring cushion and detachable back rest with lockers underneath the seat. Space is also provided for two stretchers. Announcing a New Chassis.
An interesting and novel method of announcing a new model has been adopted by Morris Commercial Cars, Ltd., Soho, Birmingham, for its new 30-cwt., full particulars of which will be found elsewhere in this issue.
Commencing last Tuesday, a series of what is known as " Tehser " advertisements appeared in the daily Press. The first of these contained the query, "Is There a British Middle-weight Chem-. pion of the World? "—in one corner being displayed a large gloved fist and a boxing ring. This advertisement was repeated, and then followed by another with the words " Have you answered this question? Is there a British Middle-weight Champion of the World? See answer on this page on September 17th." In all this publicity DO indication was given of its origin.
To-day, large display advertisements are appearing in all the principal newspapers announcing that the British Middleweight Champion of the World is the new Morris-Commercial 30-cwt.
In addition, the company has simultaneously issued a folder giving full particulars of the vehicle and details of a special competition, a list of 30 important features being given, and dealers invited to select 20 to place in what is considered to be the best order. The entries will be compared with a sealed list and prizes awarded.
Seeking a Sales Manager.
An intimation reaches us from a motor vehicle manufacturing concern of high repute that it is open to engage a sales manager. He should be about 30 to 35 years of age, hold a good record for selling and have a wide knowledge of the trade. Adequate remuneration would be paid to the right man, and letters of application would
be held strictly confidential. Applicants should address communications, "Low Loading," c.o. the Editer of this journal.
Automatic Stopping-place Indicators for Buses.
At a meeting of the tramways committee of South Shields Corporation the tramways manager reported that he had evolved an automatic machine which would inform passengers of the next stopping place and that the apparatus had been patented. It has been possible to incorporate in the moving indicator a space for advertisements so that advertising revalue will more than pay for the installation of the apparatus, the estimated cost of which would be £36 per tramcar and £9 per motorbus, there being four machines in a train and one in a bus. He asked for permission to equip a tram and a bus with the apparatus for experimental purposes and this was acceded to by the committee.
A Scottish Acquisition.
It is announced that, after protracted negotiations, the Scottish General Omnibus Co., Ltd., has acquired the business of Penman and Co., a pioneer of bus services in the Stirling area.
Crossleys for Racecourse Service.
Crossley Motors, Ltd., Gorton, Manchester, has just completed an order for six 30-70 h.p. medium-type rigid six-wheeled vehicles and a similar number of 20-60 h,p, light-type sixwheelers for the Racecourse Betting
Control Board. Each of the chassis is fitted with a special type of body for carrying accumulators, batteries and other equipment for use in connection with totalisators. The vehicles will shortly be seen in operation at the various racecourses throughout the country.
Another Glasgow Conference.
Arrangements have been made for a conference to be held to-day between representatives of the tramways committee of the Glasgow Corporation and the railway companies in Glasgow with the object of considering the railway companies' proposals for the co-ordination of road traffic in and around the city. Two conferences have already taken place.
Bus R,esults at Newcastle.
The annual report of the general 'mannar of the Newcastle Corporation transport and electricity undertaking has just been issued for the year ended March 31st last, and whilst it shows that the motorbuses were operated at a gross profit of 15,874, it also reveals that, after interest, redemption and other charges have been met, there is a net loss of 17,446 on the working of the vehicles.
The actual revenue from the buses amounted to 196,346, whilst working
expenses totalled 190,472. The results must be a little disconcerting to the authorities, particularly when it is borne in mind that considerably more than one million additional passengers were carried in the past year as compared with the previous period. The buses carried 9,156,303 passengers and covered an aggregate mileage of 2,750,226. Twelve new buses, four each of A.E.C., Daimler and Guy makes, are recommended for purchase by the tramways committee.
Further G.W.R. Enterprise.
In furtherance of its scheme to open out to tourists by combined road and rail trips, the delightful Welsh mountain scenery, the Great Western Railway has acquired the Gonda Light Railway.
Cheltenham's Change-over to Buses.
. The change-over from trains to buses which is being affected by the Cheltenham Traction Co., Ltd., will involve an expenditure of about 160,000, but it is expected that the company will save between 16,000 and 18,000 a year as a result of the greater economy of buses as against trains. New buses are on order with Guy Motors, Ltd., of Wolverhampton, and it is expected that the first 10 will he delivered at the end of the month. These will be doubledeckers and they will operate over two routes.
Ten vehicles of the same type will be delivered at a later date, whilst five single-deckers will also be commissioned for a cross-town route so that when the full system is in operation the company will have 25 buses in service. As a result of this change-over the Cheltenham Corporation will lose a customer for electric current up to about 14,000 a year.
A Goodyear Appointment.
The Goodyear Tyre and .Rubber Co. (Gt. Britain), Ltd., announces the aimointment of Mr. G. Colley as sales representative for the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Mr. Colley has completed a course of training in the Goodyear factory at Wolverhampton, and succeeds Mr. F. W. Osbourn who has resigned.
Lancashire Corporations' Proposals.
At a joint meeting of representatives of Accrington, Llaslingden and Rawtenstall Corporations, it was stated that the authorities in the two first-named areas proposed to recommend their respective councils to run buses in place of. trams on the Accrington-Rawtenstall route as from April, 1930.
One-way Traffic on Chepstow Bridge. Monmouth County Council and Chepstow Urban District Council have come to an agreement with the highways committee of Gloucester County Council, the result of which will be that oneway traffic wilL be instituted on Chepstow Bridge, `I automatic signalling apparatus being placed at each end of the crossing. It is understood that the object is to reduce the weight carried by the bridge and speed is to be limited to 5 m.p.h.
Wireless Sets on Buses.
It is reported from Berlin that the Berlin Traffic Co. is arranging to install wireless receivers on the motorbuses used on some of its country services.
A Saurer Agency Agreement.
The Saurer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., 21, Augustus Street, London, N.W.1, has just concluded an agreement with J. Blake and Co., Ltd., of Liverpool and Manchester, a concern widely known throughout the motor industry, whereby it will ,represerit Saurer interests in Lancashire and
Cheshire. For the past four years the company has been the Saurer agent in Liverpool and district.
j. Blake ,and Co., Ltd., has wellequipped and spacious premises in both Liverpool and Manchester, in which extensive overhauls and repairs' can be undertaken. The company will carry at both depots a comprehenLive stock of Saurer spares.
More Meat by Motor.
The markets committee of Manchester Corporation reports that last, year 43 per cent. of the meat at the market was delivered by rail and 57 pei cent, by motor vehicle, as compared with 47‘per cent. by rail and 53 per cent, by motor in the previous year.
Stockton Decides Against Trams.
At a recent meeting Stockton Corporation decided against an expenditure of nearly £80,000 foe'relaying its portion of the through tramway track between Stockton and Middlesbrough. It was further agreed that theintroduction of trolley-buses was undesirable, hut approval was given to the establish,ment of motorbus services over the route.
"The corporation further decided that as conditions and needs vary in each borough, it would be advisable for each undertakineto control its own trans Port facilities, but that reciprocal runningpowers, or working 'arrangements upon equitable terms, could be arranged solthat efficient services'should be provided for the residents of the three towns of Stockton, Thornaby and Middlesbrough.
Big Essex Road Schemes.
The highways committee of the Essex County Council has prepared schemes for widening and improving various main roads at a total cost of £1,064,000, and for the construction of by-pass roads at Colchester, Chelmsford, Rayleigh and Weeley at a cost of £4615,000.
Seeking the Ministry's Approval.
A special committee of Plymouth Corporation has decided that the plan and estimate (£196,000) for constructing a low-level road from, Cattedown to Commercial Road, via Teat's Hill and the Barbican, be submitted to the Minister of Transport for approval.
Blyth and Bus Drivers' Hours.
In the interests of public safety the licensing committee of the Blyth Town Council has had under consideration the conditions of employment of bus drivers and conductors with respect to the number of hours worked. The council intends to take into consideration the number of hours worked by drivers and conductors and to attach certain conditions in respect thereof when granting
bus licences. Before any steps are taken in this matter, however, the operators will be asked to attend a conference with the committee. to go 'fully into the question.
The Highway Powers of District Councils.
Boston (Lincolnshire) Rural District Council has reported upon two conferences which have taken place on proposals made, under the Local Government Act, by the Holland County Council, 'Delegates of the• council discussed witlerepresentatives of Spalding and East Elloe (Holbeach) Rural District'Councils the refusal of the Holland County Council to. delegate highway powers to the district councils, and it was decided that each of the rural' councils should appeal to the Ministry of Transport against the decision asking it to receive a deputation.
Popular Commer Models.
Arnongsc the deliveries which have recently been made by commer Cars, Ltd., of Luton, the company's fourtonner figures very .prominently, most of the orders being in the nature of repeats.:1The company is also experiencing a good demand for its 30-ewt. model, which is being supplied to all classes of business undertaking in different parts of the country.
A Passenger Chassis for Speedy Goods Work.
,Although the 95-h.p. Reliance chassis made by the Associated Equipment Cu., Ltd., is primarily designed for speedy single-deck-bus work, it can be quite successfully employed ifor certain classes of goods-delivery -work where express service is required. The power, easy-riding qualities and speed of the vehicle should make a special appeal when rapid distribution is necessary.
This chassis forms the basis of the large-capacity boxvau which is illustrated on this page, the vehicle operating in Lancashire for a well-known concern of manufacturing chemists of Manchester. It will be 'seen that the body is of unusual length, and to facilitate loading and unloading widedoors are employed at the sides. The forward compartment usually conveys empty vessels, and ventilated door panelling is used to maintain the interior air in a fresh condition.
Producing Worm Gears.
Those who are interested in the use of worm gears for power-transmission purposes should apply to The Moss Gear Cu., Ltd., Crown Works, Birmingham, for particulars of the Full Encircling Worm Gear made on the Guest system. The design was developed by Professor J. J. Guest, M.A., late Professor of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Military College of Science.
1The tooth profiles are of the hour glass or Hindley type. These gears can be accurately generated after heat treatment, and the tooth profiles are so shaped as to possess an unusually large area of contact between the worm and wheel; arc contact is obtained and a large oil film is maintained between the .,worm and its wheel.
An Edinburgh Registration.
Midland Bus Services, Ltd., was registered as a private company in Edinburgh on September 3rd with a nominal capital of 1250,000 in £1 shares, and is to acquire the business carried on by Mr. J. C. Sword, motorbus proprietor, of Airdrie, in his own name and under the title of the Midland Bus Services. The directors are Messrs. C. Sword, W. J. Thomson, W. Alexander, Sear., and W. Alexander, Junr. The registered office of the company is at Carlisle Road, Airdrie.
Ransome Bodies in Demand.
Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Orwell Works, Ipswich, is experiencing an increasing .demand for the bodies which it builds, and at present the company has a large number of orders in hand for leading chassis makers. Amongst orders recently received from municipal authorities may be mentioned those from the Nottingham and Derby Corporations, the former being a repeat for six trolley-bus bodies and the latter ior three double-deckers.
A Bus Experiment in Lancashire.
The North-Western Road Car Co., Ltd., recently made application to the licensing committee of the Stretford Urban District Council for a licence to place on service by way of e.xperimeat a single-deck bus of new design. The clerk explained the council's arrangement with the company regarding the licensing of its vehicles whereby it was distinctly understood that the maximum number of vehicles on the road at any one time was not to exceed the number required to work the approved services.
It was agreed to license the experimental bus for a period of one month, on the understanding that there will be no increase in the present services.
Equipment for Garage Use.
A wide range of garage and engineers' equipment is marketed by the Laycock Engineering Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, Millhouses, Sheffield, and details and illustrations of it are given in the catalogue which the company has just issued. The heavy-duty, high-pressure vehicle washer should make an appeal to commercial operators, whilst those concerned with maintenance and repair work will find details of the pressure cleansing tank of interest.
The company markets several models of jack, and is now selling a new type of washing appliance for use in large bus depots. This operates on the lazytongs principle and is carried overhead, its heighttbeing adjustable by means of winch gearing.
Tenders for Belgian Bus Services.
Tenders are being invited until September 21st by the Societe Nationale des Chemins de For Vicinaux for the concession for the establishment and working of a motorbus service between Louvain and Overyssche-La Hulpe. Particulars can be obtained for 6 francs from 14, Rue de la Science, Brussels.
Barrow's Ambulance Purchase. Barrow Corporation has just taken delivery of a new motor ambulance, which is displacing, a vehicle purchased in 1912. The chassis is ailAustin, and the body has been built by Messrs. Coutts, of Hindpool Road, Barrow. It has provision for two patients, each of whom is carried on a new type of bed, on which easy riding is assured by Moseley Float-on-Air equipment.
Examining Refuse-collection Systems.
The, health committee of Stretford Urban District Council has appointed a sub-committee to examine refuse-collection systems employed in various districts in order to enable the committee to select a suitable type of motor vehicle for refuse collecting in its area.
Loading Capacity of a Light Van.
We are informed by Trojan, Ltd., Purley Way, Croydon, that the 54 vans which it is constructing for the engineering department of the General Post Office, although of the 10-cwt. type, have a permissible temporary maximum load of 13 cwt., not 15 cwt., as as stated in our issue dated September 3rd.
Halley's Latest Low-loader.
The refuse-collecting wagon which is shown in an illustration on this page is the latest semi-forward-control lowloader built for municipal work by Halley Motors, Ltd.. Yoker, Glasgow. This particular vehicle is one of' three which are being supplied to the Rotherham Corporation. It possesses a carrying capacity of 21 tons or 7 cubic yds., and the body is 11 ft. 6 ins. long, 6 ft. 6 ins. wide and has sides 2 ft. deep.
The body is equipped with springactuated wooden lids and hydraulically operated end-tipping gear, although, -where it is desired, hand-operated gear can be provided for this model. The height from the ground to the top of the sides of the body is 4 ft. 7 ins.
The chassis is shod with pneumatic tyres on the front wheels and solid equipment on the rear, but peumaties can' when demanded, be supplied on all four wheels.
Hampshire Roads Closed.
During the Army Manceuvres, which are now proceeding and will continue until September 20th, a number of roads in Hampshire is temporarily closed. The Automobile Association is co-operating with the military authorities, and loopway signs have been erected where necessary to divert traffic.
Supplying Universal Trailers. We announced in our issue dated August 13th that Mr. H. J. Rosie had resigned his position as managing director of Duthie Large und Co., Ltd., of Athy. He now infonus us that he has joined the hoard of directors of Industrial Vehicles (Ireland), Ltd., in a. similar capacity and that this concern is now in a position to supply two and four-wheeled Universal trailers, as well as tractor cabs, etc. 115
Municipal Purchases and Proposals.
RALIFAX Town Council has referred a tender for six new motorbuses to its mdtor omnibus sub-committee for consideration and with power to act:
The tramways committee of the SUNDERLAND Corporation has decided to invite tenders for the supply of eight additional single-deck motorbuses.
BOURNEMOUTH Town Council has received sanction to borrow £3,750 for the purchase of three motorbuses and £2,646 for four vehicles for refuse-collectiou -work.
NELSON Town Council is considering the question of buying new buses and inquiries as to types and prices of 26seater and 32-seater vehicles are to be made.
The borough engineer of SOUTH SHIELDS reports that the corporation cleansing committee will shortly have to consider the purchase of additional motor vehicles.
The health committee of DUDLEY Corporation has derided to arrange for trials with several types of motor vehicle, as suggested by the chief sanitary inspector.
The transport committee of Pismount Corporation has obtained sanction for a loan of £18,000, repayable within eight years, for the purchase of 12 motorbuses.
The tramways committee of DRAT/FORD Corporation has accepted the tender of Oswald Tillotson, Ltd., at £130, for the supply, for the parcels department, of a Trojan chassis. • BELFAST Town Council is to make application for sanction to borrow £3,000 for the provision of two tipping wagons. , The educar on committee of BRADFORD Corporation recommends the provision of an additional motor ambulance.
ALsrox Rural District Council is considering the question of buying fire-fighting equipment at a total cost of about £1,000.
MErtn3EN(Coventry) Rural District Council has referred to its fire-protection committee the question of the pro
vision of a motor ambulance.• The watch. committee ., of SMITH SHIELDS Corporation has accepted the tender of Smith Bros., Ltd., of • Manchester, at £743, for the supply of an Austin motor ambulance.
The surveyor to SANDWICH TOwil Council is preparing figures showing the Present cost of cottage, as well as an estimate of the cost of ownership of a motor lorry as against the hiring of horses and carts.
Long-distance Services From Wares.
The Great Western Express Co., Ltd., has now opened a new garage, with booking offices, at 17, North Morgan Street, Cardiff. The company's service between Cardiff and London is-now increased to four departures daily in each direction.
Ralph's Garages, Ltd., of Abertillery, Mon., is now running a daily service connecting the eastern and western valleys of Monmouthshire with Black pool, the return fare being 10s.
Another Big Railway Bus Purchase.
Information is in circulation to the effect that the London and North Eastern Railway Co. and the London, Midland and Scottish Railway Co. have conjointly purchased the East Midland Motor Services, Ltd., which for a number of years has been operating regular services in Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
The East Midland Motor Services, Ltd., was registered in 1920 as W. T. Underwood, Ltd., with a nominal capital of £5,000, and the title was changed in June, 1927. The company is operating over 100 single-deck buses. It is understood that tlie railway companies will commence the operation of the services as from the beginning of next month.
Aldtor.coach Popularity in Wales.
Official returns show that 1,342,700 people journeyed to Barry, the popular Glamorgan seaside resort, by road vehicles and by rail during the month of August. Of the total 932,700 visitors arrived by road motors, and not one accident occurred during the period.
A.E.C.s for Irish Service.
The 95-h.p. six-cylinder Reliance passenger chassis manufactured by the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., is making much headway in Ireland, and the company has received repeat orders from the Great Northern Railway (Ireland), as well as from a wellknown Irish operator, Mr. F. Duffy, who is supplementing his' fleet with three of these models.